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Mr. C,

Have you been to Lynnhaven lately and seen the infield? Totally redone....

Outfield is 315 on the lines....327 in the alleys, and 389 to straight away centerfield......

Landstown's field is nice - nothing wrong with either field.....but I can tell you this....Lynnhaven is more fan friendly - you don't have to walk a mile to get to the field and as Grasscutter said, it was a neutral site!

Not to mention is you are caught in a rain shower, like can actually make it back to your car before you are totally soaked!
I was at Landstown all day on Saturday for the tournament and want to say that Coach Mungin, his players and volunteers did an outstanding job. The coach and his crew got completely soaked and muddy multiple times throughout the day as they rolled out then rolled up the tarp, dragged the field, marked the field, etc. The concession stand was well stocked and staffed by friendly volunteers. This all taking place right after Landstown lost a tough game to open the tourney and on what I believe to be their prom day. Hats off to Coach Mungin and the Landstown crew.

The Landstown location has plenty of parking and substantial visibility. Yes, it's a bit of a hike to get to your car and there is no flushing bathrooms but I don't see that as reason enough to move the tournament and have to share the revenue with an external host. Keep all of the revenue generated in the high school baseball programs where it's needed. As for it not being a neutral site all I can say is that I didn't see it work in Landstown's favor at all. In fact, as far as calls go, I think maybe the Eagles were on the short end of a few close ones.
Originally posted by WB Reporter:
Heard that FC just beat Kempsville 5-4 in the bottom of the 7th.

Led by a solo hrun from Lawson and a 2 run homer by Hinson and a complete game by Bowman SmileWay to go Patriots!!!!
Hats off to a never give up attitude and good team of the Chiefs.Great Game!! and really not much controversy from the umps ....
FC 14 Cox 7

If you like action, I guess there was a lot of it last night. FC jumped out to a 4-0 in the top of the first and never looked back. Sloppy pitching on both sides, but I guess that was to be expected given the circumstances. Congrats to the Patriots on the win and the Beach District Tourney championship.

Both teams will need to play much better on Monday against their Peninsula foes on Monday or it will be a short tourney for Beach fans
Certainly it wasn't a meaningless game and there wasn't a coach or player on that field that wasn't trying to win. That said, Coach Conroy was doing what he felt was best for the team in order to have success at Regionals. It was a tough decision for him I'm sure. No one wants to beat FC any more than HE does Smile

I appreciate your perspective, but as someone a closer to the program, I felt he did the right thing. It may or may not help us on Monday, but I feel better about our chances with fresh arms on our top two pitchers.

I'm sorry you did not feel it was an impressive performance...maybe it wasn't in some aspects, but you certainly got a chance to point out some pretty impressive defensive plays to your kids on BOTH sides. Also some pretty good coaching if you were paying attention. I was particularly impressed with the hitting adjustments made by the FC with regard to facing Brian Sagedey. They had a plan for him that was apparent from Buddy Lawson's first foul ball and they executed it well. Kudos to Coach Stubbe and his staff.
Originally posted by compare:
I took my two younger sons to the Cox/FC game last night. For a district tournament game it was not an impressive performance. The whole tournament was over coached, the kids should be allowed to play the game. If I were a Cox senior player I would hope that the coach would let me play and have a chance to win the tournament. There are no meaningless games.

I have to agree. It sure to the "Spirit" out of what everyone waits for the whole season.....Perhaps
saving the pitchers is the right idea, but it doesnt seem like Cox used the "Aces" the whole tournament.By Monday they will almost be on 2 weeks rest? You would think they would still be rested enough to each pitch maybe 2 innings.
I agree with Coach Wilson.

I have watched this forum for days from the start and all I can say is it sounds like a lot of people with to much time on there hands!! Anybody can be a Monday morning quarterback!!!

Oh and as a side note: I don't think anyone realizes the amount of time and energy that Coach Mungin, his assistant coaches,and the boys on the team put in to make sure everything was ready for the tournament, and still had to fit in practice time because they were also playing in the tournament. Hats off to you all!!!

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