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Originally posted by cheapseats:
He is not thrilled about this because his "comfort zone" is with the old cleats and hat....

It's funny how your comfort zone changes with age...

I rigged up this ballpark easy chair to sit and relax while taking in a game. The binoculars allow me to get up close to the action while actually being more than a half mile from the more having to pay for those expensive seats in the park. Someone actually hit a pop fly into my field of vision a week or so ago...I could see the exciting!
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by theEH:
GW, those are not real Binoculers!!

Those are the one's with the secret cap that holds your favorite beverage in it.
See the smile on his face??

Don't you know it favorite beverage? Sanka...iced.

It's so refreshing as it cascades down your chin and onto your one said these binoculars are easy to drink from.
so i have completed 2 of 3 days of the showcase and things couldnt have been better

during the skills competition i was always the first person to the drill(sprinting over and before it had started i was running around warming up. when the game rolled around my first at bat was with the bases loaded where i hit a line shot up the middle for a 2 run single. with all the college scouts looking on. i then threw a kid out attempting to steal on me, but the second basesmen dropped the ball during the tag. i was disappointed, but i did my thing, and thats all i can control

also i think i have made a favorable impression because i am the loudest player on my team, always yelling encouragement from the bench and situations when i am they put me on the mound(i've only throw 3 innings all year, because im not a pitcher)but i went two innings with only one walk(who of course scored on a triple, the only hit) and 2 k's

i also played good defense behind the plate again and tho i only got two at bats today(k and a lineout) i feel good about it because i struck out before the scouts had arrived Wink and with the bases loaded and two outs i hit a hard line drive, but it was right to the second basemen

im ready for my last game and i look forward to continue to report my progress

ps.all this was done unshaven, but i have made sure i look presentable.(i also didnt worry about it because each team has about 3 kids with facial hair)
Originally posted by RageRoolz:

ps.all this was done unshaven, but i have made sure i look presentable.(i also didnt worry about it because each team has about 3 kids with facial hair)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by thats-a-balk!:
Give me a break

If you have the grades, if you have the heart and if you have the ability, you will get noticed and get the chance.

If scouts or recruiters have a problem with appearance above the shoulders, they can address that later.

I am not sure you will get that option; the player make-up is a strong consideration for a school and a scout.

The fact that a player is not shaven is one thing, but if a coach or scout found out that a potential player goes out and ask what should they do and there is a strong stance as to what your parents say and other replies and he goes against it, what make them think that they would be able to coach a player through tough times?

The fact that some have indicated there are also logical reasons to do things is totally besides the fact, such as looking like you may have some upside...and not past the development stage.
Last edited by Homerun04
Originally posted by Homerun04:
Originally posted by RageRoolz:

ps.all this was done unshaven, but i have made sure i look presentable.(i also didnt worry about it because each team has about 3 kids with facial hair)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by thats-a-balk!:
Give me a break

If you have the grades, if you have the heart and if you have the ability, you will get noticed and get the chance.

If scouts or recruiters have a problem with appearance above the shoulders, they can address that later.

I am not sure you will get that option; the player make-up is a strong consideration for a school and a scout.

The fact that a player is not shaven is one thing, but if a coach or scout found out that a potential player goes out and ask what should they do and there is a strong stance as to what your parents say and other replies and he goes against it, what make them think that they would be able to coach a player through tough times?

The fact that some have indicated there are also logical reasons to do things is totally besides the fact, such as looking like you may have some upside...and not past the development stage.

Agree 100%. High school aged players with heavy beard growth are showing lack of upside (for pro purposes). There is a lot of emphasis placed on projection. Scouts are not only considering what you look like now, but what you will in 3,5 years from now. That's just my opinion.

If your parents asked you to be presentable you should respect that opinion, just as you would if your coach asked that of you. You have indicated to me that you are a "do my own thing" kind of person, that doesn't work well on most college teams. Because other players had facial hair has only made your decision justifiable to you, not necessarily right.

I just know that if my son's former HC was at the showcase, even with all the rah, rah, or being the BEST player, the 2-3 days growth would have turned him away. Maybe not another coach, but that was something he was all about, how you LOOK and present yourself.

Most players that are being watched during HS are always clean shaven, once they get to where they want to go and prove themselves as a player and an individual, are usually cut some slack by the coach.

My son plays pro ball, is not allowed facial hair other than chin growth neatly trimmed on game days. As a pitcher you have some leway, as a regular starter it's shave everyday if you have too.

