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We all have skeletons in our closet. As one who has no allegiance whatsoever to Auburn, you wonder why it comes up now? And the "reporter" who broke the story, I am sure that person has things to hide as well. I don't want to say the individual is into child **** but that's how rumors start and unfounded rumors go viral via the internet.

Is Newton guilty of something? Sure he is as are a significant number of other athletes, coaches and Athletic Directors.
Well, as someone that does have direct ties to Auburn as a former student/athlete, I obviously have some opinions about Cam.

Best $200,000 Auburn has ever spent.....absolutely. LOL.

Seriously, if Newton and Auburn did a money deal to get him to sign then we deserve everything the NCAA throws at us in spades. Period, no discussion or debate. The real problem seems to be that suspicion itself is enough for most even after the Bond/Rogers allegations have been shot to pieces as neither is saying the same thing and have backtracked on their statements. Bond has even stated Urban Meyer of UF pushed Mullen to speaking to the SEC/NCAA after Mullen himself said the whole Newton thing amounted to nothing.

What most here do not know is that Auburn was originally Newton's top choice coming out of HS but he went to Florida only after Auburn had committment/signed Kodi Burns ( pretty widely sought after recruit himself) for QB. Somehow everybody neglects to mention that even after Newton has said this often in interviews during the season.

As far as rumors not starting all of a sudden, welcome to SEC football and its weekly warfare. We live with new rumors weekly about each school except for Vandy because no one has the heart to pick on Vandy. In conference, everybody dislikes everybody else....actually in the case of the fans, hate is a better term. Only during bowl season is there any unity in the SEC....then we hate everybody playing a SEC team.

I've been to TX/OU, OSU/Mich, FLA/FSU/UM, O/OSU, GA/FLA and pretty much every big rivalry game in the country during my travels but nothing comes even close to what goes on in the state of Alabama during the week of the Iron Bowl. More wills are changed, divorces filed and felony arrests made during that week than the entire rest of the year combined....not really something to be proud of but it is what it is. It is always a game where it is smart to leave the women and children home as it is not a place for the weak of heart. This year will be worse or better than most depending on your point of view. If you study the history, politics and culture of Alabama, everything will make perfect sense as this game is truly "The Alabama Showdown" that will dictate alot of what else goes on the other 364 days of the year.

Like I said, if Auburn dealt under the table with Newton than I will be the first to hang my alma mater out to dry but until something is proven...WAR EAGLE/BEAT BAMA and TO H#LL WITH GEORGIA.

****Thought I ought to make my position clear about our next two games. And I really hope we get a shot at Florida in the SEC Championship as Mr. Newton might have something to prove to Urban.
Last edited by S. Abrams
Somebody has to step forward with hard evidence that he did something criminal or outside NCAA boundaries. Until that happens, he should play. There is enough dislike & hate in the SEC that if there is evidence, it will come out. Roasting the young adult in the court of public opinion is not fair to him or his team.

By the way, which of the 3 or 4 allegations are we discussing? Cash for recruit, stolen laptops or academic violations? Give me facts and I will change my position quickly. So far nothing concrete on him, so I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt per our legal system. Innocent until proven guilty did not change because he is a young star athlete at a high profile school.
To paraphrase a Tuscaloosa minister when he was told that "Football is a religion in this state" by Bill Curry's wife....."No mam, football is a whole lot more important than that".

Anyone that moves to Alabama will be asked one very simple question, but is the most important question he will ever be asked while living in Alabama as the answer will somewhat dictate their future.....

"Who do ya root for...Auburn or Alabama"?

A definitive answer must be given (simply saying you don't care either way won't work) or you will be hounded until you commit one way or the other. From that point you will be "one of us" or "one of them". This may sound silly to those from the North or West Coast (places where football is a pastime) but the root of the question goes much deeper than football; is about the history of political and economic power in the State of Alabama over the past 100+ years.

The Cam Newton situation will work itself out at the typical NCAA glacial speed (even with the hard evidence against Bush and his family it took years). Auburn will either be very proud to call Cam Newton "one of us" or we'll call him something entirely different and regret ever hearing his name while we serve what would be a very harsh (but deserved) NCAA probation. Auburn will come out smelling like a rose or like something you might occasionally step far the Auburn admin. is handling the situation correctly.

