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I read a few posts of parents or players who have been to see Dr. James Andrews in Alabama. It got me curious, how many of us have been or had a player have to visit?

My son visited with him but was able to avoid the knife.

(I thought of posting this in the pitching and throwing forum, but a quick search found 3 times more hits on Andrews here than there.)

Have fun!

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Been there, cut there, left there.

It runs like a machine as I was so impressed with the "order" and surprisingly the customer service/ professionalism of the non-doctor staff. To this day I can still call back there and get answers if not immediatly, by the end of the day. I can't even get that from my home town primary.

If you go to the Andrews group of Docs you are treated as a person and not a number and they charge accordingly. Unless you have deep pockets it is almost a must to have a great HMO.
Last edited by rz1
Unfortunately, son had to have TJ surgery in March of 2005. was with Dr. Andrews in Birmingham. Can't say enough positive things about Dr. Andrews and his practice. I echo everything RZ said above! Also, son's school was in close contact with Birmingham thruout the rehab....and Dr. Andrew's staff was very hands on and accessible. Same thing personally, we've had a few questions...we've always heard back either from Dr. Andrews himself...or an associate by the end of the day. If my son HAD to go thru this experience, I couldn't be happier with who we dealt with.

One more comment, I am not from a medical background by ANY stretch of the I'm sure this one anecdote would probably be appreciated MUCH more by someone else but....Dr. Andrews actually called down to the waiting room while son was in surgery, and had an assistant bring me up to the window overlooking the operating room. He thought I would be interested in seeing the new ligament being attached to my son's elbow. And, he talked me thru what he was doing in the operating room at the time. Once I got over the shock of what I was actually was very interesting. When my son gained consciousness I told him what I saw...his first reponse was "Did you take a picture?" Roll Eyes Eek
Last edited by luvbb
Originally posted by infidel_08:
My son visited with him but was able to avoid the knife.

And just how was he able to avoid the knife wielding doctor? I can only imagine...


This reenactment is not a real hijacking...Repeat...This reenactment is not a real hijacking...


"This is a test of the Emergency HSBBW Broadcast System. The member/posters of your HSBBW in mostly voluntary cooperation with MN-Mom and other moderators have developed this system to keep you informed in the event of any baseball related emergency."

Perhaps infidel_08's son not only plays baseball well, but also has mastered Taekwondo and specifically that portion devoted to self defense...

TAEKWONDO's HOSINSUL...self defense

Hosinsul, or self defense, is one of the four principles of taekwondo. Although taekwondo is a "self defense" sport in itself, it focuses on high and spinning kicks which are not very suitable for real life, or street, application. And they are really, really hard to do...goodness me on this one.

Hosinsul is not a mixture of all kinds of spices and sweeteners and's nothing like kimchi either. But it is rather a mixture of all kinds of techniques, including grappling/locks as well as defending against armed attackers such as knife wielding surgeons.

Self defense is something that cannot be practiced alone. You will need a partner that has equal strength and vitriol and really would like to take your head off. It is extremely important that spouses not be allowed to serve as a partner in these exercises...regardless if they urge you "that everything will be ok...just let me get a couple of good kicks in". It won't be ok...ever. Choose your Hosinsul partner carefully...they will leave a lasting impression on you!

You will learn how to react, how not to react, proper freeing techniques, locks, bluffs, diversions, and strangling techniques. And just in time for tax season!

The following techniques are generally practiced where the opponent either uses his/her body, hands, a knife, a stick, or merely a blunt, not well documented, deduction:

* Control techniques (The whole product line of Johnson Controls are featured)
* Freeing techniques (Paegi with marinara sauce...or immersion in WD-40)
* Termination techniques (as seen on the popular HBO series...The Sopranos)

If you're looking for it you will often see a big resemblance between the self defense techniques used in taekwondo and those applied in Hapkido.

And here comes the real kicker...can you believe this?

Linear vs. Circular...gracious sakes!

There are arguably two sorts of self-defense. This is a BIG, BIG, NON-CONTROVERSIAL generalization...HA! The hard or linear way and the soft or circular way.

In the linear form one uses arms and legs to block a strike of the opponent. The advantage is that there is a direct counter-threat, which results in pain for the opponent or any one who does not believe in this method. The disadvantage is that this method requires a lot of power and bluster and it may look extremely violent for outsiders and the feint of heart. But it's loads of fun to try!

The circular form has quite a different view...duh! Here you reluctantly use the power and speed of the opponent to neutralize him/her using circular, confounding movements. The advantage is that you can neutralize your opponent without hurting him (not likely) and that no strength is required...perfect! The disadvantage is that it takes a lot of skill and self assured diplomacy and lots of practice to come to the necessary level. Harmony, may be sought, but should not be expected.

You will most likely use a combination of both. HA! Dreamer! I don't think so...not ever! No Siree Bob!

It really would be interesting to learn which technique infidel_08's son utilized down there in Birmingham. I'm sure we could have a lively discussion.

"If this had been an actual baseball emergency, you would have been instructed where to stick your opinion and then instructed where to tune in your area for news and official information...such as it is".

"This HSBBW site serves the entire baseball world. This concludes this test of the Emergency HSBBW Broadcast System, but does not conclude any disagreements or arguments that may have already been in progress"

Last edited by gotwood4sale

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