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Originally posted by VirginiaBsblDad:
Maybe you can share with us how many innings pitched King George pitchers have, especially Damaian.

Near as I can figure and I may be off by a few innings, Damian has pitched ~31 innings in 9 games. Six of those he started and went at least 5 innings - W&L, EV (home), Spotsylvania, Brooke Pt, Courtland, & EV (away). He did relief work against Louisa and both Chancellor games. If my addition is correct, that's out of 100 inning played.
That is correct. Damian did not pitch at all.

Lex Estes started but in the 1st or 2nd inning was hit in his throwing arm by a line drive back up the middle. After that he had trouble getting anything over the plate. Dustin Phillips took the mound in the 3rd and more or less shut Spotsy down only allowing 2 hits for the rest of the game. KG did get runners on base in the late innings, but failed to push them across. As I recall they stranded runners on 2nd & 3rd in the 6th and 7th inning.

As far as I know, Damian will be starting Friday evening.
Last edited by FoxDad
Looks like the KG/Caroline game will be a determining factor for the district championship. Assuming Spotsylvania wins out, KG wins over Caroline, KG and Caroline win their remaining games, there will be a three way tie for 1st. Assuming this, Spotsy will have swept Caroline and KG will have split with Caroline and Spotsy, KG and Spotsy will play one additional game to determine the district champion with Caroline third.

If Caroline wins over KG, and assuming all teams win their remaining games, it will be Caroline, Spotsy and then KG with Culpeper/EV fighting for the last playoff spot.

To add a little drama (as if there isn't enough I heard that two Caroline players (Beaseley and one other) were ejected from last night's game against EV. Coach Dow is appealing the ejections. Can anybody confirm this?
Yes Foxdad
Yes two Caroline players were ejected for unknown reasons. The umpires lost control of the game. In the fifth inning Caroline recieved a warning in the dugout. In the sixth inning there was a play at the plate. EV was on defense. Caroline's player was thrown out and as he was getting up it looked as if he was taunting the EV catcher. EV coaches and players bolted out of the dugout to home plate. That then caused Caroline to come out. All the coaches quickly pushed the players back to their respected dugouts. The two Caroline Players were the only ones ejected which is were it did not make any sense. EV was the first ones out of the dugout. The runner and cather were tangeled up that was it. From my view yes the Caroline player was standing over top of the catcher but he was not saying anything or getting physical. THEY WERE JUST WRAPPED UP. When i talked to the coaches after they game the two players were tossed for entering the homeplate circle. Now one of the players had just scored and was still at the plate to tell his team mate which way to slide and to get down. I did see both AD's at the game and know that the coaches talked for a long time after the game. The score was 10-1 at that time. There was no need for ejections none what so ever. The umpires lost control of the game. I hate to see the game Friday to be missing players from either side you just dont want to see it. I was hoping for a really AWESOME game Friday night. It will be tough for Caroline to win this game without two of there hotter hitters right now. Especially with how they have been struggling at the plate. I would still watch out for Will Shifflet and Jimmy Crismond. Will hit a homerun Tuesday night (not joe as the paper said) and Jimmy hit one to the fense that the centerfield robbed. Should be interesting
explyrnwscut - thanks for the update.

Sounds like some taunting (prior to the play) was going on during the game though I'm kind of surprised Caroline was the team warned. EV is notorious for their "dugout manners". Well, at least whenever KG played them......

But Caroline is exactly saintly either. Crismond said some not repeatable words towards my son in the KG/Caroline game that was played at VSC earlier this season. Technically both he and my son should have been ejected , but the ump(s) let it slide and said it was a "wash" since both had crossed the line. I was surprised.

Both teams are lucky that the entire game was not forfeited. Technically, if a player leaves the dugout to fight or in response to a fight, they could be ejected, but again it's umpire judgement.

I'm still expecting a good game Friday night.

BTW - I've seen players ejected for far less offenses such as throwing a bat or helmut.
Last edited by FoxDad
I don't mind cheering for the batter when your team is at bat - that's fine, but the jeering at the opposing pitcher is IMHO uncalled for. Even most of the legion games I've been to, teams don't do this.

Of course, they are not the only ones that do it - Chancellor was almost as bad. I think they had a turkey like call going - it was weird.

