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Two related topics that started my Monday off with discontent...........

Gonzalez Boycott

Immagration law

Sports are sports and politics are politics. I hate when an athlete and/or one group (MLBPA) threatens a sport that is funded by the fans because of they feel there is discrimination regardless that a law was enacted because of illegal actions to begin with. I support registered immigagration, I condone boarder jumpers, regardless of the Country, who enter this Country because they can get free services without working for them and at the same time refuse to embrace the new culture in regard to language, taxation, healthcare, and identity.

Press one if you agree
Apriete dos si usted no conviene
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Baseball will do just fine if Adrian Gonzalez doesn't play. He's not bigger than the game. No one is. His manager should tell him to shut up and play ball. There are a lot of border issues in southern San Diego County. Gonzalez could become a very unpopular Padre if he tries to do more than play the game of baseball.
rz1 I think you left out a "do not" in front of the condone from that sentece but you still got your point across.

Overall I agree that illegal immigration is a problem and needs to be stopped. I don't have a problem with making those visiting the country have papers to verify they are here legally but if someone has went through the naturalization process and is a legal citizen they shouldn't have to carry around papers. I can see this law having the potential to create a ton of problems with violating the rights of legal residents of this country.

I don't know what the solution is although I have some ideas. I won't share them here because I really doubt it would be a productive discussion. As with everything we have to find the middle ground of protecting legal resident's rights while making sure that illegal immigrants aren't taking advantage of our opportunities. I could care less where someone is from or what they do inside their home but if you come over here then do it the right way. Then become a productive member of society.
This is a very touchy subject in California, particularly in in So Cal. I was born and raised here. I had many friends growing up that had parents that migrated from Mexico to give their family a better life. They came here and worked their tails off, many of them started their own business (construction, janitorial, landscaping, etc...). They attempted to learn english, and pushed their children to accel in school so that they could have a better life.

There are still families with those same goals and aspirations. Unfortunately, now days it seems as though there are many more people that cross our border illegally and expect the government to take care of them. I have a business with a decent percentage of hispanic clients, many have been with me for 20 years, and have worked hard to live a good life for themselves. With that said, we seem to be getting a little too "Politically Correct" in terms of "not" speaking our mind when it comes to people coming to the states illegally and trying to take advantage of the system.

By the way, it ticks me off when I see these "May Day" demonstrations, and the news media films the crowd we tend to see numerous hand made signs in Spanish and the Mexican Flag in the hands of a number of supporters. I'd have much more respect if the signs were in English, and the American Flag was in their hands! Does it make you and me a racist if we're upset that our current system is flawed? It shouldn't, but you can bet that there are those that feel that way, and it's too bad!

Maybe Adrian Gonzalez will have an answer to our problems? I doubt it! BTW, sorry about the post, I'd much rather talk baseball!!! Smile
I take both subjects seriously. MLBPA should stick to contract negotiations and policing their own. Their business is baseball...not illegal immigration.

My grandparents came here legally from Central America in the 40s. My father followed 5 years later. (My Great-grandmother wanted at least 1 little one with her for a while after the bulk of the family moved here.) My grandparents kept a 2nd on their home for years as they sponsored multiple family members who moved here. Again...legally. My great-uncle stepped off the plane and became a soldier in the US army and spent his "immigrant" years in Europe during WWII. His citizenship arrived when the war ended.

Streamline the process and remove the bureacracy. Protect the border, our citizens who live there, and prosecute those who violate our laws. That is not only's fair and right.

(Rant over)
[QUOTE]Originally posted by coach2709:
I don't have a problem with making those visiting the country have papers to verify they are here legally but if someone has went through the naturalization process and is a legal citizen they shouldn't have to carry around papers.

Just clarifying:

They don't have to have "papers." We're not Nazis. They just have to have a driver's license or gov't issued i.d. like every other citizen, so that they can prove who they are. Simple as that.

Also, this law doesn't give authorities the right to walk up and interrogate any "suspicious" looking person on the street. It can only occur when they come in contact with a person through routine policework.

Although I do believe that securing our borders should be a federal issue, they sure haven't done much to figure that issue out and weak border security is a serious issue in AZ. Tuscon is now a huge kidnap danger because of drug cartels infesting the area. There are reports of farmsteads being broken into and farmers killed by these vermin and people are scared.

