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At age 40, six years ago, I was 5'11" and 190 pounds, in pretty good shape, not great. I began lifting weights then, and have been between 215 and 220 ever since.....still lifting weights, being active, and in better condition. I am older than Bonds, but it is clear to me that one can gain muscle mass in the late 30s and 40s without steroids and/or other supplements.....I stuck with my normal diet. I am also significantly stronger than I was before.
It is really very simple for violate the law, like buying illegal drugs, using them and supplying them to others and the government has no compunction about arresting you and throwing your butt in jail.

If the government had the evidence that Bonds and other players had committed a crime by using illegal substances, and through testimony they currently held in their case against BALCO, and they did not reveal this information to the MLB and Bud Selig for proper dispensation for correctivd action, then the government would be guilty of withholding evidence that a crime (illegal drug use) had been committed, and the league and the government would both be complicit withholding evidence after the fact in Bond's violation of the leagues rules.

Since no such evidence has been provided to the league nor has the evidence of the testimony revealed beyond a reasonable doubt that Bond's nor any other player used illegal substances such as steroids, then the conjecture of such accusations by so many of the posters here is nothing but gossip and has no validity whatsoever.

Since the government would not be complicit in withholding evidence that a crime had been committed, without the proper prosecution of the violators it is with absolute certainty that I say that Bond's is clean.

Those who have reason to hate him for other than he is not on your team hitting homerooms will always think he is undeserving.

I'm glad the Giants signed him for two more years...and I look forward to the 2005 season when he will become the next HOMERRUN king.
Well, that solves it PiC said so..... Bonds must be clean. So who is going to alert the media? CaDad, can you call the papers in CA? I'll call the papers in TX, and give them the link to this thread. Whos's got NY? FL? IL?

You may want to throw in that we have a way to fix minor league baseball as well (not that there's really a problem with it), and that 75% of mlb players must be born in America at least three generations deep. Well, that excludes me. Roll Eyes

PiC, you talk about you and your son being discriminated against, what you described in an earlier post on another thread is discrimination as well.

Oh yeah and who wants to talk to baseball glove manufacturers to get them to move their operations back to the states so we can have more jobs here? I'll take care of that, I'm sure we wouldn't mind paying up to 50% more for the leather right?

Have you called President Bush yet?

One more thing, can you tell us who really killed JFK? Did Roswell really happen? What is really at Area 51?
Last edited by Glove Man

I don't know if the "government" told Sellig what Sheffield said to them. I assume they did, but maybe they could not for legal reasons. Even if they had, what did it matter: it was not illegal in baseball at the time.
However, Sheffield has now told everyone this week he he used steroids. No more speculation or conjecture.

BlueDog - You said something intelligent. Yes, test. and its synthetic buddy -anabolic steriods, prematurely close off the growth plates of developing skeletal muscle bones. Possible result-stunted growth. Teenagers should never use the stuff. "If your small you have to prove you can play. If your tall, you have to prove you can't play". However, Lyle died from a brain tumor. He attributed his cancer to steriod use. The doctors did not.
Just reading your post from yesterday. Some of us figured out a long time ago same posters multiple names. Some of us even have figured out who is Posters is SOOOO obvious you guys are ridiculous! TR, that is why PAMom keeps warning you not to feed the trolls! And Chill has got her fruit cake recipe hanging on the fridge.....
I received your PT and here is my reply for all to see.
Most of us come here to help each other and those new to the process. We get a little crazy sometimes and maybe a little out of line but we have never come to belittle or be nasty to others.
I am not an expert at baseball, far, far from it. I am only a mom who worked hard at helping her son get to a great Div1, possibly be drafted someday. I learned a lot from the experience and I like to share and I come here and still learn a lot everyday, even from the young ones.
Then someone like you comes along, insults me and others, disrupts the whole flow of the thread by being a smart aleck. Hey you may just be a kid, that's ok, but I don't like the smart aleck kid in you. You say you are a nice shy kid with lots of nice friends, act like it. If my son ever came to this board whether he agreed or not he would behave like a gentleman. The most important thing Heat, is that you come hear to learn and to share, not razz, go to another website to do that. You accused PAMom and I of having nothing better to do, why don't we go to work or take care of our kids, you say? Well, we did all that and when you get to a point in your life when you can do what we can do, then you will understand.
Besides, you may need help someday and since you don't really know who is who on this board, your best to mind your P's and Q's. This HS baseball web is a small world.
I accept your apology and I expect you to do the same to others, so we can move on and you can contribute to this site in a positive way.
Last edited by TPM
about hat sizes - I'm 43 and now I'm wearing a 7 5/8. I used to wear a 3/8 when I was younger. Yeah, I'm 20 pounds heavier than when I was younger, but my head still seems to be growing!! And I know its not because my brains are getting bigger!!
I'm sure there's plenty of instances when people grow later.
Pic - talk like a normal person please, its too early for me to understand your formalities!!

well, I gotta go. I have a game. We're looking to get to 7-3 this weekend, getting ready for the playoffs! But I promise I won't run up any scores!!!
Originally posted by CADad:
Actually I'm primarily an Angels fan and they could sure use some help right now. Pretty sneaky of Minnesota to lose enough games so they could play the Yankees before taking on Boston.

How are your teams doing in the play...oops, didn't make it did they?


Giants and A's bit the dust...thought the Angels would do better, actually was picking them over the Beantowners...oh well, wait 'till next year.

Looks like NY and STL in the WS.
Originally posted by TRhit:

NY and the CARDS?

You forgot the Schilling/Manny led Bosox and their "start a day team" --- just because you didnt pick them is no reason to discount them

The Yanks pitching is quite suspect


I'm not discounting the possibility of the BOSOX making a run at the WS.

But I have to go with the two teams that have the "most" history and tradition of being there at the end in the October classic...NY Yanks and the St Louis Cards.
Last edited by PiC
Originally posted by TRhit:

Charles Barkley said it right--"I ain't no role model for anyone" and I agree-- mom and dad, brothers and sisters uncles and aunts and cousins, teachers are role models--

Indictmnent does not mean guilty-- some overzealous writer in SF who has it in for Bongs was the dirt digger and in fact the drug in question was not banned at the supposed time of use

I have never said steroids where being used in MLB nor College--- what I say is dont convict a man on what is somewhat flimsy information--

People compare pictures of Bonds when he was young and now-- do the same with other players like Clemens, Pettite and so forth--- why are only onor two people being singles out.

I am waiting for the day when the Williams sisters get called on the carpet for their muscular bodies --you think that will happen-- Hey does Martina look the same as she did a few years back when she was playing tennis regularly

DRAT--my body is now different than it was when I was in shape !!!!

Stop lifting and working out, drugs or no drugs, the body changes

While I agree with a lot of your points on this TR, I've seen studies that compared men lifting and taking steroids, men lifting, men taking steroids, and men not doing anything. They measured body chemistry changes over time, ranking by what percentage acquired the most lean mass and lowest bodyfat. The order? Those taking steroids and lifting, those taking steroids, then those just lifting. Steroids are a powerful anabolic agent completely on their own.

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