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Per ESPN yesterday, Newton's Florida transgressions were he (1) stole a laptop, then threw it out a window when cops showed up, and (2) yanks a paper written by another student off a desk, changes it to his name, and turns it in as his own work?

Maybe he has since cleaned up his act, I sure hope so, but those are two pretty classless low life type acts.

He's a great athlete but the character part needed work 2 years ago..and it sounds like the ethics at the Newton home are somewhat fluid...
Initial charges of theft differ from the final charges of possession of stolen property when Cam admitted he bought the laptop from the trunk of a car. He said he figured the laptop was hot when he bought it. The cheating incident is rumored and not substantiated by anyone including Urban Meyer or Florida. So, what really happened? I KNOW what really happened. Cam Newton won the Heisman Trophy, Auburn went undefeated and is ranked #1 in the nation. Big Grin
He did indeed win the award and is a great football player, but it's no wonder Circuit City went under if college students are buying laptops out of trunks of cars. "He figured it was hot"? Duh.

Receiving stolen property is normally punished the same as though the "recipient" stole it.

It seems there is so much smoke surrounding this thing I suspect the committee will put a gps device on the trophy so they can find it when they eventually recall it.

Great athlete-no question.
Originally posted by infielddad:
Do I believe buying big time football and basketball recruits exists? Yes, I do.
Do I have any facts to support that it happened at Auburn with Newton? Nope.
Do I think the NCAA wants to know the scope and extent of this issue? Nope.

No doubt he won because he truely deserved to win for his talent. I think it's rather unfair to assume Auburn paid under the table for him to attend because his dad was willing to take money from another program. The Heisman Trophy is not about being the nicest or smartest college football player.

Regardless of the other stories and when he stole and cheated, people do turn their lives around and head in the right direction.

I don't know about anyone else, but IMO I witnessed a young man receive an award last night, no matter how grateful he appeared, he certainly did a poor job of expressing it. It was sort of like a whatever you beleive it doesn't matter this is how it is in your face attitude.

No doubt someday if there is a more to it than there is it will come out in the wash eventually.
After the presentation ESPN presented 30 for 30, pony expre$$, the story of the paying of recrutis that went to SMU and the death to the football program. It was so involved it included the Governor.

The last statement in the program was appropriate, there is soooo much money to be made in college football it can't be all legit.

Luck will no doubt be the first round pick and make millions upon millions being so, good for him, it's great to see an academic achiever with mega talent get rewarded for his efforts, that to me is what the NCAA should be all about.

I was kind of disappointed. My opinion of the NCAA and what they actually stand for has changed somewhat over the years, not sure why they go after some in some sports and not others as in football and when they do they drag their feet doing so.
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by Fungo:
So, what really happened? I KNOW what really happened. Cam Newton won the Heisman Trophy, Auburn went undefeated and is ranked #1 in the nation. Big Grin

Fungo - with all due respect, the issue is not sour grapes over Auburn being ranked #1 or Cam winning the Heiseman - more power to them. For me, after Ohio State lost to Wisconsin, I could give a flying cr-ap who wins what.

off the cuff thoughts...

The thing that perturbs me is selective enforcement. They are out chasing mythical baseball demons when football and basketball cheating is 1,000 times worse.

I would encourage people to watch the 30/30 program on the SMU Mustangs that was ironically broadcast right after the Heisman presentation. Eric Dickerson and Craig James talked about it like it was a big joke how much money was thrown around college football back then and I suspect it is still being thrown around now. It only took the NCAA one off-season to come down on SMU and rightfully so I might add. My guess here is we have another USC situation. It will take them 5 years to determine, that Cam Newton ought to have his Heisman taken away.

Auburn kind of reminds me of the 1981 Clemson Tigers right now. They'll get their one national title but we might not hear from them for a long, long time - if ever again. Still waiting for Clemson to win their second one. IMHO, it is no accident Pete Carroll is in the NFL. I believe the posse was after him and the NFL provided a nice golden parachute. Similar to how Ron Meyer took the golden parachute with New England all those years ago when he abruptly left SMU. I am also beginning to wonder if Urban Meyer knows the club is going to come down on Florida as well - perhaps ironically related to none other than the "great" Cam Newton.
Last edited by ClevelandDad

1. Newton is great college football player.
2. NCAA did not enforce its rule to the letter of the rule as it did with Reggie Bush


1. Newton will demonstrate he has turned his life around and excel in pro football.


2. Newton's character will remain suspect and, regardless of where his pro career begins, it will end in Oakland.
Last edited by Jimmy03
There is no changing minds of people who have their minds made up, so even though there is no current evidence or money trail to tie Cam to accepting money, I will not go there. Or the fact he went to a JUCO to get a new start and possibly try to rehab his life.

I want to focus on a recent post topic. Can a player who has lost respect regain it? I will admit bias, but Cam has conducted himself with true class while at Auburn this season. His teammates love him. He is a leader on and off the field. Go to Auburn's website and read the Heisman article. I believe that not only has Auburn benefitted (obviously) from his play, but along the way Cam has possibly regained some character and values, possibly from the AU role models he is surrounded by. Maybe I just choose to see life this way, but I want him to do well and be a role model. Professional sports need excitement and fun, and he provides it. I know actions are greater than words, and only time will truly tell, but I amm hoping a few years from now we will see the Cam that I see now. I am glad I still believe that people can, and do change.

