How much should acedemics weigh in picking a school to play at?
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quote:It would depend on the player's aspirations.
It depends how much value is placed in the decision making process on getting a degree from Timbuktu State or a more prestigious university. In your son's case he got the best of both worlds. If my son's choice is between a D3 program like Hopkins or D1 at Timbuktu he'll be at Hopkins.quote:Originally posted by Coach May:
100% based on the baseball program. I wonder if someone could post a list of the college baseball programs that kids choose that do not also offer the opportunity to get a college degree?
quote:Someone who played in the minor leagues and went to Omaha with Michigan told me once that you want to go to a school that passes the "resume test". How would a potential employer view your resume with that school's name attached to it.
Why is going to an Ivy League school not good advice? Do you not go to college to better your station in life? Do some successful people have a BS/BA from small private schools and large public institutions, yes they do. Just because you have an Ivy League education is no guarantee for success but it will allow you to walk to the front of the line and give you every advantage possible. Do what your heart tells you to do but the numbers say that in the long run people have more opportunities if they attend the Ivy League school over a large state university. I am one of those that has a BS from the large state university and have coached at the large state universtiy.quote:Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
cbg I'm not sure that is good advice.
Can someone name an NCAA college that doesn't have good academics ? Colleges that you can graduate from and not get a good job ? Colleges that stifle an intelligent grad from reaching his potential ?
Is every kid cut out to attend an Ivy type college ? Do only Ivy grads get great jobs ?
U wonder why all those colleges pay millions of dollars to crank out worthless degrees ? Do you think someone might have exposed them for what they are or are not ?
quote:It only means that I know baseball is much more important to some than some want to admit on this site.
quote:You can get a great education in college its up to you. Or you can not and that is up to you as well.
quote:The idea that your son has to attend this U or that U to get a great college education I dont buy.
Why would a parent push athletics over academics at any time? In our house academics have always come first. Chances are success in life is going to come from education, not athletics.quote:I am astounded when parents who have pushed baseball as a full time job since a player was 6 sudenly tell him that they really didn't mean it, it was the scholarship $ and the prestige of the institution that really matters.
quote:Why would a parent push athletics over academics at any time?
quote:...In the bigger picture, I would suggest that it is not an either is one (aheltics)supporting the other (academics) both directions. Both have valuable lessons to teach.
quote:Originally posted by observer44:
...In the bigger picture, I would suggest that it is not an either is one (aheltics)supporting the other (academics) both directions. Both have valuable lessons to teach.44
quote:For example: all other things being equal (including LSAT scores), when applying to law school, if your son has 3.8 GPA from a prestigious college, he has a considerable advantage than with the same GPA from a non-prestigious college.
If a Harvard grad is driving a taxt he made that decision. He didn't have to be driving a cab.quote:I knew a Harvard grad years ago that drove a taxi.
quote:Originally posted by RJM:
Supreme Cout Justice Stevens, Harvard Law grad was once asked if he was concerned about the number of Supreme Court Justices from elite law schools. He responded, "Some of them went to Yale."