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Which one of these are the best training facilities in Arizona? Seems like all of these places really get athletes into shape and pro baseball players have great things to say about all of these places/trainers. I'm looking for a place to train, so was wondering which of these was truly the best and if anyone or their kids have experience with these places:


Pro Advantage Training (Keith Wilson), Fischer Institute, Foothills Sports Medicine (Glenn Steele), Keith Poole's Training Zone, Zone Athletic Performance, or Athletes Performance?

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Son did two off seasons at Athletes Performance (now called EXOS I believe).  A large number of MLB and college players were there each time.  He spent full days on site:  morning and afternoon workouts (or regen or physical therapy...depended on the day), plus spent time with the nutritionists and developed very strong dietary habits including eating meals there, taking supplements, etc.  They have an area to hit and throw, so he did that daily on site too.

I've eliminated to two places: I'm debating between Pro Advantage Training (Keith Wilson) or Fischer Institute. Anyone have experience with either training program? I feel like all of my friends that worked out at Pro Advantage got significantly stronger, but at the same time, I have noticed that each of them has gotten hurt at least once as well, whether it be a shoulder issue, back issue, strain, etc. Hopefully that's not a direct correlation.


Pro Advantage is a little pricey but I can actually go to the facility four days a week plus they provide supplements and a nutrition plan. Fischer is a little cheaper, but they do sessions only two days a week, but give us supplement workouts to complete at our own gyms on the other days. Not sure if they provide nutrition plans and supplements. Both facilities have spaces where I could throw, being a pitcher and all that's nice.


Anyone with suggestions and experiences with either of these places please share! Thanks!

Last edited by FlyEmirates7

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