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That game yesterday could easily have been something like 42-7 and over at halftime. Fumble through the end zone, dropped short TD pass, fumble caused and recovered by #90 inside the 10 yard line.

Cam Newton might win the Heisman, but the star of that come back was #90 and the defense. Bama 3 points after that early 24 point lead.
He is a great player and definitely deserves the Heisman for his on field performance, but Bama's QB was the star of this game in the first half. Newton and Pryor (OSU) are similiar players except I think Newton is the better passer.

Anyway I thought that play #90 made when Bama had a first and goal Sack/fumble and then fumble recovery was one of the best and most important defensive plays I saw this entire year. He should be the defensive player of the week IMO. Wish I could remember his name.

What an amazing year so far for Auburn. The AD is looking pretty good on this one. Took quite a chance hiring Chizik who had won 5 games in two years at IOWA STATE. I bet Auburn fans are much happier now than they were when Chizik was first hired.
Best QB in college football, in my view, plays in Palo Alto, hopefully for one more year.
He won't win the Heisman, but he may well be the #1 pick by the NFL. Something like a 3.5 GPA majoring in architecture.
His blocking back also is the middle linebacker,(on the field both ways close to 100 plays per game) and carries over a 3.5 in pre-med.
Interesting how the media, from the East and ESPN, drives many of our discussions of college athletics.
Last edited by infielddad
Who could ever amount to anything in Iowa?

Good point, but some have overcome.

Marv Levy
Bill Fitch
Dan Gable
Bob Feller
Herbert Hoover
Glenn Miller
Meredith Wilson
Grant Wood
Johnny Carson
Buffalo Bill Cody
Ann Landers
Harry Reasoner
Donna Reed
Billy Sunday
James Van Allen
Abigail Van Buren
Andy Williams
John Wayne
And well over 200 NFL players attended the U of Iowa. Smile
I love watching Luck play the game. He is the total package. He might be the most ready to play in the NFL guy coming out of college I have seen in a long time , imo. Newton reminds me of Vince Young. A great great college qb. And probably a guy that can make a living at the position in the NFL. But Luck is in a class all by himself.
Based on history, a QB winning the Heisman is pretty much doomed in the NFL. Only a few in the past 50 years have become good/great NFL QBs. The number that just didn't pan out for one reason or another is amazing.

In many cases the best NFL QBs never got any Heisman votes.

I do think Luck is the #1 pro type QB amonst the well known guys. I think Newton might be better than Vince Young. Then again, I was the one that told Kurt Warner his best future was in baseball. Smile
I agree. The spread option offense, and the QB's in college who are best at running it, doesn't translate well to the faster speed of the NFL.

Look at the best NFL QB's - they mostly came from college programs that had a pro-style offense.

The college game is a lot more exciting, in my opinion, but the fact seems to be that the NFL defenses are just way too quick and fast for the spread option to be a viable offense.

Maybe a Cam Newton type can transition to a pro offense, but many of these types have not.
This and that about Iowa...

Didn't know that about Bill Fitch but he is an outstanding coach and talent evaluator.

I thought Johnny Carson was from Nebraska?

I might also add Tim Dwight and Casey Blake to the list.

I am still not sure if anyone has ever "out-prodigeed" Bob Feller. I suppose the next time we see a 17 year old start in the big leagues...
Last edited by ClevelandDad
Originally posted by PGStaff:
Who could ever amount to anything in Iowa?

Good point, but some have overcome.

Marv Levy
Bill Fitch
Dan Gable
Bob Feller
Herbert Hoover
Glenn Miller
Meredith Wilson
Grant Wood
Johnny Carson
Buffalo Bill Cody
Ann Landers
Harry Reasoner
Donna Reed
Billy Sunday
James Van Allen
Abigail Van Buren
Andy Williams
John Wayne
And well over 200 NFL players attended the U of Iowa. Smile
Many former and current ML players from Iowa. The names of yesterday there PG, good list of names.

For hoops you could put in Fred Hoiberg and Korver.

BTW, Chizek was only at ISU for 2 years, a place that's not easy to recruit for compared to Auburn.

I'd love to see Stanford play Auburn! That would be a barn burner!

Maybe Harbaugh would look at Colorado? Hmmm...
Originally posted by PGStaff:
Who could ever amount to anything in Iowa?

Good point, but some have overcome.

Marv Levy
Bill Fitch
Dan Gable
Bob Feller
Herbert Hoover
Glenn Miller
Meredith Wilson
Grant Wood
Johnny Carson
Buffalo Bill Cody
Ann Landers
Harry Reasoner
Donna Reed
Billy Sunday
James Van Allen
Abigail Van Buren
Andy Williams
John Wayne
And well over 200 NFL players attended the U of Iowa. Smile

