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How many of you guys saw the Baseball Tonight on ESPN 2 at 10 PM ET tonight?????

It was brilliant and I wish they would've done a huge episode with it like they did with Paterno and Krzyewski a few weeks ago. Tonight they had Hershisher, Moyer, Schilling, Mulder and Sutcliffe talk pitching and baseball overall. I sat there glued to the TV and wish I had pen and paper to jot stuff down.

Seriously if you know of someway to find it please share so others can watch it. I'm going to try and find it but I'm not the most gifted technologically.

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson

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I don't know about all that but I do take pride in my spelling because I hate sounding / looking dumb when I post on the internet. If you want people to believe that what you are saying is relevant, important and accurate then you need to start off on the right foot with how you present your thoughts. That's one thing I love about this place - the people here do a good job of presenting their thoughts eloquently. Now obviously mistakes do happen but if you have the reputation for correct spelling most people will overlook it as a mistake instead of laziness or lack of intelligence.

Funny story - when I was in the 5th grade (or somewhere in there) I was in the final 5 of my school getting ready to move on to the county spelling bee. I just knew I was going to win and I was on the stage in front of the whole school just beaming with pride....and arrogance.

When it came my turn the woman gave me "sleigh". I knew I had it in the bag and it was a piece of cake. So I went S-L-A-Y - slay. She said I was wrong and it was like when you take a balloon full of air and let go of the opening. I felt like I was flying around the room losing my air and pride and arrogance while nailing 1st graders in the head and knocking off glasses. Once I regained my composure I think I might have said "what the h-e-double hockey sticks do you mean I'm wrong?"

Well now the arrogance had made it over to this lady because she said all smugly "you spelled that word correctly but it probably would have been beneficial to ask for it in a sentence or a definition......dear" I'm not going to lie but I'm still planning my revenge a few decades later. If she has yard gnomes I can see me going on a paintball shooting spree one day.

Gee willikers coach we're a lot alike. I particularly liked spelling and geography. I was the smartest kid in my fourth grade class when it came to geography. We were having a contest where one student would ask another to locate a geograpohical feature on a pull down map of North America in the front of the class. I was asked to find Victoria. I could not find it...I drew a near complete blank! I did manage to find a Victoiria Island somewhere up in the Arctic Ocean, but not the city of Victoria. Embarrassing.

And in the same grade I still remember forgeting how to spell "of". All I could manage was "ov" and I knew it wasn't correct. It took me several minutes to finally get it right!



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