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Even though it is just a exhibition game between Tampa Bay and Cuban National Team, I am almost certain the atmosphere will be something special. As a Latino American I am grateful that I live in a country where I can go after my dreams through hard work and determination. For a lot of Cubans they could only dream of what we have here. A small percentage have been talented enough to take the risk to leave everything they know and defect, though the majority are stuck to figure out how to survive. For kids that play the game in Cuba there is no D1, D2, D3 college, all they have is the love of the game and the near impossible dream of being good enough to play in the USA for a professional team. I am optimistic that this game continues to give the people of Cuba hope. I know that the headlines have been dominated by other topics lately, but this one is special to me and the game of baseball. For the Cuban players this will be their World Series and their MLB tryout. Be whatever your political views are on the situation at the end of the day baseball is the adhesive that can repair a broken relationship between the United States and Cuba. I guess sometimes it is MORE than just a game. 

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I think there is little doubt that when the island reopens and things normalize every MLB will have an facility there like they do all over the region.  It would not surprise me that 15 years from now that there are 50 MLB players that were born in Cuba.  Probably another 200+ in the minors. 

That is 2 MLB level players and 6 or more in MiLB for each club. 

I actually think that at some point if the Cuban economy improves enough the Marlins or Rays could look at Havana as a very realistic place to relocate.

BigHurt posted:

Even though it is just a exhibition game between Tampa Bay and Cuban National Team, I am almost certain the atmosphere will be something special. As a Latino American I am grateful that I live in a country where I can go after my dreams through hard work and determination. For a lot of Cubans they could only dream of what we have here. A small percentage have been talented enough to take the risk to leave everything they know and defect, though the majority are stuck to figure out how to survive. For kids that play the game in Cuba there is no D1, D2, D3 college, all they have is the love of the game and the near impossible dream of being good enough to play in the USA for a professional team. I am optimistic that this game continues to give the people of Cuba hope. I know that the headlines have been dominated by other topics lately, but this one is special to me and the game of baseball. For the Cuban players this will be their World Series and their MLB tryout. Be whatever your political views are on the situation at the end of the day baseball is the adhesive that can repair a broken relationship between the United States and Cuba. I guess sometimes it is MORE than just a game. 

Agree. Thank you for posting. This goes beyond baseball and politics.  Although what we're  witnessing here with Obama's visit is the degradation, demoralization and perversion of an entire society and country as a whole. They will call it "communism" or "socialism" call it what you will.  For the most part what you'll see is shirtless and shoeless young Cuban boys and girls roaming the streets kicking a ball made up of newspaper or whatever else they can find. Where else do Cubans live this way? Only in Cuba. 

This is nothing more than complete corruption by a select few.  Lifting the embargo will only provide us with cheap vacations, cheap cigars and cheap woman and most of these woman will be in the form of little girls and little boys. Complete corruption of a society is the key to understanding what has happened in Cuba. 

I apologize if I hijacked your thread but as a Cuban American this is personal for me.  Disgusting and appalling that people would allow themselves to be treated this way by a few corrupt group of people.  Next time you hear our politicians mention our 2nd Amendment rights, think of these people in Cuba. My mother told me a story about this very subject.  Immediately after the communist took the island one of the very first things they did was to take guns away from the public and those who resisted were shot and killed on the spot. My mother was a very young wife.  I was an infant then, I'm 54 this year. During the morning hours soldiers with rifles in hand came to my mother's home and told my parents to vacate their home. Their home would be confiscated, to become government property is what they were told.   I should also tell you my father fought in their revolution on the side of those in power now, I will not mention them by name out of total disgust and contempt I have for'em.  Hope to see Tampa Bay beat 'em.  I thank God every day my father had the good sense of leaving the island when we did and raising my sister and I in the greatest country in the world, the USA.   

Last edited by Florida State Fan

Marine - everything you say is true IMO.  But like the Soviet Union it will soon be a chapter in history and perhaps the next generation of Cuban leadership will embrace the world economy and allow the island to join the 21st century.  In the meantime I hope that the people there are not run over in the way you outline - but it is a reasonable fear that it will happen. 

Guns - that is some can of worms there.   It is much easier to control, abuse and kill unarmed people than if they have guns and can shoot back.

