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Originally posted by cf:
RJM - how is your son doing? I remember reading in the spring that he was able to play some during his senior season. From what I recall good academics and player - bad timing with injury.

Hope things are going well for him!
He returned for the high school season physicaly weak three weeks out of a sling and never having the time to rehab the knee injury that preceeded the shoulder injury. He only missed opening day before getting medical clearance to slide. He DH'ed for a couple more weeks before he was ready to throw. He had a solid senior year. But he wasn't physically college prospect ready. He played Legion and spent the summer rehabbing and working out. We have several camps and small showcases targeted for the fall and winter. He's going to take two courses a semester at a local comm college to stay academicaly tuned in.

He did apply to colleges from an academic perspective. A couple of baseball knowledgeable dads tried to convince me he could walk on at a particular D1 program he would have chosen. To me, there are too many unknown variables to walking on.
Originally posted by 3FingeredGlove:
The restriction on spring enrollment only applies to D1. If the spring enrollment is the player's initial enrollment in any college, then he is eligible, assuming he meets other eligibility requirements.
What if he's taking two courses at a community college as a part time student?
Last edited by RJM
I am not sure on that question, that's why I said what I did, the rules change I think for those that have taken any college courses.

My son was asked to begin college in the spring of his senior HS year, he had met all of the requirements for graduation, but his scholarship would not be in effect until the fall that he signed for his scholarhip to begin. That was also before roster limitations. All of the players mentioned above were already commited and planned for. Kyle Parker's scholarship came from football.

My impression is that most coaches are trying to cut for spring, not add, which is a lot different than the above situations.

RJM, hope all is well.

You need clarification from 3FG.

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