To use a poker term....Auburn is "All in" at this point.
Originally posted by Proud Dad 24:
We all have skeletons in our closet. As one who has no allegiance whatsoever to Auburn, you wonder why it comes up now? And the "reporter" who broke the story, I am sure that person has things to hide as well. I don't want to say the individual is into child **** but that's how rumors start and unfounded rumors go viral via the internet.

Is Newton guilty of something? Sure he is as are a significant number of other athletes, coaches and Athletic Directors.

Clearly, these charges must be proven before we can convict this man ourselves. However, I thoroughly disagree with the above theory.

Just because "everyone else is doing it" does not make it excusable.

I know many current baseball recruits who are doing everything to the letter of the rule and will never be accused of these types of illegal activities. These boys should be celebrated as opposed to glossing over Newton's actions just because "we all have skeletons in our closet."
Originally posted by S. Abrams:
To paraphrase a Tuscaloosa minister when he was told that "Football is a religion in this state" by Bill Curry's wife....."No mam, football is a whole lot more important than that".

Anyone that moves to Alabama will be asked one very simple question, but is the most important question he will ever be asked while living in Alabama as the answer will somewhat dictate their future.....

"Who do ya root for...Auburn or Alabama"?

A definitive answer must be given (simply saying you don't care either way won't work) or you will be hounded until you commit one way or the other. From that point you will be "one of us" or "one of them". This may sound silly to those from the North or West Coast (places where football is a pastime) but the root of the question goes much deeper than football; is about the history of political and economic power in the State of Alabama over the past 100+ years.

The Cam Newton situation will work itself out at the typical NCAA glacial speed (even with the hard evidence against Bush and his family it took years). Auburn will either be very proud to call Cam Newton "one of us" or we'll call him something entirely different and regret ever hearing his name while we serve what would be a very harsh (but deserved) NCAA probation. Auburn will come out smelling like a rose or like something you might occasionally step far the Auburn admin. is handling the situation correctly.

To use a poker term....Auburn is "All in" at this point.

As an Alabamian, I'm proud to be among the War Eagle faithful.....want nothing more than this to be cleared up or punished.....
Both SI and HBO's Real Sports have recently featured this issue, not in the Newton context specifically.
Are we to think Reggie Bush is the only one?
I am not buying that!
Do I believe buying big time football and basketball recruits exists? Yes, I do.
While I have not seen it, ESPN's 30/30 has a program on this being done with Marcus DuPree many years back. The Real Sports interview is intriguing as is the SI article.
Do I have any facts to support that it happened at Auburn with Newton? Nope.
Do I think the NCAA wants to know the scope and extent of this issue? Nope.
Originally posted by ILVBB:
The bottom line is there is way too much money in football.

2009 Stats:

The average MLB player plays for nearly 6 seasons. The average salary is $3 million dollars. During the course of his career, the average professional baseball player will earn $18 million dollars.

The average NBA player plays for 5 seasons. The average player salary is $4 million dollars per year, providing average career earnings of $20 million.

The average NFL player plays only 3 years. The average player salary is $770,000 a year, bringing the average career earnings of an NFL player to $2,310,000 – 12% of the MLB player and 11% of an NBA player.
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
So what's your point?

I was pointing out that football has far less money in it than either baseball or basketball, in response to the comment "far too much money in football", which was just one post further up the thread. and quoted in my post. Sorry if it wasn't more obvious.
****Thought I ought to make my position clear about our next two games. And I really hope we get a shot at Florida in the SEC Championship as Mr. Newton might have something to prove to Urban.

Prove what, that he's not a thief? They should beat the Gators, but Newton was caught red-handed with a laptop stolen from a classmate and thrown off the Gator football team his freshman year.

He's a fabulous football player, who deserves the Heisman Trophy, but I don't want him living on my street. He might break in my house while I'm at work.
Last edited by Dad04
Originally posted by Proud Dad 24:
We all have skeletons in our closet....

Exactly. However, every once in a while we make an effort to "clean that closet" but sooner or later it may get cluttered again.

These issues are much like the flu bug. This year its the Newton strain, and the media is the sneeze. Before you know it, every school, parent, and athlete is getting the flu shot hoping not to be infected. Awareness and prevention are the keys and when a new virus is detected Dr. NCAA quarantines those infected.

