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They teased a bit more of it on the 6pm broadcast. One target is the Southlake QB from Oklahoma. Surprise, surprise "he transfered for athletic reasons after being ruled ineligible in Oklahoma". And his dad still works in OKC and they have "not yet sold their ranch". The cornered the dad at a gas station and he was pi$$ed. As they say in TV, "more at 10..."

...this just in...Brett Shipp has busted Southlake.
Last edited by Tx-Husker
I think he would have teased more material if he had it. I doubt we'll see any more other than follow up on this story. You can count on that Friday night after a UIL meeting on this topic Friday morning and their game Friday night. Wonder if the dad will make it down from OK for the game and have a coffee with Brett? Wink
Personally I think the Carroll ISD should thank Brett Ship. He could have waited another 8 weeks and then they would have to forfeit any wins if this situation does not come out squeaky clean. And it doesn't appear that it will. And if it doesn't then the AD may be looking for a new job.

And Tx-Husker I would love to be in Starbucks with good ol' dad and Brett. I would probably keep my distance though!
What seems clear to me after watching the story and reading the Carrol press release, is UIL rules on this topic conflict with one another. Sounds to me like you could rule either way and both the school and player are exploiting the loop pole. It seems pretty clear to me what's going on here, especially when you consider the history of the party involved. Shipp seems to have gotten the essence right.
What seems clear to me is who brought this to Channel 8's attention. Southlake has a long tradition of having good QB's and I know that there was expectation of a senior QB taking his God given right and was to lead the great Dragons to gridiron glory, but in swoops a stud from OK and his and his parents dreams are shattered. Well, lets call Brett Shipp and sick the hound on the kid and his family. What a mess! Looks like it worked daddy.
From the UIL CCA...


If a district executive committee or the State Executive Committee determines that a complaint or report of a violation has enough validity or substance to hold a hearing, the burden to disprove the allegations rests with the participant school, member school district or covered school district personnel charged with the violation.
Originally posted by agsnhere:
Is it just me, or did Garmans daddy look like a younger, slimmer, Ken Guthrie?


Tatoos, bluetooth, and a ski boat. No chance.

Now if there was cold beer, a boom box blaring George Jones, and a duck boat I'd say you've got a point.

What amazes me about the story and the situation is that our society has put so much infasis on high school and college athletics that things like this come at no surprise.

Seriously? What has our society and the parents belonging to it come to?

Makes me sick. And WOW, the top football program in the top football state lands this kid? What a coincidence. Roll Eyes No way should Southlake be to blame right?

So as a parent, your going to send your kid to a different school in Oklahoma, then to another school in Texas away from home...all for athletic reasons?

So as a school, a kid from Oklahoma just happens to show up his senior year. And oh, by the way, he's a good enough QB to start at one of the winningest programs in the state? Nobody sees anything weird about that in the Athletic department?


I just don't get it.

The great lengths that families, schools, and society in general go to in order to chase a dream and promote self importance amazes me.

Wake up America!

Oh, and don't let the media get off easy.

"Top recruit in the country" my ace...

And he committed to Arizona?

Come on.
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
Originally posted by agsnhere:
Is it just me, or did Garmans daddy look like a younger, slimmer, Ken Guthrie?

PS- One of my sources told me that luvtxball also hates football, southlake hs, democracy, kids charging to catch bullpens, America, apple pie, and DBAT.


agsnhere...I do love apple pie and my son quarterbacks for Southlake Carroll. You wanna keep messing with me?
Originally posted by luvtxball:
Originally posted by agsnhere:
Is it just me, or did Garmans daddy look like a younger, slimmer, Ken Guthrie?

PS- One of my sources told me that luvtxball also hates football, southlake hs, democracy, kids charging to catch bullpens, America, apple pie, and DBAT.


agsnhere...I do love apple pie and my son quarterbacks for Southlake Carroll. You wanna keep messing with me?

So you're the one that tipped off Brett...makes sense now.
Last edited by MDteX
Originally posted by wraggArm:
Originally posted by luvtxball:
...You wanna keep messing with me?

luvballs - I don't think anybody really wants to mess with you.

It's just...that HUGE bullseye you're holding up...must...resist...temp..tation...

Thanks wraggarm, I'm okay with being the target. I still stand by my opinion that the kid had no business on this web site advertising for his catching bullpen business. In the end he checked with UIL and it was a violation. He could have lost his amateur status! End of story. I know the kid, I like the kid, I just thought if he did it, then every other kid would be on this web site trying to get a job or trying to sell us something in return for tuition money or car payments or prom money or whatever. Like several days ago a dad posted trying to get his son an umpire job and asking for this web sites help. Its just my opinion that those kinds of posts are not necessary. I think it would be unending. I loved the kids entrepreneurial( Rock Dad from Rockwall will have to look up that word)spirit. My son has some old cleats, bats and bags...will somebody buy them to help pay for his car payments? Ken, can you sent a hundred dollars, he's also a great kid. No I didn't think so. Its just not appropriate on this site. Its my opinion and thats all. I hope that clarifies the situation a little bit further. One last thing...I really do hate the d-bat pants.
We'll in that case, its good of you to have provided the policing services. You're probably right about the flood of enterprising HS-aged kids that would be jamming up these discussion threads trying to get jobs. There's got to be at least 13 or so kids across the metroplex saturating the baseball instruction market right now - flying in the face of the UIL. The minute they hear about this media outlet...well I just hate to imagine the mayhem. They'd probably have to go to the trouble of opening a seperate forum.