And, The Best **** Sports Show's Tom Arnold,
Former Trojan QB Pat Haden and current USC AD, made a good point regarding this Cam Newton thing. The NCAA stated that there will be no repercussions to Cam Newton in this case, due to the fact that it was his father that initiated the situation(s). If this is true, isn't the NCAA a little two-faced? The Reggie Bush saga had his mom and dad right in the middle too, and at the time the NCAA's stance was that the parent/student relationship goes hand in hand...I don't condone what Reggie Bush and his family did, however, why is this being looked at differently than Cam Newton? Just thinking out-loud....
Let's try and put this is a college baseball context.
The NCAA has concluded the Father attempted to negotiate a payment of up to $180,000 for Cam to play at MSU. MSU didn't pay.
I forget the Kentucky pitchers name, but he was a 1st rounder, Boras called the Blue Jays with the contract demand, the player didn't sign, the player didn't get one penny, and the player lost his collegiate eligibility.
What Cam's father did might be unlawful and an NCAA violation, but Cam is eligible.
What Boras did was lawful, was an NCAA violation but the player got penalized.
This is a slippery slope, very slippery for the NCAA.
Was there an admission or finding by anyone that the player "knew" Boras called and made the demand on his behalf, or that the player consented to it?
I don't think so.
In fact Boras represented he did everything in accordance with the NCAA requirements.
What Boras did was lawful.
What Newton's father did was probably unlawful.
In the Boras situation, the NCAA demanded the player show up for an interview. When he did not, he was suspended.
If the NCAA interviewed Newton, it sure was quiet. Nothing I have seen says they did.
Yes, the investigation is ongoing.
Originally posted by Jimmy03:
I havne't checked the exact wording of the rule in question, but originally, a spokesperson for NCAA stated that the applied equally to memberss of the family and that the student/ahtlete was held responsible for their actions in this matter as well as his own.

That is my point of bringing this up today, and what Pat Haden's statement was reflecting. Why is this not applying equally to the Newton Family?
From a totally BIASED point of view....

My understanding and all of the inconsistent statements made by MSU boosters/agents/fans or whatever is that Cecil Newton never actually solicited the money himself from MSU but rather the request came through Kenny Rogers, causing the NCAA and SEC a problem with exactly how to handle this. Do I believe Cecil Newton was up to something...yes I do but I also think he may have exploited a loophole as well as any lawyer could do. Is it all over...not by a long shot.

If I am correct, for somebody to act as an agent for a player, they must have written consent or oral consent from the actual player not the family. Rogers himself was not actually an agent but had ties to an agency in Chicago (I believe, may be wrong city). Rogers actual agent status presented another problem for the NCAA/SEC to figure out, along with the lack of a written agent contract.

Like I said, this thing is far from over. Wish it was but it would be foolish to think that.

Different from the Bush/USC case in that money and benefits were received as well as copies of Reggie Bush's signature on an agent's credit card receipts as evidence. Actually suprised it took so long for the NCAA to act given the evidence. USC denials didn't help the university.

Universities rarely win battles against the NCAA...a victory is simply breaking even. So far, I approve how Auburn/Chizik/Jacobs has handled this affair and cooperated with the NCAA. Most on this board don't know this but Auburn now has what is considered by many as one of the best compliance offices in the country (Heaven knows we need it).

All that being said...WAR EAGLE!!!!

Class of '78
WAR EAGLE! I also believe Auburn/SEC/ and NCAA have handled the stuation correctly based on the situation as we presently know it. I think he learned some hard lessons at UF, and AU was a good choice for him. Look at past and current AU football players in the NFL. You don't read about them in the newspapers for the wrong reasons. Just possibly Cam thought it would be a great place to showcase his skills, with the super offensive supporting cast and coordinator he would have, and alomg the way he found a CAMILY.

One thing for sure, Auburn is just plain exciting to watch right now, and Cam Newton is flat out awesome. He has so much fun, you can't help but smile. When he put the cap on the ref and patted him on the back end I thought I would fall out laughing. I love what he brings to this game, and I sure hope the improper involvement stopped with Rogers and Cecil Newton. There is no doubt that we will find out if there is more to the story eventually.


Small Town Mom
Class of '79
Originally posted by Coach_May:
I think the real question is will he be returning it a year or so from now.

Cam Newton's been cleared - no worries (sarcasim off).

It seems to be a large joke this thing called the NCAA. Andrew Oliver (a baseball player) merely had his attorney in the room on draft day and was sued by the NCAA and forced to miss out on the NCAA regionals.

It took them five years to figure out that Reggie Bush couldn't afford to drive around campus in an expensive car and live with his entire family in an expensive condominum. Of course, Pete Carroll never noticed any of that or was aware of any of that Roll Eyes

I wonder how many test-takers are filling in for Cam at this very moment. Don't get me wrong, I think Cam Newton is a fabulous player but I am sick of the double standards.
Last edited by ClevelandDad
I wonder how many test-takers are filling in for Cam at this very moment. Don't get me wrong, I think Cam Newton is a fabulous player but I am sick of the double standards.

CD, I would be too, if indeed double standards come into play here. If evidence in the future reveals that Cam Newton violated NCAA rules then let the hammer fall. I have never felt the NCAA avoided punishing anyone that deserved it. If anything they are quick to pull the trigger. I don't know what Bush was driving but "Scootin' Newton" rides a scooter around campus ... as he did in FL.

2009 Stats:

The average MLB player plays for nearly 6 seasons. The average salary is $3 million dollars. During the course of his career, the average professional baseball player will earn $18 million dollars.

The average NBA player plays for 5 seasons. The average player salary is $4 million dollars per year, providing average career earnings of $20 million.

The average NFL player plays only 3 years. The average player salary is $770,000 a year, bringing the average career earnings of an NFL player to $2,310,000 – 12% of the MLB player and 11% of an NBA player.

The NFL salaries are low relative to the money the NFL makes is because the NFL players union sucks compared to MLB and even the NBA. It's the players fault for agreeing to the current salary strcture and hard caps and their union negotiators not playing hardball with the owners.

Even with the NFL salaries at the bottom, In all three examples, you can retire on those salaries and average years.

Most peeps will never make 2.3M in their lifetime.

How much more do these athletes need.
Last edited by zombywoof

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