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Please pray for my dad tonite...he has one of those automatic implanted defibrillators for his heart...and it has been going off today. He's been taken to the ER...I think in Trenton, TN (Fungo's neck of the backwoods) and as soon as they stabilize him, they are going to airlift him to his doctors at Vanderbilt. No idea how really serious it is...but my younger brother (25) is down there with him. I figure this is the place to go, since baseball has always been our bond and he instilled the love and respect for the game in me. Thanks.
********************************************** Baseball players don't make excuses...they make adjustments.
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Thank you so much for all your prayers. This site is truely a blessing in more ways than just baseball. Here is my AM update...
...they ended up flying him to one closer to home--Jacskon, TN--Fungo's backyard. I was able to talk to Dad about 1230 AM, and he sounded much better. They did a cath in the middle of the night--and there was no blockage--so today will be spent trying to figure out WHY the defibrillator went off about 25 times (they have a way to tap into the chip to see when it went off). That's a blessing. Thanks, again.


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