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I swear this question was posed in the "On the Couch with Gail" segment of NBC's Today Show. Al Roker read a letter that asked Gail, the psychiatrist, whether it was "normal for a mom to get a crush on her son's coach." The mom added that she was a loving and devoted spouse and so was the coach.

Gail replied that fantasies are normal and fun. "Don't worry about that crush," she answered.

Now we men know why moms are so devoted to the sport. Smile
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I used to have to fight those Moms off like flys. Everywhere I turned there was another Mom with a great big crush on yours truly. Cool

They would gang up and come after me in big bunches. They were all very beautiful, scantly dressed with amazing figures. Smile Smile Smile

Then the alarm would go off, waking me from a sound sleep. Mad Frown Frown

Actually I'm not really proud of it, but I can't remember even one mom who has ever had a crush on this old coach. Red Face
baseball moms are my weakness.....

Anyone who holds tryouts for travel teams know that the GLM* Factor is the biggest reason a player makes the team. That is only trumped by the PITAF** factor.

True Story:

A couple of years ago I had a team in a tournament. I coach from the bench and have my assistants do the bases. One game my assistants took turns coaching third, which was very unusual.

It turned out that on the 3rd base side, one of the moms from the other team was a very very good looking blond wearing a very small/tight halter top. We found out after the game she was a dancer at one of the local gentlemen's clubs.

* Good looking Mom
**Pain in the A** Father
Last edited by BigWI
Originally posted by Dad04:

I knew a little league coach that drafted his players based on the attractiveness factor of their moms.

I am so glad we got out of that league. Although there were some hot moms there.

Shoot, back in the would only get maybe 2 good players in the draft, then after that, you drafted a good organized team mom, then by how short of skirts the moms wore party

When I told one of my assistant coaches the plan one year, he came back with a freakin' flow chart with pictures. laugh
Originally posted by Dad04:
I adore my son's pitching coach!

Sully? ....huh. Smile

I said I ADORED him, but you know that everyone LOVES Sully!

I am so glad we got out of that league. Although there were some hot moms there.

And you all thought "HM" meant high maintenance laugh
Last edited by TPM

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