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Name the time and place and ill be there. On vacation for next couple of months . Itll be great to get away from all the city b.s. for a while. Looking forward to the Sparks fall season and some fall visits. Was really good to see and talk to your kid last weekend ..hes going to be just fine . Kids like him always seem to persevere.
p.m. me with your phone # .
Originally posted by Nails:
So flying in a player is borderline illegal and somewhat bending the rules?

If you have 3 new players each week or a kid plays for you for 1 weekend is that kid part of that organization or is there really any team concept to that team?

I do know alot of the kids that were on Bergen last year and I do know that they weren't explained the situation and happy with what happened, just becuase you were doesn't mean they were. You guys think I don't know or have basis for my arguements which is funny to me because based on things you say you don't have a clue what's going on.

I don't really care about Bergen, they aren't in any tournaments in Illinois or have any affect on anything over here, I just find it funny when a team that recreuts players from all over the country starts bragging about how they beat pony, colt, regional teams. I think my posts allow parents and players to look deeper into travel programs, ask the questions that we posed, and make sure it's a good fit. Alot of these places are taking credit for things that are alot different than they seem.

Why didn't Bergen have a Chicago team, why was the coach of the team being overrode by the GM in New York? Why don't you answer a question one time since your all in the's avoid avoid and pass blame and make something else up that I say so that you don't have to answer anything and I think intelligent people see through it. Sorry that I brought up some things but that's what this is all about, people having opinions.

Paragraph 1:
How did you get "borderline illegal" from "their a non-profit org and can fund a kid if they show need"?
Paragraph 2:
As I explained once before, what Bergen chose to do and why was well explained at the team meetings and fully discussed between families throughout the season. we all knew what was going on and why. And I don't recall seeing you at any of the meetings...And I DO know who you are!
Paragraph 3:
If you "don't really care" about Bergen than what the F*** are still beating the horse for? I don't recall anyone at anytime from the moment this post began bragging about who the team beat or anything of that nature. The post was simply started to say nice job to 4 Illinois kids who did well. You, nails, digressed it into what it has become.
Pargraph 4:See response to paragraph 3
Last edited by Traveldad
Originally posted by M.A.R.G.:
Speaking of the CABA ..... been watching a good one in the 15U tournament on the Schaumburge Seminoles Parker Asmann. If anyone has his contact phone number or email address please PM me. Would like to discuss opportunities for fall and next year.


Well played, I think you, me, playdog, Sulli, Tuzi all know a little secretSmile Where is JK? He's probably laughing somewhere.

The obsessive compulsive ringmaster of the greatest show on earth has returned.
Mr. Nails
I don't really care about Bergen, they aren't in any tournaments in Illinois or have any affect on anything over here, I just find it funny when a team that recreuts players from all over the country starts bragging about how they beat pony, colt, regional teams. I think my posts allow parents and players to look deeper into travel programs, ask the questions that we posed, and make sure it's a good fit. Alot of these places are taking credit for things that are alot different than they seem.

Now Mr. Nails, you are just such an engaging fellow that tweaks the interest. With a little help from a concerned parent the following is coming to light: Why all the vitriol (abusive or venomous language used to express blame, censure or bitter deep-seated ill will) "Could it be possible that you do really care about Bergen organization? Could it be that you were affiliated with a high profile Illinois team that was crippled when Bergen blew into town ran a camp and "took" some of your best players? A crushing blow that had lasting implications on your older division? Just asking?"

Bergen hasn't been on here bragging, you however attempt to diminish their accomplishment with subtle comments about the competition..My dear fellow I wouldn't consider the Columbus Cobras, Maryland Select, Cincy Flames, Little League teams would you?
How about the always strong Top Tier or Midwest Rangers are they weak competition? Maybe not as strong as the ol'e Seminoles.
The team Bergen played in the Championship was sponsored by a Legion Post, however they were an elite group of players selected from the south Florida metro area Miami-Dade and also included members/former members of some tough teams in FL including Florida Bombers, Naples Bats and Orlando Scorpions. Talk about stacked they had 12 pitchers rostered. Now what? more talk of ethics, I think everyone is on to you..time to change screen names.
Last edited by NCSASCOUT
why would i change screen names? Should I change one to where i pretend I am a scout and posts scouting reports on players that everyone knew about 3 months ago?