And I'm not the only parent to notice.
Last edited by FoxDad
Concur with Damien big mouth. It is ironic to me that he does not have a D1 scholarship in hand; that would defenitely enhance his bargaining position after getting drafted. Could it be because his GPA and ERA are both 1-point something......?

If KG beats Car tomorrow and all three teams win out, Spotsy is district champ. It will be decided by records of games between the three...Spotsy 3-1, KG 2-2,and Car 1-3. Case in point: Last year there was a three way tie for third/fourth place between EV, KG, and Car...KG got bumbed because they had worst record.

There is one D1 kid in the district...clues- going to a world class school...pitched 30 innings this year only giving up a total of three runs...2 extra base hits all year..and no more than 3 hits in any game. Great kid whose coach does not overuse him by throwing 120 pitches in a game....he has been totally forgotten on this net. No, I am not his dad....but I am a fan of his team.
Originally posted by STUDENT athlete:
If KG beats Car tomorrow and all three teams win out, Spotsy is district champ. It will be decided by records of games between the three...Spotsy 3-1, KG 2-2,and Car 1-3. Case in point: Last year there was a three way tie for third/fourth place between EV, KG, and Car...KG got bumbed because they had worst record.

Yes, that tiebreaker was used the last two years. KG lost out last year despite having a 9-5 district record - losing to EV twice hurt. The year before, Spotsylvania lost out to KG and EV. And that's fine for determining the finishing positions other than first.

Here's what I found at the VHSL website:

56-6-1 Determining District Championships-Each district shall determine a district champion(s) no later than the date specified in the Activities Calendar (inside front cover of the Handbook). Only the district chairman can authorize the postponement of determining a district champion(s) beyond the specified deadline date. It is recommended that district
champions be determined on a straight percentage basis, with each district council establishing the number of games to be required for championship ranking. A forfeiture should be counted as a game won by the school receiving the forfeit and as a game lost by the team forfeiting. If two or more teams are tied in the percentage standings, the team which has
played the larger or largest number of games counted in the ranking should be declared the champion. If two or more teams are tied in the percentage standings and are ranked on the basis of the same number of League games, it is recommended that a play-off be arranged. In the event a tie for a championship exists in a district, the suggestions given above shall, if necessary, be followed in designating a district representative for the regional championship unless the district council has authorized some other method.
Student athlete
That is true there has only been one D1 kid to sign so far that i know of. So i assume that you are talking about Sean Pico. Your right Coach Dow down there does not overuse any of his staff really. I do believe Pico has not thrown as much because he was sick for a week or so. So that took out one or two of his starts. But yes he is the only kid that i know of to sign his letter of intent to a D1 school so far
Originally posted by FoxDad:Chancellor was almost as bad. I think they had a turkey like call going - it was weird.

And I'm not the only parent to notice.

I was at both games; the 1st game the Chargers used the FSU War Chant; 2nd game was quiet. I know their new coach is huge on Respect for the game, your opponent and yourself.

I didn't hear a Turkey Call. You sure you didn't mean Culpeper? They have no control of their dugout and the Turkey Call was used against us twice.
Damion had a D1 offer from Liberty could have went there it was all setup he chose not to. Now he is Going to a D1 Juco In Houston (SAN JAC)if he doesnt go High enough in the draft. I think he will go somewhere between 6-10th round. He was ranked 195th out of the top 500 Prospects College and HS.
Beasley is going to Louisburg D1 Juco and of course Pico Naval Academy. Damion's GPA didn't help UVA liked him but didn'y have the GPA. There is probably a bunch going to D3s
Originally posted by STUDENT athlete:
Concur with Damien big mouth. It is ironic to me that he does not have a D1 scholarship in hand; that would defenitely enhance his bargaining position after getting drafted. Could it be because his GPA and ERA are both 1-point something......?

If KG beats Car tomorrow and all three teams win out, Spotsy is district champ. It will be decided by records of games between the three...Spotsy 3-1, KG 2-2,and Car 1-3. Case in point: Last year there was a three way tie for third/fourth place between EV, KG, and Car...KG got bumbed because they had worst record.

There is one D1 kid in the district...clues- going to a world class school...pitched 30 innings this year only giving up a total of three runs...2 extra base hits all year..and no more than 3 hits in any game. Great kid whose coach does not overuse him by throwing 120 pitches in a game....he has been totally forgotten on this net. No, I am not his dad....but I am a fan of his team.
Originally posted by ChargerBolt:
I was at both games; the 1st game the Chargers used the FSU War Chant; 2nd game was quiet. I know their new coach is huge on Respect for the game, your opponent and yourself.