US history is tied to the gun and it started with the King of England trying to limit access to gunpowder to prevent Americans from being dangerous subjects.  Turns out he was right about that.  If you want to really get the fur flying talk about Gun Control through the lens of Jim Crow. 

Every totalitarian government has two things in common - they own the guns and the communications.  No thinking American should be surprised that these are Amendments 1 & 2 of the Bill of Rights.  Our government is the most potent entity in the history of mankind and anything that abridges either of these freedoms should be viewed very suspiciously.

2ndMarDiv posted:
BigHurt posted:

Even though it is just a exhibition game between Tampa Bay and Cuban National Team, I am almost certain the atmosphere will be something special. As a Latino American I am grateful that I live in a country where I can go after my dreams through hard work and determination. For a lot of Cubans they could only dream of what we have here. A small percentage have been talented enough to take the risk to leave everything they know and defect, though the majority are stuck to figure out how to survive. For kids that play the game in Cuba there is no D1, D2, D3 college, all they have is the love of the game and the near impossible dream of being good enough to play in the USA for a professional team. I am optimistic that this game continues to give the people of Cuba hope. I know that the headlines have been dominated by other topics lately, but this one is special to me and the game of baseball. For the Cuban players this will be their World Series and their MLB tryout. Be whatever your political views are on the situation at the end of the day baseball is the adhesive that can repair a broken relationship between the United States and Cuba. I guess sometimes it is MORE than just a game. 

Agree. Thank you for posting. This goes beyond baseball and politics.  Although what we're witnessing here is the degradation, demoralization and perversion of an entire society and country as a whole. They will call it "communism" or "socialism" call it what you will.  For the most part you'll see shirtless and shoeless young Cuban boys and girls roaming the streets kicking a ball made up of newspaper or whatever else they can find. Where else do Cubans live this way? Only in Cuba. 

This is nothing more than complete corruption by a select few.  Lifting the embargo will only provide us with cheap vacations, cheap cigars and cheap woman and most of these woman will be little girls and little boys. Complete corruption of a society is the key to understanding what has happened in Cuba. 

I apologize if I hijacked your thread but as a Cuban American this is personal for me.  Disgusting and appalling that people would allow themselves to be treated this way by a few corrupt group of people.  Next time you hear our politicians mention our 2nd Amendment rights, think of these people in Cuba. My mother told me a story about this very subject.  Immediately after the communist took the island one of the very first things they did was to take guns away from the public and those who resisted were shot and killed on the spot. My mother was a very young mother,  I was an infant still breast feeding. During the morning hours soldiers with rifles in hand came to my mother's home and told my parents to vacate their home.   I should also tell you that my father fought in their revolution on the side of those in power now, I will not mention them by name out of total disgust I have for'em.  Hope to see Tampa Bay beat 'em.  I thank God every day my father had the good sense of leaving the island when we did and raising my sister and I in the greatest country in the world, the USA.   

My girlfriend grew up in Venezuela. She left in middle school. She has the same hard feelings of what Venezuela has become. Venezuela became a satellite nation to Cuba. The difference is if you have money you can leave. With 1000% inflation very few people have money. Due to the lack of income it has become a very dangerous place.

When she hears Bernie Sanders talk she responds, "That is what was intended for Venezuela. Don't trust politicians."

Last edited by RJM
luv baseball posted:

Marine - everything you say is true IMO.  But like the Soviet Union it will soon be a chapter in history and perhaps the next generation of Cuban leadership will embrace the world economy and allow the island to join the 21st century.  In the meantime I hope that the people there are not run over in the way you outline - but it is a reasonable fear that it will happen. 

Guns - that is some can of worms there.   It is much easier to control, abuse and kill unarmed people than if they have guns and can shoot back.

US history is tied to the gun and it started with the King of England trying to limit access to gunpowder to prevent Americans from being dangerous subjects.  Turns out he was right about that.  If you want to really get the fur flying talk about Gun Control through the lens of Jim Crow. 

Every totalitarian government has two things in common - they own the guns and the communications.  No thinking American should be surprised that these are Amendments 1 & 2 of the Bill of Rights.  Our government is the most potent entity in the history of mankind and anything that abridges either of these freedoms should be viewed very suspiciously.

luv, hope you're right. But I suspect even when those f... people go away and I know they will they will have already polluted the minds of this generation with socialist and communist garbage. Will take plenty of baseball and greens to reprogram them.  I hope to see good baseball. Although I have to tell you, I went to see their "national team"  note the quotes here in the Carolinas and truthfully they looked more like a bunch of tired, beer drinking 40 year old softball players. There were one or two that stood out but not much else. Our collegiate team beat 'em squarely.    

