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Originally posted by anotherplayerforteam:
Our administrators did deal with it. Both the coaches are gone, and the fact that they didn't want to embarass already embarassed coaches says good things about their character. You are right in that crazy parents are everywhere. But few use the Freedom of Information Act to get coaches fired. And even fewer use HSBBW to attempt to get coaches fired. Also, you continue to refer to one incident as the standard. All I am trying to say, and have been trying to say, is that this isn't indicative of our school. I Am most definitely not sticking my nose in anything, I just really hate it when things are said about TC that really aren't true. And I guaruntee most other titans feel the same way.

I am not defending the extent that this parent went to, in fact I think it is over the top extreme. However, I find it disturbing that nobody cared about the initial email. Why? Why did this women have to scream so loudly to be heard? Why didn't the AD nip it in the bud? I beg to differ, but you are sticking your nose in it. Just by getting on here to defend something that has nothing to do with you.

You keep on talking about your coach, as though this has something to do with him. What is the connection? Did he have emails too? Is there something that has been said about him? I don't recall anyone even bringing up another coach on this thread except you.

Why are you so defensive about something that does not affect your playing?
The "booster club" at our school is truly misnamed. It really is a political action committee--and a few years ago, has (illegally) donated $15,000 to a political campaign. That is, the booster club took funds donated by parents and businesses to support the athletic programs at the school and used the money to fund political campaigns.

WOW! Are you kidding!? How is that not embezzlement? In addition, most booster clubs are tax exempt 501c3 organizations which are prohibited by IRS rules from doing anything political, much less actually contribute funds to a PAC.

Was there any fallout?
I believe corruption does exist and for the most part, parents want the best for their kids. I am fortunate enough that I have not seen anything to the extent that you have described and this women went through at this school.

But there will always be those who say "it's you" not them. I guess what you need to do is get a law degree and go through the Freedom of Information Act to prove it.

Otherwise you will be called the trouble maker.
I do beleive that coaches should have no input in running booster clubs, let him/her tell the parents what he/she needs, and concentrate on his/her job, which is coaching.

This is an interesting issue. I know "Booster Club" covers a wide variety of sins, so perhaps how it is handled at my son's school isn't the norm.

I am the treasurer of both the baseball and football booster clubs. At our school, the booster club is basically a fundraising apparatus. Outfield signage payments, player fundraising efforts, summer baseball fees, concessions, other parent fundraising, payments for the spring trip - it all goes through the booster club.

The coach calls the shots on how the money is spent. Period. He buys equipment, balls, pays some of his coaching staff, team meals on the road, busses for long road trips, and any other expense that is not covered by the few things the school athletic department pays for.

So, in this model, the coach is essentially the executive director of the booster club.

I guess we aren't really a booster club in the same way that some schools run them.

Corruption has a cost.

From Crain's Chicago Business 11-23-09 pg.4...

    paraphrased: "...Chicago now faces "unsustainable" deficits and per capita debt in Illinois is nearing the worst in the nation."

Believe me when I say that corruption and it's partner in crime, patronage, are responsible for a large part of our sorry financial predicament.

Here in Illinois we are faced with having to make changes. How I hope we make the right choices!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
It seems to me that the coaches are most to blame here.

For about 7-8 years they must have gotten any money they wanted, when they wanted it from the boster club with no accountability. Mrs. Gordon comes in and tries to implement some rules, that are in the bylaws, and the coaches hate it. Then they act like spoiled kids and try to eliminate the person between them and the money. Then take it out on the kid. They deserved to lose their teams.

In youth sports I go by the motto "it's always the parents". In this case it seems to be the coaches who are the problem.
Dub-L-Play- look at hitenruns former posts and you will find a thread about our coach's supposed misdeeds. What originally started me off was greenmonstahs post, which accused our school of both corruption and poor athletic achievement, both of which rub me the wrong way. Why do you continue to insist it has nothing to do with me? It has less to do with you, seeing as I go to the school, so I don't see your point. I am not sticking my nose in anything, I simply stated what actually happened.