I wish you the best of luck. If I have offended you I do aplologize, but you asked for opinions.
For the record my parents don't have a stance either way if I should shave or not. They are in the same boat as me in thinking that it shouldn't matter, and if it matters enough that a coach wouldn't give me a chance just because facial hair, then I don't want to play for him. I don't mind strict coaches(my HS coach is extremely demanding) but I do have a problem if someone would try to control me to the point of forcing me to do something silly. My HS coach doesn't make us shave all the time or every day, but if it is getting bad then he makes us. My little bit of facial hair shouldn't have put anyone off, because I looked fine anyways.

Besides, if they cared about appearance so much, then that is beyond my control. The weather was very hot this week and I was always sweating alot, enough that it showed through my shirt and I ran the bases and slid head first, getting dirt all over the front of my shirt. It didn't look good, but i can't not be sweaty and the play called for a slide.

I feel I carried myself very well and looked the part of a ball player. I did what I had to do and a coach from a local D3 has already talked to my HS head coach about how he "likes" me.

Also, I wouldn't say I am a "do my own thing" player. I am a great teammate and place my focus entirely on winning games, whether i go 0-3 or 3-3

Away from the baseball field, yes, I am what you would call an individual, but I don't coaches want good people, not just good players? I give my all for the team and put 100% effort into everything I do, baseball, school, whatever. If the fact that I had a bit of a beard really turns a coach away from me because of that, then like I stated earlier, I probably wouldn't want to go to their school.
Listen, no offense, but you said your parents thought you looked like a bum, asked you to shave and you asked our opinion.

Your comment about not playing for a coach who is going to make you do something you think is silly, just remember, college coaches are NOT HS coaches and everything changes after HS, no matter where you play.

All coaches want good players who are good people. And I admit that whether one shaves or not doesn't make you not a good person. And I do beleive that you should not judge a book by its cover, but in my opinion, college recruiting is like applying for a job, you wouldn't go unshaven for a job intervies would you?

You stated that you have already heard that a school was interested in you. How many coaches were there? Think about this, how many more would you have heard from if you had been clean shaven?

You are very young, you will understand someday.
For now, do what you feel is best for you. Again, best of luck.
Last edited by TPM

Congrats on performing well, the only one you need to satisfy in this game is yourself. Maybe your approach was the quickest way to your best fit and maybe it wasn't, you just won't know for sure. If principle truly was your motivation you should be commended. On the other hand if you were just being lazy, have your parents kick you square in the tush before someone who doesn't care about you does. Good luck, I hope it all works for you.
Last edited by Yankeelvr
my parents had asked me to shave after not shaving for more than a month. i was happy to oblige them, because i didnt like it either. it was scraggly and unkempt. the "beard" i had in the showcase doesn't look bad and is only about 4 or 5 days worth of growth. i guess you would have to see it to understand why i shrug it off. its not alot, but it is grown enough that i don't look foolish or anything.
Sorry guys...I just couldn't resist. Sorry for the interruption. Please carry on this discussion after this interlude.

Originally posted by deemax:
Has anyone ever seen Gotwood4sale and tripledad in the same room at the same time. hmmmmm. Smile

Well there is evidence to suggest that we have indeed been in the same room together.

This is a photo of TripleDad and myself arguing about the different necklines on our hospital pajamas...he prefers the V-neck which he can't have because it's mine. He says it makes him feel jaunty...I think he's just a little bit jealous. I keep telling him that he looks plenty jaunty with the pajamas he has on.

Oh..and the other guy in the picture...the guy with his arms crossed. That's 20dad. Just sitting there, intently watching a documentary on our black and white TV. Although I know he has watched this particular documentary over a dozen times..."The Making of Hoover Dam" even seemed odd to me that he was always so wrapped up in this show. He keeps mumbling something about "all of that lovely concrete."
Last edited by gotwood4sale
by rroolz: I have been called more than a few times by my parents a "bum" for the way I look on the field ... For the record my parents don't have a stance either way if I should shave or not.
Confused crazy

and woody, it's "Boulder Dam",
nobody liked Hoover, nor him naming the Boulder Canyon project after himself
Last edited by Bee>
Originally posted by cheapseats:
On this same topic of appearance.....

Now that it is the end of the summer, my sons baseball shoes are worn (really worn) and the hat he wore the past two summers is frayed, out of shape and very dirty. I've told him he will need to wear his new cleats (which are not broken in) and his new hat (which is shiny white). He is not thrilled about this because his "comfort zone" is with the old cleats and hat....

so, what is worse for a first impression, wearing brand new shiny cleats and hat that are not broken in or wearing the old worn/torn hat and cleats?

(Yes, I know he should start breaking in the new items but his comfort zone is with the old stuff so it is going to be a battle!)

And yes, I think a clean shave is in order....especially if the facial hair is new and unkempt.

I agree with others that new shoes are not needed unless they have holes on them, but many coaches will say have them clean and shined.

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