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There may be steroids in hot dogs, but not the type barry has ADMITTED to taking (he just didn't "know" they were steroids dazeda.

There also is NOT human growth hormone in hot dogs, which barry undoubtedly took. the adult human skull does not change size without the introduction of human growth hormone. Pretty well documented his hat/helmet size changed 3 times in the last few years.

Also, for all those who want to hide behind the position in defense of barroid that whatever he may/may not have done was not against mlb rules, what he did is against the law. mlb seems to have trouble understanding that. they don't have a specific rule against murder, but it is still against the law.

You go barry....straight to jail.


I would hate to see you do jury duty---you convict people with no "beyond a doubt" proof-- that is why people spend prison and then are found to be innocent--tell me--who gives those people those years lost in their lives after they found out people like you jumped the gun with preconceived convictions

Not saying Barry did or did not but there is no "beyond a doubt" proof---I thought our country was built on this premise--innocent until proven guilty
"Beyond a reasonable doubt" is the standard in a criminal case; in a civil case, the standard is "by a preponderance of the evidence". Think of the scales of justice-they fall over pretty hard to convict one criminally, but in a civil matter just have to tip one way or the other. Circumstantial evidence is still evidence.

I don't know which standard properly applies to whether we consider him a great player, or a very good player that enhanced the latter part of his career via drugs.

If the guys that wrote the book can produce documents to back up much of what they wrote, either standard of proof will be satisfied. If they don't have such good supporting evidence, the debate will roll on.

Gee, now we're talking about steroids in hot dogs? If there are steroids in hot dogs, I should be hitting home run number 1,000 about now. I can't go to a baseball game without eating a ball park dog.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by HeyBatter:
There may be steroids in hot dogs, but not the type barry has ADMITTED to taking (he just didn't "know" they were steroids dazeda.

There also is NOT human growth hormone in hot dogs, which barry undoubtedly took. the adult human skull does not change size without the introduction of human growth hormone. Pretty well documented his hat/helmet size changed 3 times in the last few years.

Also, for all those who want to hide behind the position in defense of barroid that whatever he may/may not have done was not against mlb rules, what he did is against the law. mlb seems to have trouble understanding that. they don't have a specific rule against murder, but it is still against the law.

You go barry....straight to jail.
Dodger fan?

because they have better things to do, but you can get arrested for trafficking in steriods, just ask Pete Rose Jr who is currently in jail for it.

TR would you take a medicine from Mexico that is used to bulk up cows.
That is what steriods that Barry used. MOOOOOO

Plus drug dealers could but anything in it, steriods, water, M &M's and they would have no clue what they are injecting in their bodies. Steriod users are no different than crack heads, both druggies.

You know so little about this that it is amazing

"because they have better things to do"--- yea it isnt high profile enough--you just made my point--- perhaps if Bonds had been more media friendly during his career he would not have those two money hungry writers at the SF Chronicle dogging him as they are and have for years.
Barry was a jerk way before he did ROIDS. How many product does barry pitch???

Just his own.. He may want to consider learning Spanish, and hooking up with a veterinary pharmacutical company in Mexico,

"mire lo que ellos hicieron para mí, me imagino lo que ellos podrían hacer para sus vacas"

Translation: "look what they did for me, imagine what they could do for your cows"
TR- I'd be happy to sit on any jury and in this case, I believe i have seen evidence that beyond any reasonable doubt this man took steroids. Quite frankly and given the content of what you typically post, your constant and blind defense of barry gives me pause for concern as to YOUR ability to sit on a jury.

The man has ADMITTED that he took steroids, why can't you understand that. HE HAS ADMITTED IT. He only claims he did not KNOWINGLY do it. That is "lawyer speak" to avoid the element of intent necessary to certain crimes.

Also, it is fairly well documented and i suppose mlb need only subpoena the records of New Era, that barry's hat and helmet size have increase 3 times in the last few years. The skull of an adult human does NOT change size except for the effects of a rare disease which bonds clearly does not have or throught the use of human growth hormone. look at the size of that melon head. compare it to any picture of him from earlier years. I've met bonds, i've stood next to him. I've seen the evidence.

There is no doubt, no reasonable doubt and a perponderance of the evidence tells me this jerk is juiced to the max.

I'm not certain whether you just have some need to be contrary on this issue or just don't get what evidence means or are unfamiliar with the facts out there or, out of your love for the game, don't want to believe the disturbing things that go on.

As to your questionning my abilities to serve on a jury, i'm ready to go. body-builder
Much ado about nothing. Unless he fails a drug test they can do nothing under the MLPA CBA. I don't think he has failed one. This is all just speculation and people are split on the subject. Now if he is found guilty of perjury, then baseball can suspend him. Of course he has to be charged first. All the speculation in the world doesn't prove guilt. Sometimes there is smoke and you just can't find a fire. it happens.

I would like to know how everyone feels about Giambi? Does he not matter because he is not at 715 hr's? If he gets there later in his career, do you * him or keep him out of the books?
i think that what mlb did to pete rose is half the reason people are dising on of the greatest hitters of all time isn't in the hall of fame because he broke the rules.didn't hurt the game.
now barry clearly has changed how we view things.pitchers taking steroids throwing harder etc..maybe he broke no mlb rules but in my opinion thats a stretch.the thing that gets me is if he stopped playing when he started juicing ,he was a great player and hof material..and that alone wasn't enough?i really have no feeling about it except for rose and shoeless joe should be let into the hof.IF they let bonds in AFTER he is found guilty.