All I can say is that obviously I touched on a sore point for many people, all I was trying to do was say that this is an isolated incident.
I will probably offend some people but sometimes you have to call it like it is. I am sure that booster clubs for the most part are well meaning. In a perfect world they would raise money and that would be it. But we hear and read the stories about the political angle that comes up. the world is not perfect. In some cases a booster club is like letting the fox in the hen house. We raised this and that and the coach>>>>>> well you know how it goes in those situations.

I would agree with that Will. But when evidence of attempting to rig an election, even just a booster club election, comes to light then something must be done. What confidence could anyone possibly have in the Booster Club's actions if it were known the leadership was selected dishonestly?

The election can not merely be a formality. Why bother wasting everyone's time if that were to become the case? Fair, above board, elections are crucial.

The problem here is that a dishonest election was being planned. What does that tell you about the about the schemers? They can not be trusted!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Woodman -

Originally posted by anotherplayerforteam:
One thing about Alexandria is people here complain about EVERYTHING. Parents whose children don't get ample playing time (in their view) voice it, and often not in , person- to- person ways (i.e. hitenrun's whole thread about our school's baseball coach). The boy's lacrosse coach had been pegged in the past for not being completely truthful in his business dealings. But guess what? It was to help the lacrosse program, not to stuff his own pockets. The freshman lacrosse team is so kids who have never played the sport before can become exposed to it, because the majority of kids who play youth lacrosse in the City of Alexandria go to private school. Both the freshman and JV teams have kids who pick up a stick for the first time at the first week of tryouts. Ms. Gordon obviously had her own agenda because her daughter had played on JV the past year. She also threatened to sue the school (which I do not believe is mentioned in the article) because her daughter didn't make the team. Personally, if I were a coach, and a prospective player lied to my face about being sick, I'd cut them too. The fact that her mom is a pain in the behind probably didn't help either.

Originally posted by anotherplayerforteam:
Titanstonight- your comment is for another thread, however, what the allegations said was false and were intended to get the coach fired, not tell the truth. I am not really sure how you would know whether or not the allegations are true unless you are on the team, and I am pretty sure you aren't. I was actually there, and know what happened. And being a TC alum, I am sure you know that the administration- even the AD- has more important things to deal with than disgruntled parents.
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Anotherplayerforteam -
I am an alumni of TC. I am ashamed of this article. But more importantly, I am ashamed that this does go on at TC. You asked someone to read a thread that is about the baseball coach, and I know for a fact that the incidents in the thread are true. I think what the baseball coach did is much more troubling than what the LAX coaches did. I also think that airing on a public forum is bad taste also, but it seems that people are pushed to the limits with this administration.
What is most disturbing is that the administration seems to take the same "do nothing" response in both cases. This is a pattern.
Titanstonight- your comment is for another thread, however, what the allegations said was false and were intended to get the coach fired, not tell the truth. I am not really sure how you would know whether or not the allegations are true unless you are on the team, and I am pretty sure you aren't. I was actually there, and know what happened. And being a TC alum, I am sure you know that the administration- even the AD- has more important things to deal with than disgruntled parents.
Originally posted by anotherplayerforteam:
Thats 4 words. And he defended high school girls against some adult creep. Obviously, you don't want to argue facts because you don't know any.

You see it that way because you want to. I see an ADULT High School Coach on a spring trip on behalf of TC Williams going to a bar where TC High School girls were drinking and joining them at the bar. Getting into a bar fight, going back to the players room drunk and bragging about it.

Here's is what an ADULT would have done: Leave the bar immediately and tell the girls to get their Azz out of there before he calls their parents.

Now you brought it up. You can carry the load.
Fair enough. Obviously you have a kid who isn't happy about playing time and decides to tell daddy that coach didn't play nice with a man at the bar. That doesn't mean that what he did was wrong. He may have made a hasty decision, but it was to protect girls who otherwise probably would have been harmed.

What you are telling me is that you would have left them in the bar. That DEFINITELY is not being a good adult.
You are the one who is continuing the argument. All I am doing is making sure that our coach isn't slandered by people like you who really just don't know what they are talking about. AT ALL.

