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This is my favorite thread each year.  For freshmen players and parents, one of the most exciting times in your player's career.  Lets hear the stories and keep them coming.  For you senior parents, there is always some bitter-sweetness to the final fall campaign.  For others, lets hope there was growth in this past season and let us know what you are looking forward to this year.


Has anyone moved their player on to campus yet? 

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I always love this too.  Son moved back to school Monday before last, classes started this past Monday and practices start today.  Looking forward to a great year.  We only lost 2 guys after making it within one game of the D2 World Series last season.  Should be exciting.  Hard to believe my little rec league guy that I watched and coached growing up is in his junior year of college.  Time flies by SOOOOO fast!!!

Moved my son in last Friday for his sophomore year at a JUCO.


He had a crazy summer.  His summer team played in the Prospect League Championship series.  Final game was last Wednesday in Ohio.  They had to drive back to Quincy, IL through the night and got there on Thursday morning, showed up at our house Thursday about noon, then left for school the very next day.  Left us the day after Memorial Day and returned the day before he had to leave for school.


Classes started Monday and practice yesterday.  Says his arm feels great.  I hope so with the exposure games and such this fall.  That's the bad thing about going JUCO.  You have to go through the recruiting thing twice.

Son went back to school for his junior year last night.


It will be a quiet fall for me because he won't pitch in any of the team's fall scrimmages or games.  His pitching coach approved son's plan not to touch a baseball for the next few months while he focuses on conditioning.  He led both his college and summer teams in innings pitched this year, so his arm is ready for a nice long break. He'll resume throwing just before the fall practices end and start building up for the spring.

BishopLeftiesDad - I am shocked your son is a senior already.  If you'd asked me a month ago, I would have bet at most he was a junior.  Time almost does not make sense on this site.  Sometimes it does not seem like there is any time at all.  All the best to the young man and all the other kids who are competing this fall.

Son will return to school Sat. He will be a junior this year and is more excited about the coming season than even his freshman year. Looking forward to winning season after two losing ones. He personally has done very well, being a starter his two previous seasons & hitting over .300. I think part of his enthusiasm stems from the fact that for the first time since he was 6yrs. old he didn't play summer ball. He spent the summer working out & playing softball which, surprisingly to me, has greatly increased his arm & bat speed. Hope all of last years players return & have a great year.

I've got one of each - Freshman (D2) was dropped off last Friday and my Senior (D3) leaves today.  BTW: That leaves us with none at home - wife was asking yesterday how does one shop for two?  Especially after many years where shopping included making sure there was always enough food/calories for the athletes in the house!  


My Freshman called very excited yesterday - he got a text from the coach at 250P to be at the field by 3P for (ahem) conditioning. He was one of three freshman pitchers that was asked to be there (there's a 10 or so freshman pitchers recruited). My Senior is quite optimistic about the upcoming season - it'll be a senior laden team including all 4 starting pitchers.


It's going to be interesting to see how we can handle trying to be there for both this year, but it's a challenge I look forward to having!

Originally Posted by ClevelandDad:

Has anyone moved their player on to campus yet? 


Move our son into his dorm last week.  It's first year at a university after two years at a JuCo.  Received a nice scholarship after a great year at JuCo - broke the school record for doubles (24).  Had 12 schools contacting him at one point - almost every school in the ODAC plus three D2's.  Ended up signing with one of the D2's.


Classes started this week with conditioning/practice to start sometime in the next week.

Originally Posted by JohnF:

I've got one of each - Freshman (D2) was dropped off last Friday and my Senior (D3) leaves today.  BTW: That leaves us with none at home - wife was asking yesterday how does one shop for two?  Especially after many years where shopping included making sure there was always enough food/calories for the athletes in the house!  


My wife and I are now empty nesters as well.  Its only been a week but so far its been great.  You are right on the grocery bill going way down.  Went to the store once and only spent $70 and still have food left.  When the kids where home that would last two days!


New roster just came out for son's team.  Breakdown is pretty interesting.


35 players

15 - Sr. - All transfers, none started with school as freshmen

13 - Jr. - 9 transfers, 4 who started with school as freshmen

5 - So. - 2 are RS soph,

2 - Fr. - 1 is a RS freshman


So, 1 true freshman and a total of 10 kids out of 35 that started at the school as freshmen.  The junior class obviously has the most kids still with the program with 6 from the 2012 recruiting class (4 juniors & 2 RS Sophs.).  FYI, there were 10 freshmen in that 2013 season class 2 years ago.  4 are gone.  


Other than the 2013 class, this team seems to really like the transfers.  Tough to come in as a freshman and compete against 28 upper classmen.  Man, this should an interesting season to see who gets the play time.  We only lost one senior from last year, 2nd baseman, so it should be real interesting to see how this plays out.  Lots of competition, I know that!!

Originally Posted by bballman:

New roster just came out for son's team.  Breakdown is pretty interesting.