If you're really worried about unnecessary posts, you ought to go review/report the cr&p I'm putting out there.

413 gems of pure nonsense. Actually, 414.
Last edited by wraggArm
Originally posted by wraggArm:
We'll in that case, its good of you to have provided the policing services. You're probably right about the flood of enterprising HS-aged kids that would be jamming up these discussion threads trying to get jobs. There's got to be at least 13 or so kids across the metroplex saturating the baseball instruction market right now - flying in the face of the UIL. The minute they hear about this media outlet...well I just hate to imagine the mayhem. They'd probably have to go to the trouble of opening a seperate forum.

If you're really worried about unnecessary posts, you ought to go review/report the cr&p I'm putting out there.

413 gems of pure nonsense. Actually, 414. did get one thing right and you made one good point, your posts are "cr&p"
Hey luvstostartstuff it was this mom who requested information for her college son wanting to umpire, not a dad. Not the first time you have shown your small mindedness about who is communicating on this board.

I was asking a baseball community of people for contact information in a specific baseball local in hopes of my son being able to offer his umpiring services to that organization. You are right....that was way off the mark to do, whatever was I thinking? Luckily you are a minority on this board, and like happens every day around here, some nice person was able to answer my question and help out another kid who loves the game of baseball. I have been helped countless times, and I would be right there to reciprocate when possible. That's what helpful and kind people do, and I am happy to say that there are plenty of helpful and kind people who frequent this community. Sorry you don't get that....

A kid trying to make some money instead of mooching off his parents really rubs you the wrong way doesn't it? Mucking up the board with complaining and starting trouble is a much more effective use of time to you I guess. I gotta give props to the kids trying to grow into good men instead of worthless non-contributors.

I believe throwing out a "bite me" to you would be tacky, and I generally try not to be tacky, but guess're worth it!
Last edited by 2010-15-20
11:50 a.m.: HSGameTime's Rainer Sabin reports the committee has denied Daxx Garman eligibility. Final vote was 4-3. Garman's parents are allowed to file an appeal to the UIL state executive committee.

Voted against Garman's eligibility -- Rose Brenner, Justin Northwest High School principal; Ric Canterbury, Saginaw High School principal; Ken Purcell, Denton ISD athletic director; John Crawford, Coppell ISD athletic director.
"David Hinson, Keller Central High School principal; David Hadley, Keller Fossil Ridge High School principal; and Rick Westfall, Keller High School principal, voted in favor of Garman's eligibility."

All three that voted in favor were principals from the Keller district.

From the HS Gametime blog it appears that 14 members of the committee were at the meeting.... does anyone understand how this works?

See complete article/blog here...
Last edited by cheapseats
Quote From Dallas Morning News Reporter Brandon George....
"And you likely haven't seen the last of Garman. Sure, he's orally committed to Arizona already. But he could end up playing quarterback at a nearby private school without any hiccups. I've seen that a time or two hundred over the years. Though he can't play for a UIL school, he could still play football for a private school in the area. Don't be surprised if that's his next move if the UIL appeal is denied."


I just checked the Texas private school sports message board, there is already a thread titled "Who will get the QB from Southlake" and it is already 2 pages long. Big Grin

Gotta love Texas sports....
Last edited by cheapseats
Originally posted by cheapseats:
From Dallas Morning News Reporter Brandon George....
"And you likely haven't seen the last of Garman. Sure, he's orally committed to Arizona already. But he could end up playing quarterback at a nearby private school without any hiccups. I've seen that a time or two hundred over the years. Though he can't play for a UIL school, he could still play football for a private school in the area. Don't be surprised if that's his next move if the UIL appeal is denied."

I just checked the Texas private school sports message board, there is already a thread titled "Who will get the QB from Southlake" and it is already 2 pages long. Big Grin

Gotta love Texas sports....

You should be a reporter the way you are slanting this story cheapseats. No one is saying they want him. They are just talking about it.
Not slanting at all Husker - just making the observation that it is a hot topic on the private school message board.....I did not state (or intend to imply) that anyone said they wanted him...actually, I can't imagine any coach, AD, or parent going on a public message board to say they wanted a player...that would have red flags all over it.

I think you read more into my post than was intended...
Last edited by cheapseats
Paragraph 1..."you likely haven't seen the last of Garman....he could end up playing quarterback at a nearby private school...seen it hundreds of times".

Paragraph 2..."checked the Texas private school sports message board...already a thread titled "Who will get the QB from Southlake"

If reading into it is connecting 2 paragraphs in the same post rather than knowing they are 2 disconnected thought, color me guilty.

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