And you know this how?--like you "know" everything else by reading the internet

I don't think anyone knows who has been tested


I totally agree-- I have never argued as to whether he did or did not--my contention that he has not failed a test and been proven guilty

And dont think that people won't be looking at the high home run numbers to date-- what is the explanation?

Hey Batter

You had better go back and read my posts again--you are so dead set on showing me up you do not read properly-- I have never said Bonds didnt take 'roids--I said he has not been proven guilty of anything and thus should not be condemned--you want to be the hanging judge based what you read in papers and hear on ESPN--not the American way my friend
TR is in AP News about the making agents and several books. Other Balco clients testified they took the same thing.

. Barry could have said publicly, you know my home runs are legit and I dont need any steriods or andro to pad my home run total, back in 1998, like Mc Guire and Sosa. But instead he risk his career and health
because he his ego was hurt he was not getting any press at the time. call
Last edited by E-6
TR- i think you need to follow your own advice and read carefully. You questioned me and the basis of my opinion- "my proof". I offered it to you and it is NOT just from what I've read and what's on ESPN (although much is VERY credible). As I've noted in my post above, i've met the man. I have seen, first hand, with my own eyes, the evidence of the changes in him. I've witnessed his behavior first hand several times. I'd also add that I know people who have represented him. I know enough about him and the situation that I feel quite confident in the basis of my opinion and enough to sit on that jury and convict him. To date, i've seen NOTHING from ANY source to the contrary. Someone got something of "proof" to the contrary I'd love to hear it. I don't enjoy the sport I love been tarnished by this juiced up jerk and as they said many moons ago "Say it ain't so Joe". bonds doesn't and can't. He simply ignores inquiry or changes the subject.
Last edited by HeyBatter
Barroid admitting using steroids.

The Balco records are very specific as to what he was taking, and when he was taking it.

The Balco records show test results of rapidly increasing testosterone levels that are off the chart for a 17 year old on prom night in the back seat of Daddie's car, much less a man in his 40's.

The Balco records show Barry using a steroid that was impossible to detect in testing, because it was never released to the public. It was reformulated as a designer steroid, and was unknown to testers until an informant sent a syringe containing it to an Olympic testing facility, because it was getting by Olympic test standards.

MLB only tests urine. HGH shows up in blood testing. The records show Barry using HGH. HGH causes skull growth. Barry's head has mushroomed like the Great Pumpkin.

I really see no possible way that anyone can think Barry is innocent, but then again, OJ is still searching for the "real killer" bgrroll

Quote from Barry Bonds, "Doctors ought to quit worrying about what ballplayers are taking," Bonds told The Associated Press last week. "What players take doesn't matter. It's nobody else's business. The doctors should spend their time looking for cures for cancer."


I have no need to threaten anyone--most threaten themselves with the shallow thinking--I truly like the West Coast Defensive Posturing--LOL


In fact I would have him over for Christmas and Thanksgiving every year-- was he acquitted ? we are not talking here about did they are did they not-- we are talking were they convicted and proven guilty or not--- Another though not a bad thing for OJ to be at my house for the Super Bowl Party--we could talk football

Doesn't that small Civil Suit that OJ lost kind of scare you just a little? In regards to inviting him over to the house I mean. Wouldn't it be kind of spooky if OJ pulled up to your house in a white Bronco? Wink Here OJ want to carve the turkey? Eek

Well anyway, if he stays over... Sleep tight and hide the silverware!LOL dwarf

eeeee-eeeee-eeeee-eeeee (taken from the movie "Psycho") nervous
In fact I would have him over for Christmas and Thanksgiving every year-- was he acquitted ? we are not talking here about did they are did they not-- we are talking were they convicted and proven guilty or not--- Another though not a bad thing for OJ to be at my house for the Super Bowl Party--we could talk football

Well, there goes your credibility. Just to make it interesting, invite Robert Blake, too...maybe he could whip up some refreshing smoothies while OJ does the carving..

Quote from Barry Bonds, "Doctors ought to quit worrying about what ballplayers are taking," Bonds told The Associated Press last week. "What players take doesn't matter. It's nobody else's business. The doctors should spend their time looking for cures for cancer."
It's obvious here that the Bond's defenders are hiding behind the lack of a guilty verdict on Bond's. As long as that hasn't happened they can continue their defense of Bond's unchallenged(in their minds). The fact that Bond's has publicly admitted using steroids doesn't deter them for a second.

Posters are wasting their time trying to make a point with the Bond's faithful. Any point is simply refuted with the - Bond's hasn't been found guilty of anything - line. It's a very narrow arguement, but one that can't be beaten.

There is an obvious reason why Bond's is the center of the steroids arguements. Does anybody care if the 10th or 11th pitcher on a staff is using steroids to stay in the Major League's? No. Do we care if Clemens is taking steroids to perhaps break storied pitching records? Yes.

Personally, I am not ready to vilify Bond's for all the damage that has been done to the game of baseball. In the book, "Men at Work", Orel Hershiser talks about cheating and makes a great point. He basically said that if the powers that be are going to look the other way, if they are not going to enforce the rules and go after the cheaters, then he would say to himself that it was ok to start cheating. With an untold number of players using steroids before Bond's decided to, I understand his thinking. This is a huge mess that the owners let happen to the game so they could make a buck.
Last edited by Dear old Dad

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