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Pro Baseball is big business and should be treated the same. Both sides will bicker back and forth but come judgement day in August they will have a agreed contract or BB will persue other avenues for a year. As a Ranger fan I'm hoping for common ground and an agreement. As a fan I don't care how much one signs for, I'm just hoping that he makes the show and helps us win.
Originally posted by Eastside Panther:
Explain the Charlie Hustle comment? Does ones signing bonus translate into anything but the business side of baseball. Or are you saying Charlie Hustle played for free? This is the same man that always wanted more money, and even requests money for his cheap autograph. Last time I saw him he was hawking his autograph in a Vegas card shop.

Maybe I shouldn't have used Charlie Hustle..........

Let's try Biggio, Wakefield, Greer, Mench, Ozzie Smith, Luis Alicea.... those type won't be around long with this........

"As a fan I don't care how much one signs for, I'm just hoping that he makes the show and helps us win."

You will end up with more guys like ARod, Zambrano, Reggie Jackson, ect.........
I agree - it has to stop or the tickets will get more and more out of hand. At least there is TV, Colleges, High School and Independent league.

I want Blake to get what is due to him and he will probably sign and not go to Navarro (my vote) as I would hate to see an injury.

Here is a question for the board
If a guy has the talent and is good the HS level like he is, is there a possibility that he would not fair as well at the next level?
After all high school is 18 and under and JUCO is 18 and up.

If he did not have a good year - wouldn't he slip in the draft and then potentially not get as much $
Conversly if he does as well as HS - how much more could he get?

tks all
Last edited by cutter1
Originally posted by cutter1:

Here is a question for the board
If a guy has the talent and is good the HS level like he is, is there a possibility that he would not fair as well at the next level?

I think most would be amazed on how many top 5 round picks actually get more than 2-3 years service time in the big leagues.

If he did not have a good year - wouldn't he slip in the draft and then potentially not get as much $
Conversly if he does as well as HS - how much more could he get?

Absolutely he could slip. Then the questions of becoming unsignable start to fill the rumor mills. Pretty hard to improve on a 1st round pick no matter where your taken.

How much more depends on which team drafts him, when, all that stuff.

In defense of most first rounders, it's not uncommon in today's game to have lengthy negotiations. Stuff like achieving 40 man roster by certain time period, garaunteed Big League spring training invites by certain period, on an on.

And let's not put all the blame on the players.........

Agents and advisors have driven this thing out of control in my opinion............
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
From the 2000-2004 drafts a total of 35 HS pitchers have been drafted and 20 of them have pitched in the major leagues or 57%. Way more than I would have thought.

# of total players who have played in the major leagues from the 1st 5 rounds of the 2000-2004 drafts:

2000: 55 players out of 160 drafted
2001: 62 players out of 166 drafted
2002: 51 players out of 163 drafted
2003: 37 players out of 157 drafted
2004: 20 players out of 157 drafted

Totals: 225 players out of 803 drafted have played in the major leagues or 28%. That's a lot more than I would have guessed.
Last edited by Old Pitcher
From the 2000-2004 drafts a total of 35 HS pitchers have been drafted and 20 of them have pitched in the major leagues or 57%. Way more than I would have thought.

Good stats OP...Im curious about this stat if you take it back another 10 or 15 years...5 years isnt enough to get a good average. I would love to see a 20 or 25 year avg. but Im not yet bored enough to plug in the numbers. Smile
But if 28% got to play, then 72% did NOT get there. Or at least, haven't yet.

Which makes it all the more important to a guy like Beavan to make sure he maximizes the economic opportunity in front of him right now. It's smart to realize you may never get to the bigs and this may be your one and only 7-figure pay day. So why give away 10-20% of it just to sign a few weeks sooner? Patience pays in these negotiations.

If MLB didn't have an antitrust exemption, then the whole "slotting" system would be illegal. It's nothing but a combination of competitors designed to depress prices, after all.

I doubt Beavan will ever play at Navarro. Basically he's already saying adios to Oklahoma. This just gives him something to bluff with in his negotiation. I'm betting he signs by Aug. 15.