Last edited by Florida State Fan

I just almost threw up.  My alert says that Carnival Cruise Lines will be first cruise ship to be given permission to go to Cuba.

I don't think that political discussions belong on a baseball website. I won't get political, I have mixed feelings on all of this, I live in South Florida and have many Cuban American friends.  The old guard is furious, the younger crowd are americans.  There are mixed feelings about the whole thing.

HOWEVER, the long and the short of it is that this is a communist country and the Castro family controls EVERYTHING. They will not allow anyone to get rich, but the US. They will allow people in but its hard to get out.  Some things will never change.

I heard something that I agree with that Trump said today, we give our enemies too much and our friends too little.

RJM posted:

I would rather our president not stand at attention for a picture in front of murderer Che Guevara. 

Or attend a church that preaches hate, or give Bin Laden a honoable burial at sea, or allow are enemies to obtain nukes, or allow the secret service to become a joke, or call a deserter a hero, or send 10,000 undocumented syrians to our community,....what happened to the good ol days when all you had to worry about was Monica Lewinsky?

The Doctor posted:
RJM posted:

I would rather our president not stand at attention for a picture in front of murderer Che Guevara. 

Or attend a church that preaches hate, or give Bin Laden a honoable burial at sea, or allow are enemies to obtain nukes, or allow the secret service to become a joke, or call a deserter a hero, or send 10,000 undocumented syrians to our community,....what happened to the good ol days when all you had to worry about was Monica Lewinsky?

luv baseball posted:

Marine - everything you say is true IMO.  But like the Soviet Union it will soon be a chapter in history and perhaps the next generation of Cuban leadership will embrace the world economy and allow the island to join the 21st century.  In the meantime I hope that the people there are not run over in the way you outline - but it is a reasonable fear that it will happen. 

Guns - that is some can of worms there.   It is much easier to control, abuse and kill unarmed people than if they have guns and can shoot back.

US history is tied to the gun and it started with the King of England trying to limit access to gunpowder to prevent Americans from being dangerous subjects.  Turns out he was right about that.  If you want to really get the fur flying talk about Gun Control through the lens of Jim Crow. 

Every totalitarian government has two things in common - they own the guns and the communications.  No thinking American should be surprised that these are Amendments 1 & 2 of the Bill of Rights.  Our government is the most potent entity in the history of mankind and anything that abridges either of these freedoms should be viewed very suspiciously.

I believe communism does not work but don't expect everything to get better after communism. Often after such a dictatorship Ends a chaos happens and organized crime and a few rich guys (oligarchs) take over. in russia that happened to some extend and it could happen in China too. in Germany it did not happen but east Germany was integrated into a highly developed Country (but there are still many Problems in east Germany compared to west Germany).

after some time it could get better but I could easily see it getting even worse before it gets better.

also don't Forget that caribean countries don't have it easy anyway. they don't have a lot of natural ressources and the Island Location does not make it easier.

So will a free Cuba become like the USA? or will it be more like Jamaica, Domenican rebublic or even Haiti?

I'm not defending the castro Regime, it is bad and should be gone but other carribean Islands are not exactly doing super great. It will be a Long road for Cuba (and the other carribean Islands too) but I hope they can head into the right direction.

Last edited by Dominik85
Dominik85 posted:
luv baseball posted:

Marine - everything you say is true IMO.  But like the Soviet Union it will soon be a chapter in history and perhaps the next generation of Cuban leadership will embrace the world economy and allow the island to join the 21st century.  In the meantime I hope that the people there are not run over in the way you outline - but it is a reasonable fear that it will happen. 

Guns - that is some can of worms there.   It is much easier to control, abuse and kill unarmed people than if they have guns and can shoot back.

US history is tied to the gun and it started with the King of England trying to limit access to gunpowder to prevent Americans from being dangerous subjects.  Turns out he was right about that.  If you want to really get the fur flying talk about Gun Control through the lens of Jim Crow. 

