Originally posted by Texan:
Good question. But is baseball always a game? And what is a sport?
I guess I will start the answering.
In my opinion......

Baseball is a game. In the purist form, baseball is a game between two teams on any given day.
Baseball is something my dad signed me up for when I was 11 hoping for me to gain self confidence and to learn to interact with other kids my age. Learning to take instruction, learning to strive for success, learning to work towards a common goal with others.
Baseball is a game that I played in high school. That gave me a sense of belonging. Some sort of self idenity as most HS kids look for through various venues.
Baseball is a game I played in college. In which I learned to respect a man for what he taught me about life as well as what the game can offer in the team atmosphere. Baseball allowed for me a higher education but not without consequences and dedication.
Baseball is a game I played on the professional level. At the time, the day I was drafted was one of the most emotional days of my baseball career. A sense of accomplishment.......at last my dream was true. Baseball was a game that soon became a job.
Baseball was a game I got to experience at the Major League level. And yes,

as a bullpen catcher.

A game that was vastly different than expectation would allow. Different ideas, eye opening situations, a whole different avenue. Was it a game? I don't know.
Baseball is a game that I have coached in the past. A game in which has allowed me to come close to some and distant to others. A game in which I enjoy so much at times, and hate in others.
As I sat on the couch all summer only to watch the Regional tournament, I realized baseball is a game I love. Why? I don't know for sure. Maybe it for the memories of the distant places it took me. From the weed filled fields when I was 11 to experiencing Yankee Stadium with 60,000 people in the stands.
Or maybe it's for the people I have met along the way. As my college coach, I just talked to today, is still my greatest mentor. I cried the day I signed with the Brewers and he was there to experience it with me.
Or maybe it's for what it has to offer my son some day. As he sits here beside me in his little chair, I can't help but wonder if he will like baseball.
What will baseball be for him?..................
Hopefully what I wish it was for me at so many times...........
just a game.