Anyways, sorry for all the political commentary. It will be interesting to see if A-Gonz follows through on those comments.

Last edited by OnWabana
Originally posted by SultanofSwat:
I hear the feds are going to ask me for papers to prove that I have health insurance.
Naw, the IRS will have access to your personal financial files and check without your knowledge on a monthly basis. It's what the 16,000 new IRS agents budgeted in the health care bill are for. To me that's worse than having to show papers.


Winston Smith
Last edited by RJM
A. Gonzales is a hypocrite.

If Mexico were to reciprocate with respect to their immigration laws, than he would be credible.
The immigration laws of Mexico are very strict and discriminatory are in place to serve one purpose. Maintain Mexico's sovirenty.

Virtually all benefits and rights currently extended to a illegal alien in the U.S would not be available to a illegal alien in Mexico.
Originally posted by RJM:
Originally posted by SultanofSwat:
I hear the feds are going to ask me for papers to prove that I have health insurance.
Naw, the IRS will have access to your personal financial files and check without your knowledge on a monthly basis. It's what the 16,000 new IRS agents budgeted in the health care bill are for. To me that's worse than having to show papers.


Winston Smith

Very scary.

Originally posted by coach2709:
OnWabana - thanks for clarifying that for me. I like to try and be informed and I guess I missed the boat on that one.

Ya, that's the kind of misinformation that goes around on these types of things. There's no doubt in my mind that those who oppose this bill are using that language to make the bill's supporters seem like Nazis. Even the President is doing it. I heard a clip of him responding to the bill where he said something like, "and now if you take your son or daughter for ice cream you could be hassled and ordered to show your papers." I mean, c'mon! Even he can't be that uninformed.

I would be a lot more convinced of the sincerity of Adrian Gonzalez' beliefs if he were to tell the Padres he would not be participating in any of the 9 games his team will be playing in Arizona, and to please dock his annual salary accordingly. Insisting that you won't accept a purely theoretical all star game invitation is nothing more than grandstanding, and the Rev. Jackson has already claimed that podium.

There statistics tossed about suggest that about 28% of MLB players are foreign born. The problem for the champions of the Boycott movement are twofold; All of them earned their way to the majors, and none are here illegally. If those two simple rules work for Major League Baseball, one would think they might work for this country as well.
Originally posted by No one of consequence:
I would be a lot more convinced of the sincerity of Adrian Gonzalez' beliefs if he were to tell the Padres he would not be participating in any of the 9 games his team will be playing in Arizona, and to please dock his annual salary accordingly. Insisting that you won't accept a purely theoretical all star game invitation is nothing more than grandstanding, and the Rev. Jackson has already claimed that podium.

There statistics tossed about suggest that about 28% of MLB players are foreign born. The problem for the champions of the Boycott movement are twofold; All of them earned their way to the majors, and none are here illegally. If those two simple rules work for Major League Baseball, one would think they might work for this country as well.

Very well put
What irks me is Rev Jackson getting involved. I even heard one sports talking head suggest the boycott be done in the name of Jackie Robinson!!! What is that all about?

Things must be slow in the reverends world---and where is big al sharpton?--another rabble rouser

I am with the above poster--the foreign born players in MLB worked hard to get where they are and they arte proud of that and rightfully so.

Are the illegal immigrants aiding the cause of the American Indian in Arizona?
This issue is that police at anytime can approach anyone who looks like they might be an illegal immigrant require they show their legal status. Be it walking down the street, driving a car or just walking the kids to school. Would anyone care to describe what an illegal immigrant looks like? There was quite a bunch where lived recently and non spoke spanish and were driving nice cars and living in big homes in an affluent neighborhood.

Noting that I did not get a job because I looked too "Mexican"...I can't speak a lick of Spanish....Also being stopped by the police as I was walking to school so they could "check on me" as they put it. I am sensitive to the issue. The screwed part was I was late for school. I do agree something needs to be done with this issue but to randomly stop someone by their appearance can only lead to trouble.
Last edited by sgvbaseball
The law specifically does not allow law enforcement personnell to stop people randomly based on their appearance. They can only ask for proof, i.e. identification, if they've stopped someone for a legitimate reason such as a moving violation. This is basically the same as existing, but unenforced, Federal law.

