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One poster recently made note of this in another thread,she will remain unidentified, but I feel compelled to post this.

From where I sit crotchety old men, I am proud to be one, are needed to offset the young eager beavers who want to be PC all the time. The eager beavers can be male or female it matters not, they are just eager

At my age I don't worry about PC, to me that is a personal computer, because it matters not-- as in the sea and in lakes there is a needed balance before all the inhabitants and if the eagewr beavers run lose they will offset the balance of the domicile(site/lake)

The thread the term arose in was the thread where JH was posting. Just so you all know, JH plays for a program I consult for with regard to recruiitng, no I do not coach, so I know a little bit about him and his ability and temperment.

But lets all just sit back and enjoy the ride adn the fun of it all--there is a real world out there and it aint easy--I think kids need to be kicked in the butt every once in awhile to keep them going on the right path--if you do not agree so be it-- it is your priviledge but I have been doing this a long time and been successful so I will continiue with my methods

As I tell people at our showcase seminars--you may not like what I tell you but you will know I am not BS'ing you--it will honest and up front--just because it isn't what you want to hear does not mean it is wrong

By the way I like being crotchety and as PG has said "TR is crazy"--yea but I am also sweet and loveable
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I got a little Crochety this week in Omaha, at the final gm. of or tournament.
Son leading off the 1st inning.
And the Team's screaming from the Dugout to Incourage him.
I just felt it was over the top.
And when the UMP call's a low ankle biter a Strike, I knew he did not like it either.
I'm Just a Parent, But I let them the Player's/Coach Know I didn't Care for there Behavior. I thought it was a little Bush.
Was I Wrong for being so Grumpy?
At the Time it just hit me Wrong.
Have you ever been There. the EH

And it doen't make your observations correct either---up this way we use the term "correct" not "right"-- you get the point

If you are the one doing the kicking you better be ready for what happens after that---

By the way--I see you have no info on your profile--I know who I am , DO YOU !!!

Funny how all the "anti-TR's" have no info on their profiles---funny coincidence isnt it---guys --stand up and be counted if you can !!!!
Last edited by TRhit
TR - I thought the "cane" comment was a little harsh. I had actually heard it was a walker.....with a pinwheel and one of those bike bells you ring with your thumb. Wink

Seriously though, I was pretty impressed with the way he handled it. Sure he spouted off publicly. Teenagers know it ALL. I've got 2 that are the same way. But what impressed me was that he had the intestinal fortitude to come back and admit he was wrong. I think that says a lot.
Last edited by Beezer
Originally posted by TRhit:

By the way--I see you have no info on your profile--I know who I am , DO YOU !!!

Funny how all the "anti-TR's" have no info on their profiles---funny coincidence isnt it---guys --stand up and be counted if you can !!!!

Who said I was referring to you? Wink

As far as being anonymous, what exactly is it that you need to know about me and I will be glad to tell you. I didn't know anyone would be interested.
Last edited by sluggo

You didnt answer the question--why no info on your profile

By the way--ask anyone who knows me I wear no claock--I am too brutally honest, so I am told, and if that is so why wear cloak

having no idea who or what you are why even bother-- stand up and be counted or are you hiding in texas--you can even send the info via a PM/email--it will between me and you

Indulge this crotchety old man
Last edited by TRhit

Originally posted by Krakatoa:
I see nothing wrong with us older guys who want to crochet. If Rosie Greer can do needlepoint, we can crochet......and be proud to be crochety.

Have you tried counted cross-stitch? The old crocheters and needle pointers will tell you that this is the way to get started....all you have to do is count...and have reasonably good dexterity.

Arthritis sufferers may want to sit these out...and those suffering from dementia may find the task too tedious and taxing.

I tell you what...there is nothing more satisfying during those lengthy rain delays than stitching and knitting a colorful, weather-tight, cover for the Weber grill...complete with tie-down tassles!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Isn't it strange that those with the biggest egos and who constantly talk about "knowing who they are" are often the most insecure? And too often they try to tear others down to make themselves seem taller. Really it is quite tragic. Hopefully such people will find the acceptance they need so badly, and find the self-esteem they need.

Do you hear me buddy? Throw me a line...the water is getting really choppy here!

That Gordon Lightfoot tune is stuck in my head...

The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down
Of the big lake they call Gitche Gumee
The lake, it is said, never gives up her dead
When the skies of November turn gloomy.

With a load of iron ore - 26,000 tons more
Than the Edmund Fitzgerald weighed empty
That good ship and true was a bone to be chewed
When the gales of November came early... know the rest.

I was taught a long time ago--when you are talking with someone always look them in the eye and you know who you are talking to--- same with profiles--maybe you do it differently in your neck of the woods but I don't do it that

Egos have nothing to do with the picture but it is more about people being upfront those they communicate with--

You can think as you wish--that is your priviledge but it does not impress me if you are not man enough to say who and what you are

But then could be because I am a crotchety old man who you know absolutely nothing about and perhaps will never will
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