I didn't hear a Turkey Call. You sure you didn't mean Culpeper? They have no control of their dugout and the Turkey Call was used against us twice.

It may have been Culpeper. All the games seem to blend together after a while.

I do remember the chant in the first game.

I don't remember the Charger players being all that quiet in the 2nd game. Seemed to me they showed a lot of spirit. The game did get tense in the later innings as it settled into a defensive dual.
My question is, is there a difference in "lack of control" or just making noise? Obviously every team cheers on there team and makes noise from the dugouts and most of the coaches seem to put a control on what is being said and how to cheer on. And some coaches seem to not care to much about anything. I just wonder as far as how things are interpreted, I personally don't care if a team is making noise as long as they are not talking about the opposing team or player(s).
I agree with you Zeus. There is a major difference. This year caroline was playing at culpeper and culpeper was chanting PI-CO PI-CO while he was pitching. It took the umpire till the 5th inning to tell them to stop. Now i was shocked that it took the umpire that long. But he should not have been the one to put a end to it the coach should have.
I think one of the big things that i have noticed watching the Battlefield games for the past 3 years doing recruiting is that all these kids know each other, they have played against or with each other for so many years. They want to beat each other so emotions are going to run high. Back in my day around here Courtland vs Spotsy that was a very heated game. Caroline vs KG very heated game(and still is). It comes down to the coaches having control of their team and the players having respect for the coaches. Because if they dont have respect for the coaches they are not going to listen and they are just going to keep doing what every they may be doing.

And about kids going to play D1 ball. It does not make a certain kid better than another if they go D1, D2, D3 or NAIA. I played for a D3 school and we beat D1 schools all the time. The biggest thing is there is a school somewhere for every kid to pursue baseball. It is about getting your name out there and shopping around.
Originally posted by FoxDad:
I don't remember the Charger players being all that quiet in the 2nd game. Seemed to me they showed a lot of spirit. The game did get tense in the later innings as it settled into a defensive dual.

Yes they did! Quiet was meant as "they weren't chirping." Cheering 100% yes, chirping, I didn't hear. Good luck to you guys!
Originally posted by FoxDad:
I don't mind cheering for the batter when your team is at bat - that's fine, but the jeering at the opposing pitcher is IMHO uncalled for. Even most of the legion games I've been to, teams don't do this.

Of course, they are not the only ones that do it - Chancellor was almost as bad. I think they had a turkey like call going - it was weird.

And I'm not the only parent to notice.

Caroline vs KG this should be a rocking game these two teams players and parents have allot of baseball history of playing baseball with one another and against one another. Most of them have been with or against ever since minors in LL. These two teams have battled against one another the last three years for the RFBL Championship. I hope emotions by all, players, parents and coaches are held in check and the best game is played without any circumstance that put either team chance of going forward in jeopardy. Even if my son wasn't playing I would pay to see this one. I wish both teams great success because they are going to see one another again in a couple of weeks in district playoffs I think.
Last edited by Cavsfan
Originally posted by STUDENT athlete:
Concur with Damien big mouth. It is ironic to me that he does not have a D1 scholarship in hand; that would defenitely enhance his bargaining position after getting drafted. Could it be because his GPA and ERA are both 1-point something......?

If KG beats Car tomorrow and all three teams win out, Spotsy is district champ. It will be decided by records of games between the three...Spotsy 3-1, KG 2-2,and Car 1-3. Case in point: Last year there was a three way tie for third/fourth place between EV, KG, and Car...KG got bumbed because they had worst record.

There is one D1 kid in the district...clues- going to a world class school...pitched 30 innings this year only giving up a total of three runs...2 extra base hits all year..and no more than 3 hits in any game. Great kid whose coach does not overuse him by throwing 120 pitches in a game....he has been totally forgotten on this net. No, I am not his dad....but I am a fan of his team.

