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All true. My wife and I sold a house in Rumson last year. Our kids trick-or-treated at the Boss' house in the neighborhood for a few years. Gate was open and decorated like a haunted house and every child was given giant candy bars. He does work for food banks in our region and donates generously to many chartites.


(I'm still not happy with fillsfan)
I admit I was never a huge Bruce fan. I can listen to two or three of his songs before I have to change the dial. I went to one of his concerts in 1974 at West Chester Univ. but don't remember much of the concert. After seeing yesterdays performance I do admit that he puts on a good show and seems very likable. Maybe if I lived further up the turnpike I'd feel differently.

I am/was a big Sinatra fan. Been listening to him since I was about 10. A Philadelphia station has been playing "Friday with Frank" for about 40 years now. Every Friday my father had it on the radio after dinner.

But they all lose their voices about middle age.
My take:

Bruce's core appeal is authenticity.

Its intensely american music, and unlike most popular (radio) songs, his lyrics don't rely on romantic cliches.

His characters are true to life and the situations realistically describe urban/suburban america.

Oh yeah, the band cuts a ginormous groove and Bruce (not James Brown) has always been the hardest working man in show business.

Judge said "What you got in your defense son?" "Fifty-seven channels and nothin' on"
After replays many media types, blogs, and message boards are saying Springsteen pulled off the non-pc coup of the year with his Mr Crotch meets Mr Camera slide across the stage.

I didn't think much of it

My wife said -YEA

Sons girl - Nice move...rewind please

Daughters - he's older than you
Both Hudson and Faith Hill used pre-recorded versions of their songs at the insistance of the show's producer. An article I read said that Hudson was calm and collected and prepared to sing live, but that the producer said there were just too many variables that could affect a live performance in such a huge venue to take a chance. I was actually glad that it was done that way. Before Hudson started to sing, I thought she looked to be battling emotions briefly and wondered if she would be OK, so was glad that they went with the recorded version. I also thought she knocked it out of the park (to put it in BB terms) and did a great job with the lip sync.
Originally posted by Baseballdad1228:
I don't care if that was recorded. It was astounding and one of the best renditions I've ever heard.

Glad you liked it. I liked it too. Too bad we can't say it was one of the best 'live' renditions we've ever heard.

Imagine her emotions after the family tragedy three months ago. Great job by her.

I don't know about that. I thought her lip syncing was only average to good.
Last edited by Dear old Dad
Am I the only one that finds it depressing to watch these near senior citizens that are dancing around the stage like they are still in their 20's. I am not criticizing Springsteen's performance, but I did get up and leave the room for his 12 minutes.

The Rolling Stones are the first band I really noticed it with. They look like musicians that are trying to re-create the past but they are doing it in 60-year old bodies, and it just looks sad. I can't figure out if they are doing it for the money, or if they crave the spotlight.

I'd rather see some fresh, young performers in their prime at these live shows.
Dear old Dad,

You're easily entertained.

Remember that you were the one who decided to be critical of a young woman who performed bravely at the Super Bowl in front of millions of people just months after having her mother and two other family members brutally murdered. It was her first public appearance since the tragedy.

That tells me all I need to know about you.

And that is sad.
Last edited by Baseballdad1228
Originally posted by Baseballdad1228:

Remember that you were the one who decided to be critical of a young woman

HaHa, you have quite an imagination. I never criticized her, but don't let that stop you from making another unfounded insult.

I don't know why you are being so intolerant of other peoples opinions and comments on this thread, but lighten up. Who cares if someone else wasn't impressed with Springsteen's voice, or the lip syncing deception. Let it go.
Originally posted by Blprkfrnks:

I'd rather see some fresh, young performers in their prime at these live shows.

LOL..Thank Janet Jackson w/ Justin timberlake for that. In an interview with Miami Steve, he kiddingly thanked Janet Jackson for her wardrobe malfunction because it got rock-and roll back to the super bowl.

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