As Fungo has already stated, comparing Reggie Bush and Cam Newton is comparing apples to oranges. Bush obviously took money, and there was too much evidence along the way to prove this. Auburn had an undefeated 13-0 season as recently as 2004, has always been considered an SEC power, and has beaten Alabama 7 out of the last 9 years. That anyone could think they won't be heard of again within the next few years is stretching it.

I want to focus on a recent post topic. Can a player who has lost respect regain it? I will admit bias, but Cam has conducted himself with true class while at Auburn this season. His teammates love him. He is a leader on and off the field. Go to Auburn's website and read the Heisman article. I believe that not only has Auburn benefitted (obviously) from his play, but along the way Cam has possibly regained some character and values, possibly from the AU role models he is surrounded by. Maybe I just choose to see life this way, but I want him to do well and be a role model. Professional sports need excitement and fun, and he provides it. I know actions are greater than words, and only time will truly tell, but I amm hoping a few years from now we will see the Cam that I see now. I am glad I still believe that people can, and do change.

I am not directing my anger at Cam Newton. My beef is with the NCAA. When they asked Cam last night how confident he was that he would be cleared he stated "Very confident." That was a lawyers answer. He could have said I am 100% confident because neither me nor anyone I am associated with did anything wrong. The real key here is where was Cecil Newton last night? The story the NCAA is going with right now is that Cecil Newton is a rogue parent. If you believe that (that Cam didn't know), then we are talking about way, way, more than apples and oranges. BTW, apparently $180,000 wasn't enough to entice him at Mississippi State so it seems we are talking apples to apples with Reggie Bush. The conclusion I have drawn is Auburn (their boosters) offered more. Otherwise, Cecil would have been there last night. Would you have been there if your son won the Heisman?
Originally posted by Rob Kremer:
Auburn kind of reminds me of the 1976 Clemson Tigers right now. They'll get their one national title ...

Hey! Not so fast!

Whoa yeah, leave poor Clemson out of this! Frown

I got a feeling the competition is so great among SEC football anything is possible. I also feel that Meyer left for a reason other than family stuff. I also beleive that Saban also left LSU years ago until some things cooled down.

I don't blame it on the kids, I don't blame it on the coaches. There was a story about a shall remain nameless SEC school where the boosters came and picked the kids up and brought them to games and made phone calls. I think they got a slap on the wrist from the NCAA?
I got the date wrong on Clemson...

I am guessing that since the NCAA has already determined this is all on Cecil Newton, that Auburn will also be allowed to keep their title. Yes Rob, I see Auburn beating Oregon handily.

In 1981, Danny Ford led Clemson to a 12-0 record and the national championship—the first national title in the school's 98-year history. They won the title by defeating Nebraska in the 1981 Orange Bowl--the third top-10 team upended by the Tigers that year (the others being defending national champion Georgia and North Carolina). As of the 2010 season, Ford is still the youngest coach to win a national championship (he had turned 34 only two months before the Orange Bowl). Just days after the 1982 season ended, however, the Tigers were found guilty of massive recruiting violations. While most of them occurred under Pell, the NCAA found they had continued under Ford. The Tigers were barred from bowl games in 1982 and 1983, and kicked off live television in 1983 and 1984. However, since no active players were involved in the violations, Clemson was allowed to keep its national title.
Yes Rob, I see Auburn beating Oregon handily.

Really? I think it will be a competitive ball game. I don't think anyone will win easily. Auburn almost lost four games, so clearly they are beatable.

Cam Newton is an incredibly exciting player to watch. I don't think Oregon will be able to stop him, but they might be able to outscore him.

The SEC is obviously the best conference this year by a long shot, so Auburn has to be given its due for navigating that conference undefeated.

But Oregon is very SEC-like in its speed. So I think the Ducks will be able to contain the Auburn offense as much as any SEC team was able. Then the question becomes the Ducks offense. It can put points up fast.

I think this will be a great game.
The SEC is obviously the best conference this year by a long shot

Football National Championships are always an area of contention as the NCAA doesn't recognized a football national champion. Auburn has been declared a national champion in football 5 times by various organizations but only claims the 1957 season. In '04 ESPN and others declared Auburn the national champions.
Since the BCS started here is how it stacks up:

Bowl Championship Series
SEC (6 - Tennessee, 1998; LSU, 2003, 2007; Florida, 2006, 2008; Alabama 2009)
Prior to the 1998 season, the Divsion I-A national championship was awarded, by the AP and various other polling organizations. The only thing any team "won" was a popularity contest. The big bowl games rarely pitted the best teams against each other, and in any event, until the 1970s, were played after the national championship was awarded. It was only with the establishment of the BCS that teams actually had to win the national championship, on the field. Since that time, SEC teams have won 6 national championships. No other conference has won more than 2 (Big 12, and ACC, if you include Miami's national championship in the ACC total, even though they were not part of the ACC at that time). The Big 10 and Pac 10 have one each (Ohio State and USC). The Big East has one, but only if you count Miami's national championship, since Miami was in the Big East at the time they won it. So:

If you go with conference affiliation at the time of the championship:
SEC (6)
Big 12 (2)
ACC (1)
Big 10 (1)
Big East (1)
Pac 10 (1)
All other Division I-A Conferences (0)

If you go with current conference affiliation:
SEC (6)
ACC (2)
Big 12 (2)
Big 10 (1)
Pac 10 (1)
Big East (0)
All other Division I-A Conferences (0)
The SEC is obviously the best conference this year by a long shot, so Auburn has to be given its due for navigating that conference undefeated.

