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Why did you put you’re your height in your profile, but not your weight, your pop2pop time, and your team’s accomplishments in your signature, but not anything about what division they’re in or what they’re expected to do this upcoming year?

Is where most teams in your area post their stats? Most teams out here use

I see Wiese and Koenigstein were your horses, will they be playing this year? Did anyone on your team wonder why Koenigstein threw almost 40 % of the team’s innings? What would have happened if someone else got to throw more?

It looks like your league doesn’t play back2bacl conference games. That makes it much easier to put your pitching horse against the same team. What do you think of that? Don’t you think it would be much more telling to have back to back games? Our league forces 3 games with each team in the conference, and they have to play them back2back2back. It really exposes teams who try to get by on one horse.

Looks like Althoff has y’all’s number.

Does that stir your juices to keep chatting? Wink

I love to see young people who challenge themselves by communicating with adults. Good luck to you this year!
Scorekeeper, Bulldog19 comes from a great family. His Dad is top notch and he plays in a very good program. His HS coach, besides his Dad, is highly thought of in our area. I consider both his dad and HS coach friends. He plays and I coach in the Mississippi Valley Conference. It is a small AA conference (Schools 950 - 1,300). Our state has two classes. We both take on the Southwestern Conference which is much bigger (schools 2,000 - 2,600) Our area (Metro East portion of the St. Louis area) is considered a baseball hotbed.

I have no doubt at all that he’s a great kid and comes from a great program. All I was doing was recognizing his boredom, and was trying to ask him questions that would challenge him, rather than ask him those same kid of inane questions athletes usually get asked.

I thought it would be apparent that I at least gave him the courtesy of looking at his profile to see what I could learn, and then I took the time to investigate his school just a little. I assure you I didn’t do that to try to get over on a HS kid. All I was doing what trying to make him think and at the same time take him away from his boredom.

There was no ill intention on my part, but rather a bit of respect for him to even try to carry on communications with adults.

Since you mentioned it, I’m curious about your state only having 2 classes of schools. This nuthouse in Ca has at least 3 and maybe 4, and it drives me nuts. You’d think a big school in the 3K+ range would just kick the snot out of smaller schools, and over a long period of time, it well might.

But from what I’ve seen, small schools very often not only can compete with the big ones over a short series, they could do it over a season if given the opportunity. But there’s the glitch! During the regular season, its very seldom schools in one class/division cross classes/divisions. it just very seldom happens.
Originally posted by Scorekeeper:
Why did you put you’re your height in your profile, but not your weight, your pop2pop time, and your team’s accomplishments in your signature, but not anything about what division they’re in or what they’re expected to do this upcoming year?

Is where most teams in your area post their stats? Most teams out here use, that's where our stats are.

I see Wiese and Koenigstein were youWiese is at Southeast Missouri State University playing for the Redhawks as a member of the Ohio Valley Conference. Brandon should be our ace this year once again. If he hadn't pitched much of our innings, we probably wouldn't have won 21 games last year. People probably complain, but that's the way it goes. r horses, will they be playing this year? Did anyone on your team wonder why Koenigstein threw almost 40 % of the team’s innings? What would have happened if someone else got to throw more?

It looks like your league doesn’t play back2bacl conference games. That makes it much easier to put your pitching horse against the same team. What do you think of that? Don’t you think it would be much more telling to have back to back games? Our league forces 3 games with each team in the conference, and they have to play them back2back2back. It really exposes teams who try to get by on one horse.
We play two-three games a week throughout most of the season. May not always be conference games, but as CoachB said, we also play schools from the Southwestern Conference and this year we also have two St. Louis schools on the schedule. We do play one of our conference teams in a doubleheader to save some travel time.
Looks like Althoff has y’all’s number.
Althoff is a private school. They're pretty good normally.
Does that stir your juices to keep chatting? Wink

I love to see young people who challenge themselves by communicating with adults. Good luck to you this year!
Originally posted by Bulldog 19:
Yep, that's where our stats are.
Here’s a question I’ve had a lot of discussions about over the years, and I’d appreciate your input.

As a player, what do you think of posting the stats on-line? Personally, I think its neat, but there are some coaches and fans who think they’re giving away some kind of important information to opponents.

Wiese is at Southeast Missouri State University playing for the Redhawks as a member of the Ohio Valley Conference. Brandon should be our ace this year once again. If he hadn't pitched much of our innings, we probably wouldn't have won 21 games last year. People probably complain, but that's the way it goes.
I wasn’t complaining, but I was wondering if it was something you saw as being important from a couple of perspectives.

Obviously he got the rock because he was good. But did the other P’s ever express any ill will because they lost chances?

My son was one of those workhorses, and although he loved it, there was always a sense that he felt bad his teammates didn’t get to pitch more because he was always in their way.

We play two-three games a week throughout most of the season. May not always be conference games, but as CoachB said, we also play schools from the Southwestern Conference and this year we also have two St. Louis schools on the schedule. We do play one of our conference teams in a doubleheader to save some travel time.
Our league might be weird this way, but once the conference games start, other than the playoffs and Easter Tournament, there aren’t any non-conference games played.

Althoff is a private school. They're pretty good normally.
Those stinkin’ private schools cheat! Not really, but they sure seem get away with a lot of things the public schools don’t, like recruiting.

I don’t know if you get a kick out of lookin’ at stats, but if you do, take a look at part of what I keep for our school. There might be some weird stat in there you’d like to check out for your team.
I am very sorry, after reading this thread, I think I have just about seen it all here on the HSBBW. Eek

Bulldog, hope you are doing ok. Wink Hang in there.

I can't access teh chat room for some odd reason on windows vista. Not sure what's going on, BUT it has a great thing here that lets me know when I visit a site if I will be spammed afterwards, so thread lightly on the above posted.
Last edited by TPM

Originally posted by Scorekeeper:
I don’t know if you get a kick out of lookin’ at stats, but if you do, take a look at part of what I keep for our school. There might be some weird stat in there you’d like to check out for your team.

There were a few weird stats in that thick PDF file that made me scratch my head and then check my Denorex bottle for any explicit guarantee.

For example...

    ROE- fish eggs?
    RISP- lo-Cal Rykrisp?
    WRISP- Wheat RyKrisp?
    ABRISP- All Bran RyKrisp
    HWRISP- Hearty Wheat RyKrisp?
    KWRISP- Kracked Wheat RyKrisp?
    GBO- Groveling Buy Out?
    FBO- Fantastic Buy Out?
    G/F RATIO- Grits/Farina ratio?
    ERRORS MADE BEHIND- the coach's back?
    TRA- ART spelled backwards...but why?
    WHIP- Non-dairy whipped topping?
    WHIPPLUS- Non-dairy whipped topping with zest?
    IPS- Some specie of bark beetle?
    WINDUP VS. STRETCH- Some sort of pilates routine?
    ROFC- Round of Cheese?

The one thing I didn't find was any...

Last edited by gotwood4sale

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