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Thank you to each of you for your well has been a blast getting to know each of you (some virtually via the net Smile) and your sons and playing with or against them. I enjoy following their progress and I look forward to following them on down the road.

Thanks to Uncle E and Natural for their advice over the years. We appreciate you.

PD - Thank you for all the sound advice on this site..I have learned alot by reading your make an excellent moderator and friend. Smile

planocatdad - I asked Cole what some of his favorite baseball memories were over the years and the Seadogs 9-10 yrs were certainly at the top of his list. He still remembers the new word you taught him ..... "bull hockey".....he still loves that word and he thinks it was cheap that you had to watch from the cheapseats after using it while coaching a game. Smile He loved your coaching and he loved your personality and sense of humor just as much. Smile This is starting to sound like a eulogy so I will wind it down....

Thanks to all of you for being a part of our baseball family!
Last edited by cheapseats
Congrats to Taylor Mabra, Mansfield.

Taylor committed to UTA yesterday. They are getting a great kid, great hitter and super outfielder. Ellen and Maverick, you should be proud, at least he is not going to OU.

In addition, thank goodness, he has his mothers genes because if he was following in his Dad's footsteps, he would probably be hitting around .150 on his batting average instead of ov .500.

Congrats from your GHS friends and DBAT Mustang teammates.
Originally posted by bball71tx:
Congrats to Taylor Mabra, Mansfield.

Taylor committed to UTA yesterday. They are getting a great kid, great hitter and super outfielder. Ellen and Maverick, you should be proud, at least he is not going to OU.

In addition, thank goodness, he has his mothers genes because if he was following in his Dad's footsteps, he would probably be hitting around .150 on his batting average instead of ov .500.

I suppose I deserve that huh ?? For the record I was faster than he is. He did get his mother's stubborn attitude...

Congrats from your GHS friends and DBAT Mustang teammates.
This might be the final 2009 commitment.

Today my son Danny Malone accepted an offer to play baseball at Lon Morris.

Today I saw my son throw a bullpen for the first time since May 2009. The shoulder is finally strong almost 2 years after the surgery.

Danny gets the chance to finish this thing one way or the other...on the mound...God Willing...I thank God for this opportunity.

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