Every totalitarian government has two things in common - they own the guns and the communications.  No thinking American should be surprised that these are Amendments 1 & 2 of the Bill of Rights.  Our government is the most potent entity in the history of mankind and anything that abridges either of these freedoms should be viewed very suspiciously.

I believe communism does not work but don't expect everything to get better after communism. Often after such a dictatorship Ends a chaos happens and organized crime and a few rich guys (oligarchs) take over. in russia that happened to some extend and it could happen in China too. in Germany it did not happen but east Germany was integrated into a highly developed Country (but there are still many Problems in east Germany compared to west Germany).

after some time it could get better but I could easily see it getting even worse before it gets better.

also don't Forget that caribean countries don't have it easy anyway. they don't have a lot of natural ressources and the Island Location does not make it easier.

So will a free Cuba become like the USA? or will it be more like Jamaica, Domenican rebublic or even Haiti?

I'm not defending the castro Regime, it is bad and should be gone but other carribean Islands are not exactly doing super great. It will be a Long road for Cuba (and the other carribean Islands too) but I hope they can head into the right direction.

To answer your question YOU need to understand Cubans and Cuban Americans. Cuba was a highly developed country before the communist took over.  With a vibrant and highly educated middle class.  The medical schools were at par with American medical schools.  Cubans had no reason to migrate anywhere until communism. Cuba was never like any other  caribbean country, totally different countries and cultures.  Yes it will take many years to rebuild the mess the communist created such as the infrastructure, huge problem with the infrastructure. The communist instead of building they pocketed money and enriched themselves . Again I won't name them out of disgust and contempt. Socialism! Really!     

Those of you who are nostalgic about the country should go and live in Cuba. Under one condition though you must live as an average Cuban and receive their monthly rations.  After couple weeks those buildings and cars everyone talks about will start to reveal themselves as nothing more than the total break down and corruption of a society and exploitation by a corrupt government. 

My apologies to all.     


RJM posted:

To calm your fears 10,000 Syrians did not enter the country. The actual number is about 1,100. Many of the governors refused to take them.

This is a pretty weird thing (Syria, ISIS and fighting there).  My buddy who is the Green Beret of church missions has let me know that Syria is a very sad situation.   A lot of white collar types and others being run out of the country.  So I can identify with these folks a bit.   ISIS will roll in and give them very little time to grab whatever and surrender their homes and possessions.   Couple this with outsiders bombing the mess out of the country.  Some pretty sad people coming out of there.   He says its a great witnessing opportunity.  

On the flip side, it does seem to open up a lot of potential dangers.   Europe can attest to this quite effectively. 

RJM posted:

I would rather our president not stand at attention for a picture in front of murderer Che Guevara. 

My friend, this is absolutely in line with Mr. Obama's philosophical worldview.   The link between Guevara and Black Liberation Theology is not disputed.  Put this in to context with Obama's Chicago background (old stomping grounds of the Moorish Science Temple of N.A as well as head quarters for the Nation of Islam) and his involvement in Jeremiah Wright's church, which was BLT in its theology and preaching, and this fits perfectly.  Rubio had some pretty enlightening words for Jay-Z about Guevara when the rapper decided to pose with Beyonce in front of CG's picture.

Say what you will about Trump, but don't turn around and give BO and free pass on his racial bigotry.

Teaching Elder posted:
RJM posted:

I would rather our president not stand at attention for a picture in front of murderer Che Guevara. 

My friend, this is absolutely in line with Mr. Obama's philosophical worldview.   The link between Guevara and Black Liberation Theology is not disputed.  Put this in to context with Obama's Chicago background (old stomping grounds of the Moorish Science Temple of N.A as well as head quarters for the Nation of Islam) and his involvement in Jeremiah Wright's church, which was BLT in its theology and preaching, and this fits perfectly.  Rubio had some pretty enlightening words for Jay-Z about Guevara when the rapper decided to pose with Beyonce in front of CG's picture.

Say what you will about Trump, but don't turn around and give BO and free pass on his racial bigotry.

Agree 100%.  All BO action is intentional and calculated.  

Teaching Elder posted:
RJM posted:

I would rather our president not stand at attention for a picture in front of murderer Che Guevara. 

