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I think in Chicago that 'Drop and Drive' action gets you on the CPD'S 'Gang Crimes Unit' radar.

McCrave may be an accomplise!

Imagine how the APB would read...armed to the hilt but too clueless to be a legit threat... unless, of course, you threaten to touch his hair ...last seen by millions but not heard by anyone...may enjoy the company of like minded dimwits...driving his viewing audience nuts...favored haunt is the vast, open, void known affectionately as his head...sly as the FOX exec. who hired him...if puncture strips must be used to apprehend this individual please use EXTREME caution as hot air expelled may cause life threatening or altering injuries! known aliases that would make a difference...he is what he is.
Also enjoyed his take on the fly ball down left field line early in the game. It was called foul and he said great call. On replay it was obviously foul by 1 1/2 feet and ump was right on top of it, he said "still a great call". No sarcasm, he was dead serious.
He has obvious baseball knowledge but 16 yrs of this is enough.
Wood - classic!! We here in Philly got an early taste of Timmy Mac, when he ended his career as Carlton's caddy, and hopped right in the booth...we had in inkling, even then. It seems as if his "midwest twang" has increased over the years - never heard a hint of it when he was doing color for the Phils. Maybe he thinks it makes him sound more "homey" or believable - nothing further from the truth, son.

Check out this web site

I don't know how to paste in the picture, but they have a shot of a guy holding a sign "NEED 1" with an accompanying sign "Please don't make me listen to McCarver tonight!"
His announcing problems aside I would like to add this--- when he was a regular NY Mets announcer I was at a nite game with my sons and as we were leaving in the elevator Tim joined us-- my boys said " wow isnt that Tim McCarver? Can we ask him for his autograph?"-- as he left the elevator my boys called to him--he turned and spent a good 15 minutes talking with the boys about baseball as he signed autographs for them

Just another take on Steve Carlton's favorite catcher
Last edited by TRhit
Wood has a point - easy to classify the man based on our opinion of his broadcasting skills. When a guy with World Series rings, that played in 4 decades, takes the time to talk baseball with a couple of kids...well, you certainly have to give him his props for that. I don't think anyone has called him a jerk - it just soundslike most people don't like his announcing - I guess that shouldn't define the man. Good point TR
Lefty kept McC in the majors longer than he SHOULD have been, with anybody else pitching. The difference is Lefty pitched better with McC behind the dish, and the way he pitched in those games certainly warranted the spot Tim took on the roster. You gotta have something going for you if a HoF'er of that caliber wants YOU to call his game.
Is McCarver listening to ESPN Radio broadcasts while in the booth?

I was listening to XM's MLB Home Plate channel last night and they were replaying parts of broadcast's from Chicago, Houston and ESPN Radio. The hit by Dye, as told by Jon Miller, "Dye hit the ball where no one was." That caught my attention because McCarver made this comment about the hit after Joe Buck made his, McCarver: "He hit the ball where no one is." Hmmmm.....

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