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I think it would be quite helpful to readers of this website if there were a category called Experts (perhaps in the Announcement Section) that people could go to in order to find others who have a lot of experience dealing with a particular subject. After reading many posts, people tend to need more specific information and then start emailing various websters whose posts were helpful to them.

I know quite a lot about admissions in the Ivy League and other high academic colleges and universities. I would be happy to share my insights. My son has also undergone surgery for a torn labrum. Again, I have done research in this area although I am certainly not a medical expert (I'm more a mom expert for this).

I know others of you are experts on various schools - conferences - going pro - college majors, employment, specific camps and showcases and so on. I thnk it would be helpful to others to spread the information when needed (and usually when needed means 'I need to know as much as I can from everyone and anyone right this very minute!').

Also, I think it would be fun to know the date that websters started using this site - I see old timer designations - and I wonder what I am - a grandmother old timer - I started posting very timidly in September, 1999. I wonder when we'll be able to celebrate the second generation using this site!
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Expert Section. We would to have a separate heading for TR, one for Fungo, one for Linear, one for Dibble, one for Bear, one for...
...Well, you get the picture. There are a TON of experts on this site that all contribute in their own ways, whether they disagree with each other, or not.
I'm concerned too many changes will mess with the Karma of the site, but that's a whole other thread unto itself.
JT - You miss my point - of course there are a million experts on this site -but they are NOT all experts on one specific subject. Perhaps EXPERT is the wrong designation - what I meant is that there are many various posters who are knowledgeable in ONE or more specific areas - not necessarily generalists.

I know when people email me, they do so about particular information - and I looked for people with particular information that I needed. Not everyone knows everything about everything.

I envisioned a list of subject matter with names of those interested in adding their names to the subject matter to be contacted as needed.
Last edited by NY MOM
Perhaps I misunderstand your suggestion but...

One of the best parts about this site is the knowledge that is shared.

The way it is now folks who are not comfortable posting can still gain tons of knowledge just by reading the replies to the questions other folks post.

If we get in the habit of PMing those who we expect to give us the info we need no one else gets to read the responses - and thus learn from the information.

Some of those "lurkers" who read but don't post are the ones who most need answers. And ironcially, after 6 months or maybe 2 years of lurking they become some of more active posters with their own brand of knowledge to share.

I guess I'm saying is keep the posts out in the open where more folks can learn from the responses.
Originally posted by AParent:
If we get in the habit of PMing those who we expect to give us the info we need no one else gets to read the responses - and thus learn from the information.

Some of those "lurkers" who read but don't post are the ones who most need answers. And ironcially, after 6 months or maybe 2 years of lurking they become some of more active posters with their own brand of knowledge to share.

This phenomenon is commonly refered to as the Beezer Method.
A very good post. I understand exactly what you mean by designating an area or forum to get a specific question answered. I felt the same way years ago because I wanted a Yes/No answers to my many questions. I couldn’t get them. I still had to make decisions based on opinions but now I'm thankful for those differing opinions. Medical doctors are extremely educated in their field and considered experts. However, it is VERY common to get a second and even a third opinion before making a decision. Such is the HSBBW. There are no experts on the HSBBW. Well, let me rephrase that. There are persons on this board that I would call experts in particular areas but I would also suggest they are pleasantly biased. They do try to give unbiased opinions but an “UNBIASED OPINION” is an oxymoron. Even if there were true unbiased “experts” available, there are no “pat” answers for the majority of questions. Most questions pertain to a specific player. For instance, should my son play the outfield or first base? Is it better to make him a switch hitter or should he focus on being a LH hitter only? Should he attend a D-1 college in Georgia or a D-3 in Wisconsin? Every player is different from every other player in the world. That player and his parent have a smorgasbord of opinions to choose from when they come to the HSBBW. If you’ll notice just about every subject has an opposing view. I think that is very healthy and the main ingredient that has made the HSBBW the best baseball website available for a player and his parents seeking a solution for their situation.
NY Mom,

I think this is a very good suggestion, though I haven't yet thought of a good way to implement it. The other opinions in this thread are valid, too ... about wanting to keep most discussions public so that visitors and other members can benefit, and also perhaps about some folks thinking they are experts in a lot of subjects!

I am planning several enhancements to the site and forums for this year, and will keep this in mind as a possibility. One approach that occurred to me is to add a designation after the member's title (i.e. HSBBWeb Old Timer). The designation could be something like "Recruiting *****" for a five-star expert in Recruiting topics, or "Hitting *" for a less knowledgeable Hitting expert. (Sorry, I probably shouldn't have said that!) Roll Eyes

But on the other hand, sometimes I have learned a bunch from a relative newcomer who starts a post by saying that they are NOT an expert, then proceeds to share a real life story or an opinion that just sheds a whole new light on a topic.

Anyway, I appreciate suggestions like this, and will keep it in mind as I continue to work on site enhancements.

Last edited by MN-Mom
Originally posted by Fungo:
Even if there were true unbiased “experts” available, there are no “pat” answers for the majority of questions. Most questions pertain to a specific player. For instance, should my son....a switch hitter or should he focus on being a LH hitter only?

So what you're saying is that I worded my question poorly? pull_hair Wink
I never realized that using the term 'expert' would touch such nerves. I do know that many people email posters about going further with their information after first finding the information on an open forum. I'm not saying there should be only one person designated as an expert - or as experienced in one area. Why not let people sign up under areas with which they feel most secure....that way if someone wants MORE SPECIFIC inforamtion, they know where to ask without having to search threads to find the person they are going to email anyway.

I never meant to suggsst that one person be considered THE hsbaseballweb expert in an area. My idea would just list those websters who usually post about a specific area in one place...and it would be their choice to offer their help.

That was my intent with this suggestion - not to assume that only one point of view was the be-all and end-all.

So much for suggestionsSmile
Last edited by NY MOM
Just MHO, but my questions have always been answered promptly and from many perspectives. Sometimes the best advice I've received has come from a brand new poster that no one even knows yet. I don't know - I think it's a can of worms. Who qualifies as 'expert'? It seems to me the site is functioning very well 'as is'. Awesome resource!

Understand your thinking, but believe the negatives would outweigh the positives. Most everyone here has expertise or experience. It's those different experiences that make this site so valuable and interesting. Every person has unique experience and differing opinions.

Who can say who the true experts really are? I've learned a lot from people here who I'm pretty sure don't consider themselves experts. Also listened to and ignored a lot of BS from people here who do consider themselves experts.
NYMom...I, too, understand your thinking. However, very rarely is there one "expert" answer to any question having to do with any area of the sport of baseball that will fit your particular need. I'm with the majority on this issue. Ask a question in the appropriate forum and "listen" to all of the responses. Then, glean from those responses a resolution to your particular issue. If you can't come up with a resolution, clarify your question/issue and ask again. baseball4

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