I know that some here have been through similar experiences - I have a quick question re opinions on taking part in area code tryouts. My son suffered a knee injury 10 days ago - at first thought to be acl tear, but turns out to be mcl sprain and minor knee cap dislocation, he is in intial stages of therapy and will require a brace for a couple months.
The timeline for the tryouts is in all likelihood too close, and there are many variables in between now and then (10 days). He hasn't had much opportunity to showcase in front of others due to geography and economics. Curious if it is something that may be worth going to if he is 75-80% +. I wouldn't consider attending under that metric,and will confirm with therapist before deciding.
No doubt others have been to these things at less than 100%, speed is one of his strong points.
Should he mention the injury if he chooses to go, any other general advice is appreciated.
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