35 players

15 - Sr. - All transfers, none started with school as freshmen

13 - Jr. - 9 transfers, 4 who started with school as freshmen

5 - So. - 2 are RS soph,

2 - Fr. - 1 is a RS freshman


So, 1 true freshman and a total of 10 kids out of 35 that started at the school as freshmen.  The junior class obviously has the most kids still with the program with 6 from the 2012 recruiting class (4 juniors & 2 RS Sophs.).  FYI, there were 10 freshmen in that 2013 season class 2 years ago.  4 are gone.  


Other than the 2013 class, this team seems to really like the transfers.  Tough to come in as a freshman and compete against 28 upper classmen.  Man, this should an interesting season to see who gets the play time.  We only lost one senior from last year, 2nd baseman, so it should be real interesting to see how this plays out.  Lots of competition, I know that!!

Wow, very interesting on several fronts, bballman.  Roster set so early, so few freshmen, so many seniors, etc.  Best wishes to your son this year.

Yeah, part of that was because after the 2013 season, we had 12 seniors graduate and another 4 or 5 that left.  We took in like 5 freshmen and 12 transfers.  This team really never cuts anyone after the fall.  He may redshirt a couple of guys going into the spring, but they don't really do cuts until after the spring.  Some schools will bring in a bunch of guys in the fall and make cuts, but that doesn't really happen here.  

Originally Posted by ClevelandDad:

BishopLeftiesDad - I am shocked your son is a senior already.  If you'd asked me a month ago, I would have bet at most he was a junior.  Time almost does not make sense on this site.  Sometimes it does not seem like there is any time at all.  All the best to the young man and all the other kids who are competing this fall.

Thanks ClevelandDad,

It is hard to believe that this young man was what seems so recently was just heading off for his freshman year. 

To all you, who have freshman, enjoy the next four years, they go to fast. I know it can be hard, but support your sons and do not feel anguish over what you cannot control. Good luck to every ones young men this year.

Originally Posted by 2014Prospect:

We moved our son in last weekend and he just finished his first week of classes.  6 am conditioning begins next week, and our son is so happy to finally get started!  We are biting our nails hoping that our son can make the roster this year as a freshman.


Good luck to everybody as the Fall season begins!

Great to see he's come this far!  Is he back to full speed?  Is this the school that was staying with him through injury?



Our son is attending the school where the coach offered him while he was injured, and he is very excited to play for that coach!  At his last appointment with the PT in June he was told that he had recovered 95% range of motion in his ankle and his knee is 100%.  He has not been timed in the 60 yet, I am praying that he has recovered all of his speed by now since Fall baseball is starting.


How is your son doing?  I hope he has recovered from his injuries and has his position all locked up for the Fall.  Please post updates on how his Fall season goes!

Originally Posted by 2014Prospect:



Our son is attending the school where the coach offered him while he was injured, and he is very excited to play for that coach!  At his last appointment with the PT in June he was told that he had recovered 95% range of motion in his ankle and his knee is 100%.  He has not been timed in the 60 yet, I am praying that he has recovered all of his speed by now since Fall baseball is starting.


How is your son doing?  I hope he has recovered from his injuries and has his position all locked up for the Fall.  Please post updates on how his Fall season goes!

Great to hear.  Mine started back last week also... seems really excited for the new season.  While coach said great things at the end of the year last year, there is always the next wave of good players coming in to fight for those precious spots.  We're just waiting for the inevitable ups and downs of a year of college ball and pray for a year of good health, opportunity and continued personal growth...  OK, I'd kinda like to see him play some more ball too .

Very exciting time, especially for the freshmen players and parents. 


I'm in the same boat as BLD, Sr already - wow can't believe it. Jr moved into his apartment last weekend. He is living with 2 other teammates and one former ball player. School started yesterday. This will be the first year he does not swing a bat and will focus on pitching only. Their program tends to give the players a week to get oriented and then get into S&C, but he has already been working out this summer and comes in the best shape of his life. Solid as a rock 6'4" 215 and is deadlifting close to 500lbs. 


His team should be pitching dominate with all but one starter back. They will have to fill three key spots up the middle but have a bunch of kids back who will be fighting for those spots. It will be very difficult for a freshmen to break into this squad, but you never know. As always they expect to be a Regional team, but we will see. 

Anyone's son called with some news like this:


Dad/Mom - I got my first "college" base hit today!  I struck our best hitter from last year - nasty back door slider!  The coach noticed how hard I worked in practice today!  College is fun, I like learning in the college environment.  Oh, and seeing all the new girls on campus is fun too  

Originally Posted by ClevelandDad:

Anyone's son called with some news like this:


Dad/Mom - I got my first "college" base hit today!  I struck our best hitter from last year - nasty back door slider!  The coach noticed how hard I worked in practice today!  College is fun, I like learning in the college environment.  Oh, and seeing all the new girls on campus is fun too  

Are you kidding.  Updates and news have to be pulled.  Hahaha!