My friend, this is absolutely in line with Mr. Obama's philosophical worldview.   The link between Guevara and Black Liberation Theology is not disputed.  Put this in to context with Obama's Chicago background (old stomping grounds of the Moorish Science Temple of N.A as well as head quarters for the Nation of Islam) and his involvement in Jeremiah Wright's church, which was BLT in its theology and preaching, and this fits perfectly.  Rubio had some pretty enlightening words for Jay-Z about Guevara when the rapper decided to pose with Beyonce in front of CG's picture.

Say what you will about Trump, but don't turn around and give BO and free pass on his racial bigotry.

Barry and Michelle are the only real racists!

And yeah, he absolutely staged that photo in front of Che.

.... out .... 


2ndMarDiv posted:
Dominik85 posted:
luv baseball posted:

Marine - everything you say is true IMO.  But like the Soviet Union it will soon be a chapter in history and perhaps the next generation of Cuban leadership will embrace the world economy and allow the island to join the 21st century.  In the meantime I hope that the people there are not run over in the way you outline - but it is a reasonable fear that it will happen. 

Guns - that is some can of worms there.   It is much easier to control, abuse and kill unarmed people than if they have guns and can shoot back.

US history is tied to the gun and it started with the King of England trying to limit access to gunpowder to prevent Americans from being dangerous subjects.  Turns out he was right about that.  If you want to really get the fur flying talk about Gun Control through the lens of Jim Crow. 

Every totalitarian government has two things in common - they own the guns and the communications.  No thinking American should be surprised that these are Amendments 1 & 2 of the Bill of Rights.  Our government is the most potent entity in the history of mankind and anything that abridges either of these freedoms should be viewed very suspiciously.

I believe communism does not work but don't expect everything to get better after communism. Often after such a dictatorship Ends a chaos happens and organized crime and a few rich guys (oligarchs) take over. in russia that happened to some extend and it could happen in China too. in Germany it did not happen but east Germany was integrated into a highly developed Country (but there are still many Problems in east Germany compared to west Germany).

after some time it could get better but I could easily see it getting even worse before it gets better.

also don't Forget that caribean countries don't have it easy anyway. they don't have a lot of natural ressources and the Island Location does not make it easier.

So will a free Cuba become like the USA? or will it be more like Jamaica, Domenican rebublic or even Haiti?

I'm not defending the castro Regime, it is bad and should be gone but other carribean Islands are not exactly doing super great. It will be a Long road for Cuba (and the other carribean Islands too) but I hope they can head into the right direction.

To answer your question YOU need to understand Cubans and Cuban Americans. Cuba was a highly developed country before the communist took over.  With a vibrant and highly educated middle class.  The medical schools were at par with American medical schools.  Cubans had no reason to migrate anywhere until communism. Cuba was never like any other  caribbean country, totally different countries and cultures.  Yes it will take many years to rebuild the mess the communist created such as the infrastructure, huge problem with the infrastructure. The communist instead of building they pocketed money and enriched themselves . Again I won't name them out of disgust and contempt. Socialism! Really!     

Those of you who are nostalgic about the country should go and live in Cuba. Under one condition though you must live as an average Cuban and receive their monthly rations.  After couple weeks those buildings and cars everyone talks about will start to reveal themselves as nothing more than the total break down and corruption of a society and exploitation by a corrupt government. 

My apologies to all.     


My girlfriend is from Venezuela. She hears Bernie Sanders talk and warns people, "Be careful what you ask for. You might get it."

RJM posted:
2ndMarDiv posted:
Dominik85 posted:
luv baseball posted:

Marine - everything you say is true IMO.  But like the Soviet Union it will soon be a chapter in history and perhaps the next generation of Cuban leadership will embrace the world economy and allow the island to join the 21st century.  In the meantime I hope that the people there are not run over in the way you outline - but it is a reasonable fear that it will happen. 

Guns - that is some can of worms there.   It is much easier to control, abuse and kill unarmed people than if they have guns and can shoot back.

US history is tied to the gun and it started with the King of England trying to limit access to gunpowder to prevent Americans from being dangerous subjects.  Turns out he was right about that.  If you want to really get the fur flying talk about Gun Control through the lens of Jim Crow. 

Every totalitarian government has two things in common - they own the guns and the communications.  No thinking American should be surprised that these are Amendments 1 & 2 of the Bill of Rights.  Our government is the most potent entity in the history of mankind and anything that abridges either of these freedoms should be viewed very suspiciously.

