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I'm going to end my retorts on this particular thread, but I really appreciate the welcoming committee...I'm sure I'll be one of the defenders soon enough when someone else comes in giving backhanded compliments to a very strong base of forum parents. Hope to talk to most of you soon

Oh, someone asked what category I see myself in...why I think my advice is better than anyone elses. First, yes, because I pitched at a high level...and I am pitching at a high level. To be able to maintain the competitiveness it takes to play at this level for a long period is credentials enough, but I like the question. Second, we play with 24 other players on every roster we're on...I've given or taken advice from many players that have reached a high level, maintained a high level and continue to play at a high level....think about it this way, each player played with 24 other guys on every other roster they were on...if you consider the amount of information passed if every player gives advice through a ten year period...the results are exponential. I've played with many of the stars out there...and played with players who've played with them...we all help each, I feel I learned a lot through the years via that route. Finally, having Tommy John surgery taught me patients and also taught me to actually pitch and think about getting people out...up to that point I hadn't quite done it that way. I was 250innings into the big leagues at age 23...but I've struggled to get back and I've had to use my aptitude now. Learning what I've learned SINCE surgery I feel more equiped to answer questions on any forum. What I would like to point out is that there are many brains giving advice on this site....and I would read through each post, take what you can and read on. My avenue or answer might work for a small portion of people, but there's enough information on here to find the answers in your own, personal language.

the best advice on pain is to identify it and visit an ortho doc....what I thought was a slight pain in my forearm, and I was too stubborn to say anything, turned into a full blown Tommy John surgery and threatened my career. I'm thankful for the surgery, because I'm a better person for it today....but it would've been smart for me to speak to a doctor or trainer as soon as the discomfort had set in. Experience is some of it....being a parent and experiencing it is more of it. If I were 28 back then...five years ago....I would've handled it like an adult...but I wasn't quite an adult.
OK.. I gotta chirp in now.. Chad .. First of all this is a FORUM (look up the definition) It is not a online school, but many people have learned even little things to get them started helping their sons reach the next level. I can see why you made it to the bigs. I beleive self esteem is a very important for moving to the next level and you certainly don't lack any of it. From what I have read of most of your posts I feel you are talking down to most of the members on this site. That was awlful nice of you to give PGSTAFF an "A" for his homework Mr. teacher. PGSTAFF is one of the most respected members on these boards and I'am sure he has forgotten more about recruiting then you will ever know about it! Maybe when you become a HSBBW team player and offer more help then B******* people might enjoy having you around.

Last edited by MOUNDMASTER

When all is said and done - if you stick with this great site like you have with your baseball career - you will come to realize that many of us have been in and out and around the game long before you were even born. Many different journeys in an ever changing game. Some go back lifetimes.

You will also realize that it never stops changing - at all levels - and all we can do is relate our experiences as the journey proceeds in the hope that it may help someone else think about their own situation and the possible alternatives.

That is really all any of us can do. IMO.

The rest is bs.

45 posts and 797 views for my chat announcement!

This discussion has taken lots of twists and turns.

Many discussions Chad, if you are reading this, on TJS. I think that what you have been through, personally, has established a few theories we have discussed, for pitchers. So it just goes to show, anyone can post and regardless whether it's been discussed to death or not, we all can learn at anytime. There are some crazy, over protective pitcher's parents here (I am one) and after reading your thoughts on your surgery, I am glad I am one of them! Smile

Chat anyone? Just kiding, I think I wil stay away from announcements for awhile! Big Grin
Mr. Durbin wrote: "....I want to improve the education of parents, coaches and athletes through this site......"

I write:
"Why not make your very own site at and you can do just that."

No need to piggyback on a site you seem at least mildly negative about.

We like music around here, so in the words of Lindsey Buckingham, "You can go your own way."
Chad--thanks for inspiring the civil exchange of ideas on this thread. I'm sure you have seen other un-civil threads. Anyhow, I try to avoid offerring medical advice, myself, in spite of being well-qualified to do so. Baseball advice is one thing, but medical advice, other in generalities and "go see your doctor" is something I try to avoid.

I enjoy reading what baseball people (i.e. those who work in the field for a living) write. What I don't enjoy is when baseball people, such as yourself, write in a way that puts other people down. That is exactly what you've done. Just because you play at a high level and have spoken to others who play at a high level doesn't give you the right to disrespect others just because you feel you're better than them. bbscout and PGStaff, to name a few, work in the baseball business and I can't remember reading a post where I came away thinking they felt they were better than anyone else.

Obviously you have some "inside" information that I'm sure we'd all love to read about. I know I would. But I could do without the arrogant attitude. Just because you're playing at a high level doesn't mean you've worked harder to understand things than a person who isn't.

And one final thought... I'm pretty sure you won't have a problem telling players/parents that you've pitched at a high level. But when you're giving pitching mechanics advice to young players and/or parents of those young players, make sure they also know they are recieving advice from an individual who has had major arm surgery.

Good luck!

Last edited by FlippJ
You know, I never go into the chat room because I don't type fast enough to keep up with the crowd. But I saw that this topic "chatroom" had 52 responses and I was curious as to why. And then I find a very interesting conversation that has nothing to do with chatrooms.

I almost feel like you guys were ditching me...but I found you.
You can run, but you can't hide.

Mike F are never left always find us......beginning to think JT is leaving a trail of woodchips.....

Interesting thread....want to say to Chad.....this site, the advise found in the recruitment articles, the information from questions asked and posters answered.....old timers, new one will ever convince my family that this site was not the major contributer to our son playing at the next level.....this site and our son's hard work.....we read the articles, we read the threads, we followed the advise......

Don't know the percentage of information that we discounted...but do know that we had enough sense to know what was good info......and what wasn't.....

The only percentage we can come up with in relationship to this that it was 100% helpful in our recruitment process.....
Last edited by LadyNmom

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