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If you are still there, you can cry all you want, I am not the one here berating everyone elses comments with one line putdowns. You are!

For some reason, I can't even see your posts here anymore. Time after time, people here have asked you to back up your claims with some level of fact and true experience. All you ever do is respond with another one liner.

Your profile used to say "I teach hitting",
yet not once did you respond to where or whom you have actually taught. Again every time a question was asked, you came back with a one-liner. To me the last straw was how you treated beastball4. Shipping all your garbage at us adults was one thing, but to treat a young man asking for help like that was inexcusable and undefendable under any circumstances.

I & many others here would have enjoyed a true discussion of whatever it is you claim to know. I never claimed to know it all and have stated here before that I am still learning. After I posted that, you had to respond with another putdown one-liner.

We all have our opinions and personal experiences. This is a great place to exchange them. You chose to berate and belittle everyone rather than openly engage in a true discussion of any subject. if you have been removed from here, I have no doubt you will rise from ashes as another ID. Next time, try share and contribute as everyone else here does.
The volume of attacks tells me everything. I've learned from BlueDog, enjoy his posts, and have not learned a lot from the gurus who have been around the game for one hundred years, or have the theory that it must be on the field, or "if you've never faced a 120 mph fast ball from Lefty Grove, you cannot know hitting." You guys kill talent to preserve your own egos. You probably teach back elbow up, swing level, just make contact, it's all God-given talent, it cannot be taught... and such nonsense.

NHF I frankly have learned nothing from you. I've learned from Vance34 a whole lot and he has absolutely undressed me on the website. In most cases I believe he was right and I was wrong. So what! I like it, I can handle it. BlueDog, email me some time.

You can get twenty years experience, or one year experience twenty times. Some of you are really good at attacking. Go for it. Turn your attention here, Papa has broad shoulders.
I went back and read the posts in this thread. This was the premier baseball website. After reading the attacks again, see ya...

BlueDog and Vance34, please get in touch sometime. I enjoyed your posts.

Shep, "peace" brother and congratulations on your recent good news. Casey will be a FSU baseball player. I'm sure we will cross paths.

BaseballPapa signing off!

Sorry you feel that way. I do however appreciate your addressing it directly.

As far as learning anything from me, I never came here claiming to be somekind of guru. I am an engineer by profession, and therefore tend to look a things in different ways than a lot of people. I am also a Dad who has throughly enjoyed the past years of learning the teaching of baseball skills from a variety of sources as my son has progressed from LL through AAU and now into HS and Legion ball.
The coaches/instructors I have met have helped many players reach their goals in this sport. Some have gone on to play professional ball. Others have received full college scholarships. In my opinion, I put more faith into what these gentlemen have accomplished in real life than anything someone just posts on a website with no references to any players they have actually worked with or how a person could work with them for real.

I never throw away any true information that is presented with a basis in reality and backed up by references to people who have actually used the information to improve their skills.

Simply coming on a website, throwing out a bunch of one-line insults then "backing-up" your "theories" with an occasion link to some site on the net does not quailfy one as a true teacher. Would you let your child learn how to drive a car from some anonymous chatter on a website? Would you support your local school hiring a shop teacher with no background in using power tools to teach your child how use a bandsaw ? Real experience is ALWAYS relevant.

As I stated, the last straw for me was how he treated beastball4. Can you tell me where in that thread he offered anything of any use to that young man. Others were offering advice to him, but this guy was right back to his age old game of putting down and degrading other people's comments while supplying nothing himself to back up his claims.

I am sorry if you feel taking a stand on this guy's methods of attack and ridcule is ruining the site. In my opinion, his methods of "communication" here have earned him the treatment he is recieving. Time after time many of us have asked him to engage in a true discussion, but every time he goes back to the one-liner.

If he truely has a deep understanding of the swing, and wants to help others progress in the sport, why doesn't he simply publish all this information on a site and link to it in his discussions here. Everyone who has online access has plenty of space avaialable to them to make up a web page that would be able to handle this information. He could then add links to other sites to backup his positions and theories. I see no evidence of him doing this, just the ongoing, constant barage of one-liners.

I am glad you learned something from this guy, but you are in a very small minority from what I have seen here.

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