Originally Posted by ClevelandDad:

Anyone's son called with some news like this:


Dad/Mom - I got my first "college" base hit today!  I struck our best hitter from last year - nasty back door slider!  The coach noticed how hard I worked in practice today!  College is fun, I like learning in the college environment.  Oh, and seeing all the new girls on campus is fun too  

My son's team has skill hours until the mid-October, when the fall practices start. Threw first bullpen of Junior year working on nothing but 3rd and 4th pitches. What a difference from Freshman year when it was all about impressing the coaches with fastballs. Can't wait till they start inter-squads. I think they have 48 this fall, so the games are always 'spirited'.

We found conversations during Frosh/Soph are devoid of a lot of "details"... Eventually the reality of life after college hits some time Junior year and they seem to become a bit more chatty (maybe it's the alcohol talking :-))...  May not be the same for everyone, but 2 out of 3 so far for us have followed that pattern.

PO Jr returned home from summer ball 8/4 and left for Soph year 8/16. Freshman year flew by so fast, summer ball was a blur. New trainer this year is already kicking his butt. Says the coaching staff is focusing more on the mental game. Pitching coach is focusing more on movement & location with the new balls.

He seems to be better at sharing more information, but still not enough for this dad. 

Best of luck to all the freshman families for healthy year!

So thankful for this site and all support that it offers for families of all level of players and very blessed to watch my son play the game he loves.

Son called to let me know how 1st day of practice went. Said most of the new recruits swing from the left side & several also throw left handed. First practice is used like a tryout with kids going thru all the basics, hitting,fielding, throwing & 60yd. times. Son had set goal of 6.8 in the 60 & actually did a 6.77. On a sad note one of his friends & fellow frat brother quit the team today after realizing he wasn't going to see any playing time this year. Great kid but just hadn't improved. Intra-squad games begin this Sat. Can't wait.

Personally, I think it's ok. I will go occasionally and just sort of stay inconspicuous. If I'm the only one there, I'll sit out in the outfield. If there are other people there, I'll go where they are. Then I'll hang out and take my son to dinner after the game before I come back home. At my son's school it's hit and miss if there is anyone else there. Sometimes other students will stop by to watch. Sometimes there are other parents there doing the same as me. Sometimes I've been the only one there. I think I went to maybe 3 or 4 freshman year and only went to 2 or 3 sophomore year. My son didn't play summer ball this year - he's a pitcher and just took some lessons to work on mechanics and did conditioning - so, I've got a little withdrawal right now, so I may go to a couple more this year when I know he's going to pitch.

His freshman year, I sat in the stands once. I think there were a few students there to start, but by the end, I was the only one there. Son pitched 5 scoreless innings. Coach walked by me and said "he looked good". I just said thanks. I think that was the only time he talked to me the whole year. Bottom line is, I think it's ok, just lay low and watch from a distance, unless you can blend in up close.
Originally Posted by bballman:
Personally, I think it's ok. I will go occasionally and just sort of stay inconspicuous. If I'm the only one there, I'll sit out in the outfield. If there are other people there, I'll go where they are. Then I'll hang out and take my son to dinner after the game before I come back home. At my son's school it's hit and miss if there is anyone else there. Sometimes other students will stop by to watch. Sometimes there are other parents there doing the same as me. Sometimes I've been the only one there. I think I went to maybe 3 or 4 freshman year and only went to 2 or 3 sophomore year. My son didn't play summer ball this year - he's a pitcher and just took some lessons to work on mechanics and did conditioning - so, I've got a little withdrawal right now, so I may go to a couple more this year when I know he's going to pitch.

His freshman year, I sat in the stands once. I think there were a few students there to start, but by the end, I was the only one there. Son pitched 5 scoreless innings. Coach walked by me and said "he looked good". I just said thanks. I think that was the only time he talked to me the whole year. Bottom line is, I think it's ok, just lay low and watch from a distance, unless you can blend in up close.

I think that is pathetic  In fact, it is so pathetic I may do it next week.     I really miss watching son play.  What is wrong with us?. 

Just trying to enjoy as much as I can before the ride comes to an end. It seems like yesterday he was 7 years old playing his 1st rec game. HS went by in the blink of an eye and now he's a junior in college. I feel so lucky that he has made it this far and I still get to watch him play the game he loves. But it will end soon, so I just want to soak it up. Pathetic?  Probably, but I don't care.

At least I'll have some pretty fantastic memories in my old age.
Originally Posted by 2014Prospect:

I am wondering if any experienced college baseball parents can let me know if it is common for  parents to attend intra-squad games or is that considered something just for the team?  Sorry if it is a dumb question, but our son is just beginning his freshamn year and we are not sure what other parents do.

Not experienced....but I asked freshman keewartson recently if we could come watch some scrimmages.  He said definitely not the first scrimmage....and he would let us know if other parents are at the first one.  


Parents are invited to a picnic mid-Oct and end-of-fall "world series" scrimmages.

Last edited by keewart

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