You won't drop that he was at a bar. I am pretty sure you only had to be 18 to get into the nightclub, and 21 to get into the bar. They are not one in the same. All of the girls were 18. The coach is over 21. It was also the only nightclub within ten miles of our condos, however ridiculous that sounds. My facts are all true. You, however, are making assumptions on which you have no proof. Maybe he was wrong to be at te bar in the first place- but is that really that important? That is the only thing he did wrong.
Just curious, as to why this girl's mother chose a boarding school that will force her to attend an extra year of high school. They don't mention what state it's in.
It's very typical of private schools other than post graduate programs to require more than one year of attendance. Students coming from public schools are typically requested to repeat a grade regardless of how many years they will be attending. The academics tend to be more demanding.
The boy's lacrosse coach had been pegged in the past for not being completely truthful in his business dealings. But guess what? It was to help the lacrosse program, not to stuff his own pockets.
When there's $16,000 that's not accounted for properly, that's a problem. A legal program. This all started when a coach didn't want the money accounted for properly. The rest is just a pi$$ing match.
Originally posted by jemaz:
Ms. Gordon strikes me as someone I am glad I do not know -- and dub-L-play, I don't know you and I don't like to make judgements, but the worst thing a school program can encounter is a meddlesome parent. Sports programs are best when parents simply cannot intrude. It is seldom the case when a truly talented player is cut.

The kid you are arguing with makes much more sense to me. At least from afar.
It appears to me her initial "meddling" involved the illegal handling of booster funds. There's a legal way to account for that money. This started with the request to handle the money properly and legally.
Hey, this is great...newcomers to HSBBW in a lively debate!

I can understand why APFT feels the way they do about the coach. Players are often very loyal to their coach.

Does this excuse their behavior?

No, I'm sorry kid, the revelations by the emails released under the Freedom of Information Act would be very condemning to any public official...I think in anybody's book this would be classified as a conspiracy to do another person harm through slander, libel, intimidation and a mean spiritedness that is exhibited by those who feel they are unaccountable for their behavior. I guess they discovered they are accountable...
Originally posted by anotherplayerforteam:
All I am doing is making sure that our coach isn't slandered by people like you who really just don't know what they are talking about. AT ALL.


Ok so let me get this straight - the LAX coaches tried to stuff the ballot box and sent nasty emails about the parents who where trying to make things above board. The baseball coach goes out drinking on school trips with high school girls. And the AD and Principal did nothing to remedy both situations. And you do not think the school Administration has credibility issues.
I think that is what is being said?

By the by, I think by the mere fact that you have said the coach was in a bar with the girls negates the "slander" issue. Slander is when it is not true.
Last edited by dub-L-play
Coach Waltrip- you are completely correct. What the LAX coaches did was wrong absolutely, positivelt 100%. All I was saying was that the mom and her daughter should share a portion of the blame for what they did.

dub-L-Play- you have not listened to a word I have said. I don't know if it is because I am a kid, or because you are as stubborn as a mule, but your opinion has not changed one bit since your first post. I am trying to tell you what actually happened, yet you refuse to listen to what I am saying. If you do not want to be civil, then why are you arguing with me? Do you feel good about trying to make me look bad? If you want to know what I am saying, read my posts on the thread without whatever bias you have against TC, our AD, and/or boosters organizations. At least greenmonstah had the sense to understand the conversation should stop where it did with him.
Originally posted by anotherplayerforteam:
The boy's lacrosse coach had been pegged in the past for not being completely truthful in his business dealings. But guess what? It was to help the lacrosse program, not to stuff his own pockets.

There ya go, the coach had been pegged in the past for not being truthful.

According to your next statement, every coach in America has the right to use funds raised (or given) by parents to help all new players (play on a team) that has nothing to do with the team?

Sounds like there is a lot of issues at that school, not just with the Lacrosse coaches, your best bet is to do what you should as a player, that's play, let those in charge worry about all the other stuff.
Originally posted by TPM:

According to your next statement, every coach in America has the right to use funds raised (or given) by parents to help all new players (play on a team) that has nothing to do with the team?

Sounds like the coach wanted to develop a feeder program. That's not uncommon. I don't know how the coach was going about it, or what he said.
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