I disagree to say he has been forgotten by any stretch of the imagination. This is not the only Battlefield District conversation going on in this forum. The matter that should be taken into account here is that he is part of a team that is doing outstanding defensively and here lately offensively. The collaboration of five horseman that the coach has the luxury to pull out of the stable at his leisure and get a win is what is being underrated here. Now that being said all the pitchers on this team should be talked about to no end because as a team they have only given up 15 runs in 15 games and that is remarkable.
Originally posted by Cavsfan:
Caroline vs KG this should be a rocking game these two teams players and parents have allot of baseball history of playing baseball with one another and against one another. Most of them have been with or against ever since minors in LL. These two teams have battled against one another the last three years for the RFBL Championship. I hope emotions by all, players, parents and coaches are held in check and the best game is played without any circumstance that put either team chance of going forward in jeopardy. Even if my son wasn't playing I would pay to see this one. I wish both teams great success because they are going to see one another again in a couple of weeks in district playoffs I think.

Wow! This thread has really taken off.

Agree on your post - it should be a good game and there's a good probability these teams will face each other again in postseason play. This a classic rivalry in every sense.
Originally posted by FoxDad:
Originally posted by Cavsfan:
Caroline vs KG this should be a rocking game these two teams players and parents have allot of baseball history of playing baseball with one another and against one another. Most of them have been with or against ever since minors in LL. These two teams have battled against one another the last three years for the RFBL Championship. I hope emotions by all, players, parents and coaches are held in check and the best game is played without any circumstance that put either team chance of going forward in jeopardy. Even if my son wasn't playing I would pay to see this one. I wish both teams great success because they are going to see one another again in a couple of weeks in district playoffs I think.

Wow! This thread has really taken off.

Agree on your post - it should be a good game and there's a good probability these teams will face each other again in postseason play. This a classic rivalry in every sense.

By the way I hope Lex arm is doing well. It sounded like it was a heck of a shot he took.
Originally posted by Cavsfan:
By the way I hope Lex arm is doing well. It sounded like it was a heck of a shot he took.

It was. I believe it was the first batter who hit a line drive right back at Lex. Hit him in both arms. Happened so fast I never really saw it - just heard it hit him.

Hopefully he'll heal in time for the district tournament.
Originally posted by STUDENT athlete:
If KG beats Car tomorrow and all three teams win out, Spotsy is district champ. It will be decided by records of games between the three...Spotsy 3-1, KG 2-2,and Car 1-3. Case in point: Last year there was a three way tie for third/fourth place between EV, KG, and Car...KG got bumbed because they had worst record.

I talked to the HC after the game this evening. In the event that KG, Caroline and Spotsylvania win their remaining games, they will all finish 11-3. Caroline will be 3rd due to their head-to-head record of 1-3 with KG and Spotsylvania. The district champ would then be determined by a one game playoff between KG and Spotsylvania since they would have identical records and split head-to-head. Tiebreakers are not used to determine the regular season champ.

Tiebreakers and preseason draws are used to determine seedings 2,3,4 if necessary, but not the champion for the regular season. That's what happened last year. Courtland and Chancellor finished 11-3 in 2011 - there was a one game playoff to determine the regular season district champ. Courtland won so they locked in the regional berth. Chancellor was 2nd. EV, Spotsy and KG finished 9-5. EV and Spotsy had better head-to-head records between the three than KG so KG lost out.
Sorry joining the conversation late, new to the board i just wanted to say that you guys bring up some good points and have good conversations as i have been reading and catching up. I am new to the board but have been watching baseball in the area all year in the battlefield and commonwealth and decided to join the message boards and wanted to contribute tonight.

I think Spotsy has been the best overall team i have seen out of the top 5 in the battlefield with combination of pitching, defense and offense they do nothing spectacular but they do the small things, but KG has the most explosion offensively and carrol is raw but very good. Caroline best pitching but can they listen enough to their coach to get by. Culpeper can swing it but fails to make adjustments and Eastern View depends which day you catch them on, but typical of a young team honestly surprised they are doing as well as they are doing. I look forward to seeing how the last few games fall into play and look forward to reading about them on here.
Originally posted by right arm of zeus:
So let me understand this correctly, IF EV beats Spotsy tonight and Caroline beats culpeper. then KG is regular season champs and EV clinches the 4 seed?
And then we basically have for playoffs for tuesday
#1 KG vs #4 EV early game.
#2 Spotsy vs #3 Caroline the late game.

I believe you are correct. I imagine the Spotsy/EV game should be a good one. EV trying to clinch the 4th seed and Spotsy trying to keep pace with KG to force a one game tiebreaker.