You can blame the players if you want, but the fact is, MLB is awash in cash. It's either going to end up with the players or with the owners. Why people always want to trash the players in these situations is beyond me. As if the Steinbrenners of the world needed more dough!

For guys like the owners it's just an expensive hobby anyway. For a guy like Beavan, it's a question of being set for life, or not. Give him a break, for Pete's sake, who wouldn't do what he's doing if they were in his shoes right now?
who wouldn't do what he's doing if they were in his shoes right now?

The problem don't know what shoes he is wearing.

We don't know the hold up. It could be the club getting things together.

But I will say this, if a player delays signing over 10-20% of a 2-3 million dollar contract, I'd have to question who is actually delaying the process.

We are talking a maximum of $600,000. With taxes and paying the agent his percentage, your taking home under $400,000.

Do you know what the league minimum is?

Somewhere around $400,000.

So, you can sit around and bicker over a small piece of the pie or get your arse to work and make what you were drafted for in the first place..........

To win games in the big leagues. Wink

Ain't gonna get there any faster spending a year in college.

And my question to you all..........

What's $400,000 in the big picture of life really amount to?

Not enough for me to delay an opportunity of a lifetime. Roll Eyes
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
$600,000 gross or $400,000 net is more money than a kid without a college degree will make in 10 years.

Not something to blow off like it's minimum wage.

And if God forbid he hurts his arm in the minors, it could mean the difference between being able to enjoy the rest of his life without the worry about money, or having to go get a real job like the rest of us.
Originally posted by KellerDad:
$600,000 gross or $400,000 net is more money than a kid without a college degree will make in 10 years.

Not something to blow off like it's minimum wage.

And if God forbid he hurts his arm in the minors, it could mean the difference between being able to enjoy the rest of his life without the worry about money, or having to go get a real job like the rest of us.

$400,000 less on a 2-3 million dollar contract being the difference on how one is set for life?

I'm confused........

Also, can you please give your definition of "enjoying the rest of life".

FYI, mine has no monetary value. Wink
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
Ken - don't start getting all philosophical on us, I don't know if some people on here can handle that. Big Grin

KD- ("And if God forbid he hurts his arm in the minors, it could mean the difference between being able to enjoy the rest of his life without the worry about money, or having to go get a real job like the rest of us.") What if he hurts his arm in juco ball?
Originally posted by KellerDad:
Ken, I'll be sure to tell Mr. Brekhus the next time I see him that you'd be willing to work for less.

I don't know the man your talking about???

These kids are commodities...and they should get all they can up front.

MLB players association would tell you and garauntee different.

Once he signs his deal, I'll be the first one to bash him if he holds out for more money while still under contract.

Why, a player has the right to get all they can get right? Why should a contract be the deciding factor for your bashing?

A man's name and a handshake used to be worth something.
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
Originally posted by KellerDad:
$600,000 gross or $400,000 net is more money than a kid without a college degree will make in 10 years.

Not something to blow off like it's minimum wage.

And if God forbid he hurts his arm in the minors, it could mean the difference between being able to enjoy the rest of his life without the worry about money, or having to go get a real job like the rest of us.

Hey KellerDad - I did not think you had to work. I heard your wife made all the money and were moving to Southlake
Originally posted by cutter1:
Originally posted by KellerDad:
$600,000 gross or $400,000 net is more money than a kid without a college degree will make in 10 years.

Not something to blow off like it's minimum wage.

And if God forbid he hurts his arm in the minors, it could mean the difference between being able to enjoy the rest of his life without the worry about money, or having to go get a real job like the rest of us.

Hey KellerDad - I did not think you had to work. I heard your wife made all the money and were moving to Southlake

Yeah right.....two kids in college I'll be working till I'm 100
My son's situation sure has been fluid to say the least.

He has finally decided to go to El Paso with his "brother". Justin Tramp from Keller is also going to El Paso and the three of them will be rooming together.

Josh and he have talked about going to college together since they were 11 years old, so it's kinda neat in a way, but I sure won't be seeing many games next spring Frown

I stayed out of the decision completely, other than writing the checks.

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