Immigrants are not the problem, ILLEGAL immigrants are the problem. They've largely ruined the situation for many hard working people who only want a better life, but at some point people have to start getting realistic and face facts about what ILLEGALS are costing our society. Arizona is doing something about it, and it looks like nearly a dozen more states are about to enact similar legislation. If the Federal Government were doing it's job, perhaps the state's would not need to?
I do not completely agree with the law as written, nor do I completely agree with those who oppose it. However, I have no problem with any individual, group, corporation or entity exercising their right to do business with any other individual, group, corporation or entity.

Boycotts have been undertaken in this country by organizations on the right and left with varying degrees of success beginning with the colonists that the Tea Party so much wishes to emulate.

It will be interesting to see how it all shakes out.
Last edited by Jimmy03
Why not start with the companies who hire illegal immigrants? If they don't hire them ---they do not come!!!

The sad part is that the American population, that includes you and I, are paying their benefits--they do not pay taxes but they get hospitilzation when they need it--and you wonder why our health insurance costs are up !!!
Originally posted by TRhit:
The sad part is that the American population, that includes you and I, are paying their benefits--they do not pay taxes but they get hospitilzation when they need it--and you wonder why our health insurance costs are up !!!


Stop spreading these myths, TR.

"Let’s start with the false claim that illegal immigrants will get health insurance under reform. That’s not true."
--- August 22, 2009
My neighbor bought a bird feeder.
She hung it on the back porch and filled
it with seed.

What a beauty of A bird feeder it was,
as she filled it lovingly with seed.

Within a week we had hundreds of birds
taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and
easily accessible food.

But then the birds started building nests in the boards on the patio, above the table,
And next to the barbecue.

Then came the poop. It was Everywhere:
on the patio tile,
The chairs, the table ..

Then some of the birds turned mean.
They would dive bomb her and try to
peck even though she had fed them out of
her own pocket.

And others birds were boisterous and loud.
They sat on the feeder and squawked and screamed at
all hours of the day and night and demanded a refill that when it got low on food.

After a while, she couldn't even sit on her back porch anymore.

So she took down the Bird feeder and in three days
the birds were gone.

I cleaned up their mess and took down
the many nests they had built all over the patio.

Soon, the back yard was like it used to be .... quiet, serene.... and no one demanding their
rights to a free meal.

Now let's see.
Our government gives out free food,
subsidized housing, free medical care and free
education, and allows anyone born here to be an automatic citizen.

Then the illegal's came by the tens of thousands. Suddenly our taxes went up to pay for free services; small apartments are housing 5 families; you have to wait 6 hours to be seen by a doctor;
Your child's second grade class is behind other schools because over half the class doesn't speak

Corn Flakes now come in a bilingual box;
I have to 'press one ' to hear my bank
talk to me in English, and people waving flags other
than 'Old Glory' are squawking and screaming
in the streets, demanding more rights and free liberties.

Just my opinion, but maybe it's time for the government to take down the bird feeder.

If you agree, pass it on; if not, just continue cleaning up the poop
TR, we employ many hispanics where I work. When the new verification process was put into effect about 3 years ago we "lost" 45 people. However they have adapted. Now they "buy" someone who is legal name and SS# and pay him/her weekly for the use. Now their currently is no way to know if they are legal or not as everything checks out. I know some employers do not care but those of us who do have no way to determine if they are indeed illegal.
Originally posted by infidel_08:
Originally posted by TRhit:
The sad part is that the American population, that includes you and I, are paying their benefits--they do not pay taxes but they get hospitilzation when they need it--and you wonder why our health insurance costs are up !!!


Stop spreading these myths, TR.

"Let’s start with the false claim that illegal immigrants will get health insurance under reform. That’s not true."
--- August 22, 2009

As I stated in an earlier post some illegal immigrants currently get medicaid.

I've also found adults with out soc sec numbers using their children's soc sec numbers to work under. or your children's soc.sec number. Eek
Last edited by njbb

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