From the other thread I see now why Caroline is playing two games tonight (prom Friday evening). I was hearing a lot of incomplete information last night.
This is what i heard today:
Caroline, spotsy and KG will likely finish all tied for first place and since spotsy has a better record against they would be the one seed, I have also heard that there would be a one game playoff between spotsy and KG if that happens. Does anyone know which it would be. I guess Culpeper vs EV final game of the season winner is in playoffs as four seed. becuase if EV wins they are 8-6 culpeper 6-8 but if culpeper wins both teams 7-7 culpeper would have swept the series and they are in. good luck to both teams.
My son told me yesterday that if KG, Spotsy and Caroline finish with identical records for first place, they will be declared "co-champions" and the tournament results would determine who goes to regionals. I guess in that case the seedings would be decided by the records between the three teams. Spotsy (3-1), KG 2nd (2-2) and Caroline third (1-3). However, if only two teams finish in first, there would be one "tiebreaker" game to decide the district champion and the seeding for the tournament. Anyway, that's what I was told yesterday. Seems like it changes like the wind

Sounds like the EV/Culpeper game will be a good one.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by FoxDad:
My son told me yesterday that if KG, Spotsy and Caroline finish with identical records for first place, they will be declared "co-champions" and the tournament results would determine who goes to regionals.

However, if only two teams finish in first, there would be one "tiebreaker" game to decide the district champion and the seeding for the tournament.

Fox if that is the case I guess both King George and Caroline will be hoping Chancellor can pull off another upset of Spotsy again tonight. I imagine Jason Morgan will be pitching tonight.

Does anyone know who Spotsy pitched in the Eastern View game?
Last edited by VirginiaBsblDad
Good Morning again everyone.
What a late night Caroline and Courtland went 11 innings tied 0-0. Caroline won in the bottom of the 11th. Sean Pico and Zack Smith both threw a amazing game. Sean Pico went 9 innings giving up one hit which came in the first inning.

To answer the 1,2,3 seed questions this is what I have heard from some ad's and coaches. IF Caroline, Spotsy, and Kg all finish with the same record Spotsy is the number one seed and wins the regular season. There is no play in game. Because Spotsy holds a better record over the other two teams. So you take the record of sptsy vs car, car vs kg, and kg vs sptsy. Spotsy record is 3-1, KG 2-2, and Car 1-3. So Spotsy is your winner unless something happens tonight in their games.
So you have Spotsy playing EV/Culpeper and KG vs Car in the first round of the tournament. Hope that all makes sense I did not leave the Caroline game till 11 last night
Originally posted by VirginiaBsblDad:
Fox if that is the case I guess both King George and Caroline will be hoping Chancellor can pull off another upset of Spotsy again tonight. I imagine Jason Morgan will be pitching tonight.

Does anyone know who Spotsy pitched in the Eastern View game?

I checked the Spotsylvania website and according to the game summary, Ewing pitched 7 innings - 6 K's, 7 hits (most he's given up all year), 1 BB, 2 ER.

Yeah, we'll be rooting for Chancellor. Depends on which Chancellor team shows up, I guess. They've fought some teams tooth and nail and against others like Courtland they've not faired as well. They played us tough both times.
Originally posted by FoxDad:
My son told me yesterday that if KG, Spotsy and Caroline finish with identical records for first place, they will be declared "co-champions" and the tournament results would determine who goes to regionals. I guess in that case the seedings would be decided by the records between the three teams. Spotsy (3-1), KG 2nd (2-2) and Caroline third (1-3). However, if only two teams finish in first, there would be one "tiebreaker" game to decide the district champion and the seeding for the tournament. Anyway, that's what I was told yesterday. Seems like it changes like the wind

Sounds like the EV/Culpeper game will be a good one.

FoxDad what you said replicates an email we received today. Here is part of the email:


KG, CA and SP are at the top with 3 losses.
--Caroline's season is complete at 11-3.
--If SP defeats CH and if KG defeats JM tomorrow we will have tri-champions with no playoff and seeding for the tournament will be based upon head-to-head records and the seeding for the regional tournament will be solely based upon the district tournament
--CU and EV play tomorrow and its simple, win and your in as the 4th seed.
--If SP loses and KG wins there will be a one game playoff between KG and CA Sat, 5pm @ Courtland
--If KG loses and SP wins there will be a one game playoff between SP and CA Sat, 5pm @ Courtland
--If SP and KG both lose then CA is the number #1 seed.

Remaining games: KG-JM, EV-CU, SP-CH

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