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Well, let me say some "nay". Yesterday's "stunt" was part of the fact that ESPN is presently following Bonds around filming him for an intended documentary. This wasn't just some fun and games spur of the moment i'll be one of the guys things.

I've met bonds several times. A ruder more disgusting person would be tough to find. I've spoken to club house personnel who say he is the absolute worse. I personally watched him refuse to sign a baseball for Mrs. Jackie Robinson because he was requested to sign it on the sweet spot. He was taken aside by a gentleman who sternly said to him "B, this is JACKIE's wife". To which bonds said "So".

The film of bonds going after Jim Leyland back in their Pirate days is barry, not this Paula Abdul bs.
Last edited by HeyBatter
Mrs Jackie Robinson would be the gentleman's partner who supported him through doubtlessly more than we even suspect the man went through to integrate baseball, without a hope of any glory; she's the person who had to watch her husband be humiliated, knowing he had to take it without getting militant.

But she doesn't deserve a moment's respect because "she never played a game"? You must have had a bad day, been.

Of course she never played a game; her husband got black men on the field; women still aren't allowed.
Last edited by Orlando
Barry likely figured she was going to sell the ball.

I don't know. I really don't care. All I know is that Hey, hates the guy (Bonds).

I like the guy. I don't care what the press thinks. I've had enough experience with members of the press to know that they have selective memory and slant a report (whether written or tv or radio)in their favor. Have you ever seen an accident happen in front of your eyes? I did. Saw the report in the paper the next day and you would think that I was on the moon instead of standing near the intersection!

On the field, likely will be the best of all time...when he retires and we look back.

When pro pitchers are afraid to pitch to a guy and he gets 150-200 intentional walks a year for 7-8 years, I applaud the guy.

The real mopes are pitchers getting millions who won't pitch to him.

Whatever his motivation in getting dressed up to play Paula, we know the end result was charity and team comraderie.
Last edited by BeenthereIL
John, didn't you say a while back that a certain pitcher should have pitched around him, instead of to him? I believe that's what I read, maybe I should go search for that thread. Wink

If that's the case and I believe it is, that would be very contradicting on your part.

BTW, Bonds' first year with 150+ walks was 1996 with 151, it didn't happen again until 2001 when he was walked 177 times.

2001 177 walks
2002 198 walks
2003 148 walks
2004 232 walks
2005 009 walks (injured)

Not counting 2005, that's only three out of the last four years with 150+ walks.

It's AMAINZING what information someone can get from public records just by doing a Google name search! Eek
Last edited by Glove Man
You might wanna think again bgrroll His first wife might have a few interesting things to say.

As far as the great barry's stats he was matched if not surpassed in many by Bonilla when they were with the pirates together.

It's only since the "flax seed" oil and most definitely gutless managers and pitchers that this recent surge with him took place. Plus if this punk ever did his posing in the Gibson, Koufax, Drysdale era, he'd have hit his last HR right then.

I realize this is arguing about who likes vanilla and who likes strawberry (other than Darryl). And yes, I'm NOOOOOOOOOOOOO fan of barry (and much/most isn't from reading in the press, its from witnessing his act in person and first hand).

BTW, the ESPN documentary on him (part of this Abdul nonsense if they leave it in) starts April 4 i believe. I know what I won't be watching.
Last edited by HeyBatter
Not much to do with this debate, but kind of interesting about the great Bob Gibson.

Gibson actually was still pitching after the mound was lowered. The year after the mound was lowered he went 20-5. The next year he was 23-1 and won the Cy Young award. He was 22-2 the last year of the high mounds and won the Cy Young then also.

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