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I'm good with Jeter's last hurrah at the All-Star game.  I get it, he's an icon.   It was a fantastic event for Jeter, and very well done for the most part.  However, two things really chafed my buttocks at last night's game.


1) ken Rosenthal's interview with Bud Selig.  Selig was asked about his greatest regret as commissioner.   He answered the 1994 Labor Strike.  Really?  While certainly a top 10 answer is it no way near the top of the list for the rest of the baseball world.  No mention about nipping steroids/PEDS earlier or leveraging technology quicker for instant replay, changing the All-Star game format, interleague play, etc...  It is time for Grandpa Bud to go.


2) No mention or tribute by MLB for Tony Gwynn?  What is going on there?  Gwynn was the total package and a great ambassador for MLB.  Did someone at the MLB offices forget about Tony?  That is a head shaker.


What are your thoughts on the All-Star game

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I thought it was one of the better recent All Star games.  The best thing about the evening, concerning Derek Jeter, was that there really wasn't a scripted on-field tribute, everything seemed spontaneous - just a heartfelt sense of appreciation for the man and player.  Mike Trout was/is fantastic - really nothing more exciting to see than Trout kicking it into high gear rounding the bases on another EBH, although I would have been fine with Jeter getting the MVP nod.


Yes, there really, really should have been a tribute to Tony Gwynn - people messed that one up, big time.  I enjoyed that Kurt Suzuki and Perkins got to close it out as battery-mates in front of the home crowd.  It didn't break my heart to see Yasiel Puig wear the sombrero.  For the most part, the pitching was tremendous, with just enough offense to keep it lively.


It seems to me that we're in a really rich period right now for MLB baseball in terms of talent.  There are just a ton of great players right now - look at the ERAs this season, and how many starters are over the 10-win point at the break (yes I know, wins are considered a meaningless stat for pitchers....)

Last edited by like2rake
Originally Posted by birdman14:

Huge Yankee fan, but even I'm sick of all the Jeter stuff. There is something about the way he interviews that I just don't love. Unapproachable comes to mind. Still a half season of mediocre baseball to go.


And I couldn't agree more, no mention of Gwynn is just plain wrong.



Birdman - I'm glad you said it and not me.  I think Jeter had a great career, and revolutionized the position even more than some of his predecessors.  He is a very talented player and certainly HOF worthy.  I also think Jeter got lucky with this career timing, and alot of credit thrown his way unnecessarily.  I think his unapproachable-ness is a strong desire to keep a personal life in one of the highest profile positions on the highest profile team in sports.  Frankly, I don't blame him for that.  I really wish the media circus would end on this Jeter thing too   Hopefully the media will find something else to focus on...World Cup 2018 in Russia......anyone?. 

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