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If dtiger thinks they were sloppy against us, just refer to KellerDad's scorebox (alhough i don't think they had 19 Frown hopefully Smile)

Our starting pitcher that game and one of our good ones will not be returning, he experienced elbow issues and is most likely done for the summer

on a side note, DBAT can flat out hit and i think everyone knows that by now. but it should not have been that bad AT ALL. errors and not-so-great pitching led to all those runs. leftridge's HR was a BOMB and the first pitch of the game.

now that the rust is off, we can get rolling...
momandcpa - true, but the rust is still there, although no errors and 6 or 7 hits, but not manufacuring runs is no bueno. the pitcher for the Mckinney Marshalls also threw a good game as well.

Reagan is going to be a senior at Newman Smith next year. He got some time on the mound for them this season as a junior, and (by ear) had some control problems but ended the season by apparently fixing them and throwing a good game against Creekview. Mid 80's fastball, decent curve, and good change. Pitching is mainly location then everything else and he did that today and got out of some tough jams anyways with walks (I think he had 5).

I had never heard of him and didn't know what he was capable of, but now I do. He is a very good pitcher and a fun teammate, also a hell of a shortstop/infielder (we're moving around his year). Great kid and a good addition to our team.

edit: he has also been hitting pretty well so far
Last edited by blackhawk32
Originally posted by TxHSbaseballfan11:
any updates?
what teams in championship bracket?

Pool Winners:
  • Pool A - DBAT 17
  • Pool B - KC Wolverines
  • Pool C - DBAT 18
  • Pool D - Barracudas
  • Pool E - SA Extreme
  • Pool F - Angels

Best two runner-ups:
  • Tigers 18
  • Tigers 16

Championship Bracket:

GAME 1 (2:30 SAT @ Fossil Ridge HS)
DBAT 17 vs. Angels

GAME 2 (5:00 SAT @ Fossil Ridge HS)
Wolverines vs. Tigers 16

GAME 3 (12:00 SAT @ MAC)
DBAT 18 vs. Tigers 18

GAME 4 (2:30 SAT @ MAC)
SA Extreme vs. Barracudas

GAME 5 (11:00 SUN @ UTA)
W1 vs. W2

GAME 6 (1:30 SUN @ UTA)
W3 vs. W4

GAME 7 (3:00 SUN @ UTA)
W5 vs. W6

Tourney Bracket
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
I heard balls were FLYING out of the MAC today.

Funny story about the start of the DBAT/Lowry Tigers/Hernandez game yesterday (an exciting game btw). Jacob Morris was preparing to step in to lead off the top of the first....before Tommy called time out --- BEFORE the 1st pitch. We watched Tommy speak quietly for a few minutes to the home plate ump ----- who was ready to start the game WITHOUT his mask! He had to walk to his car to retrieve it. Wow! An embarrassing moment for sure.

<-- have you ever had that happen to you, friend?

Last edited by Panther Dad

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