Bergen is out of New York, right? Why do they play in a florida bracket.

I still think it's bending the rules flying a kid in when O.J mayo gets busted for people buying him meals.

Nobody explained why they don't have a Chicago team anymore either. You guys keep coming at me but won't answer questions. Listen, I understand you guys will only be posting as long as your kids are playing and when their done your done. But my opinion is that what they have done with charging kids to tryout, bring in kids from all over last year and get people mad, get rid of the Chicago team was somewhat money motivated not kid motivated. And I had an opinion of it. Could they be the greatest group of guys in the world, possibly. But until I understand why they do some of the stuff they do I will have an opinion on it and post it. Nobody else seems to be able to answer that one.
Nails now it's back to the Chicago team? Why don't you contact them and ask? From what I hear it was an experiment that didn't go as designed, something they want to look at again. Yes I did hear from a parent that is on to you.

Why don't you ask and call to the mat all the organizations that run camps and tryouts.. money motivated? are you kidding, who isn't money motivated, maybe the guys down at the local little league field, you are talking about high profile travel baseball take your head out of the sand.
see, your making it seem like I am against Bergen again. I know there are a ton of teams that run showcases I just never heard of any that charged a kid to actually try out for the team. Then after all the Illinois kids paid and tried out, there was 1 kid that made it whose dad is helping coach. So what did they charge them to try out for if they weren't going to take any illinois kids? Just to use their name to get kids to pay them money?

A good way to do it would be to go back to the 50 or so Illinois kids that paid to try out and add them to the roster at the end of the year if they really needed pitching, instead they got 4 new kids that are very good that I am sure didn't try out for their team back in September. So all those kids and parents paid money for nothing, didn't they. That's the stuff I have a problem with and opinions on.
I still want to know what the teams that pick up players are doing it for.

The Blues are in Jackson at the NABF World Series. We will play the Bayside Yankees tomorrow. Bayside lost 8 guys to the MLB draft (kids who signed). They picked up the best 6 kids from another team that didn't qualify (4 players from Vandy). That is reasonable. They needed to field a team and had to make pick ups.

I think rosters should be sent in at least a month before the tourny (unless it is a situation like Bayside had). End of story. Kids can't be on more than one roster.

We beat the Houston Heat (defending champs) this morning. Nick Gross (D2 St. Joseph) piched 6 1/3. Left with a 3-1 lead men on 1st and second. Robert Kennedy came in and let up two scatch hits 3-2 bases loaded. Then a double play ball to Gabe Henriques to end it. Very exciting. Our runs..bases loaded 8 pitch walk to Josh Levy ( he fouled off some tough close pitches) with 2 outs followed by a two run single by RK.
A good way to do it would be to go back to the 50 or so Illinois kids that paid to try out and add them to the roster at the end of the year if they really needed pitching, instead they got 4 new kids that are very good that I am sure didn't try out for their team back in September. So all those kids and parents paid money for nothing, didn't they. That's the stuff I have a problem with and opinions on.

Nails...(You mention a good way to do something) A good way to conduct this argument would be to engage the organization directly instead of standing up the running back and taking free shots. Why don't you contact them, ask them the questions you pose here and then relay to us the results. Did they promise kids who attended the camps a spot on a roster? if they did then didn't deliver, I would agree with you ...That's bad. If they didn't promise anything and the parents forked over the $, then it's buyer beware. Read the fine print, ask questions and understand what you are signing up Johnny for.. before you ink the check. It's pretty clear that your position is personal.

Blues nice team congratulations and good luck at NABF.
that's why people like you are on here to correct me on something you know for sure. Glad to hear that, was he asked though and just couldn't cause he had a conflict with his team making the state playoffs? Either way that's why I said I heard it and wasn't sure, thanks for clearing that up. Kids a very good pitcher.

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