Given that I often sing the praises of the West at CWS time, I will certainly have to acknowledge that the SEC is king of the football world...recently for sure if not overall.

But I do think Oregon has a shot...a good shot at this title, this year.

There is an (outside) chance that the Pac-10 will finish 1-2 in the final rankings if Oregon wins, TCU loses and Stanford wins. All possible. Maybe in a strange way thats what I'll root for. (BTW, Va. Tech is where I spent my childhood and Stanford my father went to both schools (undergrad and grad)) I'm very conflicted right now! Eek

But in a 1-game situation...Auburn or Oregon?...I like Fungo and as far as I know RobKremer doesn't have firm ties to Oregon, so for now I'll root for Auburn. Big Grin
Oregon is for real and has just about as much speed as any SEC team, defense or offense. They are scary fast on offense when they get the lead and play aggressively.

The Auburn D-Line size/speed/depth along with the speed of the LBs will be an interesting test for Chip Kelly. If he thinks he has seen LB in the PAC 10 as fast, he is badly mistaken (Arizona LB coach is an idiot; never seen LB's as out of position as that Oregon/Arizona game; Stoops ain't anything to brag about either). Oregon QB will be the key for Oregon; Auburn is good at shutting down the run so QB must be on for the Ducks.

The question I have is that I think Auburn will literally pound the Ducks to death on both sides of the ball. Oregon hasn't been beat on like what happens in the SEC weekly. Their best chance is get out in front early and pray they can hang on long enough to win because Auburn will not stop coming at them. Lord knows Auburn is comfortable playing catch up and knows how to win close games.

If Auburn plays 4 quarters like they did in the SEC Championship... Oregon will not win.

I do not see a blowout and each team better not settle for FG's or they will lose ground quickly.
Pressure is all on Auburn to uphold SEC rep and #1 ranking...Oregon should play loose and fast early if they want to get ahead. The team that plays to win versus playing not to lose has the advantage.

Personally, I believe Oregon may have the mental edge going into the game. Can that initial edge hold off the Auburn mental toughness will be answered Jan.10.

JMHO and I can't wait. Definitely not a game to bet the house on.

Auburn University
Class of '78

PS...Newton's speech at Heisman was embarassing; like him saying "No comment" alot more than what I've heard him say lately. Can't believe someone at AU did not script or go over his speech; should have had him copy Pat Sullivan's acceptance speech (that was a tremendous speech). Sheesh.
Last edited by S. Abrams
I agree with your analysis. Oregon played it kind of safe it its last few games, kept the ball on the ground and won by gaining 300+ yards running.

That ain't gunna work against Auburn (or any SEC team.) I think Chip Kelly is going to have to have a game plan that centers on the pass. Auburn's weakness is its defensive backfield, and if Oregon is going to win, it's going to be because it exploited that weakness.

The good news for Oregon is that Thomas is capable of making the throws. Whether he will do it well enough in the game is obviously something that will only be answered on game day, but he does have the talent and the ability to do it.

So it's not as if Oregon is forced to ask a player to be something he is not. For instance, if Masoli was still the QB, I would say Oregon would be a huge underdog. He isn't capable of beating an Auburn with his arm. Thomas is.

But Thomas is young and inexperienced.

This is one of the most interesting BCS title games ever. I hope it lives up to its potential.
Tx-Husker certainly is correct about Auburn Heisman winners so far...we've kinda stunk it up the two previous times. What was worse we lost to Bama both those years so at least Newton broke that trend.

Rob...Masoli didn't live up to his hype most of the season but certainly could be a force running the ball. He just didn't look as quick this year as he did with Oregon. Not sure if Ole Miss was the best fit for him.

Auburn DB's will have their hands full in making quick decisions on run support or staying back in pass coverage... Thomas excelled this year in making DB's make the wrong decision and Auburn's don't need any help in making bad decsions at times. IMO, Thomas is the reason Oregon is where they are and is the wild card in this game.

Personally, I'd play my OLB's out a bit wider and force Oregon to run towards the middle and force Thomas to commit run or pass earlier than he might like on the bootleg; need to make Thomas stay in the pocket because he can run like the wind if the play breaks down. Auburn's MLB will need to have his "A" game because I see Oregon throwing some screen passes to slow our pass rush.

Would hate to be either teams Defensive Coordinator right now as neither will be sleeping very well for the next month. Something tells me your best defense is going to be your offense.

Like you said, I hope this game lives up to its potential.

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