I believe communism does not work but don't expect everything to get better after communism. Often after such a dictatorship Ends a chaos happens and organized crime and a few rich guys (oligarchs) take over. in russia that happened to some extend and it could happen in China too. in Germany it did not happen but east Germany was integrated into a highly developed Country (but there are still many Problems in east Germany compared to west Germany).

after some time it could get better but I could easily see it getting even worse before it gets better.

also don't Forget that caribean countries don't have it easy anyway. they don't have a lot of natural ressources and the Island Location does not make it easier.

So will a free Cuba become like the USA? or will it be more like Jamaica, Domenican rebublic or even Haiti?

I'm not defending the castro Regime, it is bad and should be gone but other carribean Islands are not exactly doing super great. It will be a Long road for Cuba (and the other carribean Islands too) but I hope they can head into the right direction.

To answer your question YOU need to understand Cubans and Cuban Americans. Cuba was a highly developed country before the communist took over.  With a vibrant and highly educated middle class.  The medical schools were at par with American medical schools.  Cubans had no reason to migrate anywhere until communism. Cuba was never like any other  caribbean country, totally different countries and cultures.  Yes it will take many years to rebuild the mess the communist created such as the infrastructure, huge problem with the infrastructure. The communist instead of building they pocketed money and enriched themselves . Again I won't name them out of disgust and contempt. Socialism! Really!     

Those of you who are nostalgic about the country should go and live in Cuba. Under one condition though you must live as an average Cuban and receive their monthly rations.  After couple weeks those buildings and cars everyone talks about will start to reveal themselves as nothing more than the total break down and corruption of a society and exploitation by a corrupt government. 

My apologies to all.     


My girlfriend is from Venezuela. She hears Bernie Sanders talk and warns people, "Be careful what you ask for. You might get it."

We already had what Sanders is proposing. It was the greatest economic growth we've ever had.

Anyone that compares that to Venezuela needs to either check their facts or learn the differences between economic systems.

Last edited by Matt13
NYdad2017 posted:

I'd like to see Cuba turn over Joanne Chesimard to the US before we start sending cruise ships and relocating baseball teams. 

Thanks NY, forgot about that. She was convicted of killing a Jersey cop.  Obama and his staff gave away everything in return for nothing.  The truth is they know this and it's exactly what they wanted.  We should not be surprised one bit.    

2ndMarDiv posted:
NYdad2017 posted:

I'd like to see Cuba turn over Joanne Chesimard to the US before we start sending cruise ships and relocating baseball teams. 

Thanks NY, forgot about that. She was convicted of killing a Jersey cop.  Obama and his staff gave away everything in return for nothing.  The truth is they know this and it's exactly what they wanted.  We should not be surprised one bit.    

How many eyerolls can I do for stupid posts like this?

Matt13 posted:
2ndMarDiv posted:
NYdad2017 posted:

I'd like to see Cuba turn over Joanne Chesimard to the US before we start sending cruise ships and relocating baseball teams. 

Thanks NY, forgot about that. She was convicted of killing a Jersey cop.  Obama and his staff gave away everything in return for nothing.  The truth is they know this and it's exactly what they wanted.  We should not be surprised one bit.    

How many eyerolls can I do for stupid posts like this?

So are you another "blue lives don't matter" person?  How about the 17 other police officers that Chesimard and her associates, that also fled to Cuba, are accused of killing?

Maybe the US should welcome back the 70 fugitives from justice that have sought refuge in Cuba. 

I hope that negotiations for all of their returns to the US are ongoing. 

NYdad2017 posted:
Matt13 posted:
2ndMarDiv posted:
NYdad2017 posted:

I'd like to see Cuba turn over Joanne Chesimard to the US before we start sending cruise ships and relocating baseball teams. 

Thanks NY, forgot about that. She was convicted of killing a Jersey cop.  Obama and his staff gave away everything in return for nothing.  The truth is they know this and it's exactly what they wanted.  We should not be surprised one bit.    

How many eyerolls can I do for stupid posts like this?

So are you another "blue lives don't matter" person?  How about the 17 other police officers that Chesimard and her associates, that also fled to Cuba, are accused of killing?

Maybe the US should welcome back the 70 fugitives from justice that have sought refuge in Cuba. 

I hope that negotiations for all of their returns to the US are ongoing. 

You must be new. At least I hope so, since my law-enforcement background has been discussed here before.

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