You can't stop it, you can only hope to contain it cry .
Last edited by rz1
The debate over how much off the field behavior should effect on the field opportutnity will continue, probably without resolution.

Added to that, forgiveness and second chances are a time honored American traditions.

I suppose everytime the issue comes up, where lines are drawn will be considered case by case.

Personally, I think Cam has come dangerously close to the line separating non-punished and punished offenses.

1. He has admitted to theft.
2. He was caught cheating (academics) multiple times at Florida.
3. Evidence is increasing that he, or at least his family, violated NCAA rules regarding solicitation of benefits.
4. If the testimony of friends and coaches who claim to have been present when solicitation of cash for enrollment were made are true, Auburn needs to suspend him and root out anyone dirty at the school before NCAA steps in,or the previous sanctions they received will be nothing compared to what's coming.

Just an opinion.
Let's see. Poor kid that has nothing much, gets 200K to play college football, then signs a 40 Million Dollar NFL Contract with no penalty other than "no Heisman for you". School left getting the punishment. Kid takes care of anyone who loses their job for paying him cause he's got mega bucks.
If he gets hurt in college, at least he got the 200K.
It's a no brainer for the player. How much money will the school make on the kid? Championship games, Jerseys, etc? Not ethical but dang sure hard to pass up being in his situation.
Moved to Al 23 years ago from South Florida, my point is I have no dog in the fight. Truth is, in this state, even after (or especially after) a national championship Bammers can't stand the thought of an Auburn nat. champ/Heisman winner doublewhammy and this is an intentionally timed smear campaign. Focus is now no longer on the team's success but on possible scandal. Mission accomplished.

PS. I know it started with Miss. State but in the SEC all 11 opponents are snakes that will conspire against you.
Last edited by Wayne
Truth is, in this state, even after (or especially after) a national championship Bammers can't stand the thought of an Auburn nat. champ/Heisman winner doublewhammy and this is an intentionally timed smear campaign. Focus is now no longer on the team's success but on possible scandal. Mission accomplished.

PS. I know it started with Miss. State but in the SEC all 11 opponents are snakes that will conspire against you.

So, Alabama did this to Auburn? If not directly, by ganging up with the other members of the SEC and MSU drew the "rat on them" straw? I don't buy it. Neither Newton nor Auburn are victims here. With that logic, Bernie Madoff was the victim because Harry Markopolos blew the whistle on Madoff. One word...silly.
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:

So, Alabama did this to Auburn? If not directly, by ganging up with the other members of the SEC and MSU drew the "rat on them" straw? I don't buy it. Neither Newton nor Auburn are victims here. With that logic, Bernie Madoff was the victim because Harry Markopolos blew the whistle on Madoff. One word...silly.

Agreed. Occam's Razor most likely applies.
One last word from an Auburn alum on why none of this stuff about Newton could possibly be true....

Do you know how many cows Auburn would have to sell just to come up with the $200,000? We'd have to become a liberal arts school and get rid of the comic books in the library. What was silly of Newton was to think Miss. State had anywhere close to enough cattle...must be why they were getting the discounted price.

****Thought the other SEC readers would understand. LOL
Nationally ranked at #2, Auburn was actually the underdog going into the game with Alabama. It looked as if the analyst were "spot on" thinking they would lose, but Auburn and Cam Newton prevailed. Be nice to see another Heisman winner to come out of Auburn AND take home the national championship. They were 12-0 in '04 and were not selected to play in the National Championship.... Rip-Off!

Proud to be and Auburn Tiger!
Rest assured my son and daughter-in-law are both wearing their Auburn colors today! War Eagle!!!
Originally posted by Jimmy03:

Added to that, forgiveness and second chances are a time honored American traditions.

It's our addiction to the "redemption" story. We disguise it as being a second-chance society, but the real motivation is hoping we'll get to see another Michael Vick plot unfold in front our eyes. Better than going to the movies...
Last edited by wraggArm
You're right on about the national championship. However I think the Heisman is Newton's if he remains clean of the allegations..... I watched the Ducks/ASU game last night. It would be a great matchup. With both teams being masters of the hurry-up offense, there would be a lot of football in that one game. If both get the nod, you can bet both will be practicing a hurry-up defense too.

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