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Hey everyone I am going to attend the "Michigan High School Baseball Showcase" on august 1st-3rd and I ham curious if you think i should shave or not. I know some people don't have to worry about this at my age(17) but unfortunately for me I grow a shadow after about a day and a half.i shaved 2 days ago so i have a very faint growth right now, but by showcase time it will be a noticeable "neck beard," but not too thick.

I really hate to shave, but I dont want it to negatively effect my perception. I am generally a "rah-rah" player(never sitting down, always talking, spouting out encouragement and calling out the situation and outs when i am on the field etc)

i sprint on and off the field and generally try to make a good impression, but i am worried because i have been called more than a few times by my parents a "bum" for the way i look on the field sometimes.

should i shave?
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There is a difference between facial hair that is groomed properly and two days growth.

Would you go for a job interview with two days of facial hair growth?

Every once in a while, parents do give good advice. Smile

I agree with the earrings and any metal from the neck up, scouts and coaches don't like it.
The fact that you are asking proves that deep down you KNOW you should be clean shaven for the showcase.

Since you know the right answer, do it.... unless you want to leave yourself an excuse... Well, those coaches didn't like me cuz I'm a free spirit...

and right before you leave for the field read Coach May's post called 'It's not where you start'

good luck
Shave, shower and groom appropriately. Big time travel team coach told us that an additional reason to shave was that you didn't want to give the impression you were done growing (remember your bio class?) Aren't you going to this showcase to get noticed for the right reasons?

Here's another tip - After son signed with a D1 they said take off the earring, and cut your hair.
Take a look at the photos online of the players recruited at the colleges you are interested in and give them what they want.
Ahhh heck no,...please let the monkey keep his wiskers! They are a key part of his charming personality! Wink
And if he can run like a wild dog and bat like a mad man,...does it really really matter?

Saw lots of boys recently at an Oklahoma tournament.
Boys with long hair,..boys with short hair, boys with wiskers and some without. Some with earrings, some without. Some with long baggy pants, others at the knees.
What REALLy mattered and all I really noticed during a game was their ability as a player on the field. Perhaps I noticed their own personal appearance later while standing amongst them at the gatorade stand,....but on the field,... all that mattered was their ability to play.

Maybe the ol' conservative shortstopmom's ideals have changed over the years. (?) Not sure,...but talent is the true key for me now when watching.
You could have purple and green polka dotted hair and an flourecent orange beak coming out of the center of your forehead,... and it wouldnt matter to me as long as you could hit the ball and hit it well!!

Rageroolz,....if you are looking for guidence, I'd say a good guideline is follow your parents advice. I'm sure they want the very best for you!

I have to agree with FO:
I have never heard of a player getting passed on because he was clean shaven

Although shaving has nothing to do with your ability as a player IMHO, I agree that shaving would probably be the safe route to take if you want to avoid someone making a negative judgement call about you not shaving.
Last edited by shortstopmom
Here is what I told mine...

The good news...If you're in the top 5% and have so much talent that you are "above the bubble" you're in.

The bad news...You're not.

Any hopes/dreams you have are not talent oriented, but rather "package" oriented. Your package is not only the talent you bring, but attitude, hard work, academics, grooming, your ability to be a teammate....

...get to work on your package. Leave them no reason to dislike you.

Cool 44
TPM said ---- and I agree:
There is a difference between facial hair that is groomed properly and two days growth.

Not shaving can be perceived as being unkempt. Unkempt is not good. Doing something that is not good and expecting someone to accept it is ---well--- kinda dumb. Dumb people have trouble playing baseball and successful coaches don’t normally recruit dumb people.
Originally posted by observer44:


...Dont' know what you guys are being so prude about...

...this 2008 just signed with a DI....

had to bring his therapist though...

Cool 44

Yes that's true 44...Hairleigh Dickinson University was searching for another player who fits their hairy, Cro-Magnon, look. They had already inked this guy who swings a powerful stick...

They signed this guy also to bolster their roster...

...but strictly for insurance.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
This bird hit .330 - with a bunch of RBI's and 2 homers at a recent showcase. But the scouts didnt like the crested feather thing. So he got squat.


Then this bird played. He hit .165 and struck out 8 times. He stunk - but they loved him cause he had the look.

Most scouts I know have trouble predicting what they are going to eat for breakfast in the morning - When these guys start predicting a players future growth based on facial hair at the age of 16 - you know the end of the world is near. LOL
Last edited by itsinthegame
TPM was right to compare this to a job interview. If you show up looking raggedy for a job interview, you're sending the message that you're not serious and you don't respect the interviewer, the company, the opportunity and maybe not even yourself.

And I would feel the same way about you if you showed up looking like that if you were picking up my daughter for a date.

You are trying to make a favorable impression on adults. The fact that stubble might be considered OK or even fashionable among your fellow teenagers is irrelevant. I don't understand why you would even consider going to an event where the whole point is to make a favorable impression if you're not going to do what you can to accomplish that goal. You can't always control how you will perform, but this is one little thing you CAN control, so why take chances?
All kidding aside - I agree with MidLo and TPM.

Marketing has never been more important than it is now in college recruiting.

You need to market your grades - you need to market the way you look. You need to market just about everything you can.

If you dont market yourself correctly - you will most likely have a hard time.

It is becoming less and less about how you actually play the game - and more about how you market yourself.

There are well over a thousand collegiate programs at the D1-2-3 and Juco level.

If you ignore the top 40 or so D-1 programs (where talent is usually - but not always - a determining factor) - you are left with an enormous array of schools to play for.

And good marketing will get you there.

I dont like it - I dont think it is right - but I also have a hard time denying what is obvious to me.

Market yourself the right way - and you will have a competitive advantage over the next guy - even if he is a better player.
On this same topic of appearance.....

Now that it is the end of the summer, my sons baseball shoes are worn (really worn) and the hat he wore the past two summers is frayed, out of shape and very dirty. I've told him he will need to wear his new cleats (which are not broken in) and his new hat (which is shiny white). He is not thrilled about this because his "comfort zone" is with the old cleats and hat....

so, what is worse for a first impression, wearing brand new shiny cleats and hat that are not broken in or wearing the old worn/torn hat and cleats?

(Yes, I know he should start breaking in the new items but his comfort zone is with the old stuff so it is going to be a battle!)

And yes, I think a clean shave is in order....especially if the facial hair is new and unkempt.
Last edited by cheapseats

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