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Despite the 12,000 mile difference, we were much better prepared to send our son back for his soph year. You take one of those cans of sting-free that catchers use, turn it upside down, then spray your heart with it!

Seriously, though, where he was so uncertain about so many things last year (his FY), he was very much eager to get back this time, and that helps. He has some business to take care of Cool
Last edited by Krakatoa
My son is close by - just a few minutes away. Last year he lived at home, this summer he moved out. He is enjoying being away and we treat it like he is gone off to school. He does enjoy coming home to mess with the dogs and his sister, but he is very busy with school, ball and work. Nice to see him on his own.
I feel the pain of parents with children far away. I have a daughter at Purdue. We found that texting works great. Once your child's routine is set, set up a time that they call you - like Sunday evening between 5 and 10 pm. If they can't call, they text a quick "I'm ok!" line.
Seeing them grow up to be "big people" is rewarding!
Well, he's only about 1.5 hours away. It seemed like about 10 million miles on Saturday. The drive home was nearly silent. I spent most of Sunday afternoon mowing, burning brush and trying to exhaust myself for the next sleepless night.

Then I get the text...."Dad, you aren't gonna believe the workout he's given us.." "Dad, we have a schedule for everyday now thru spring"

" coach says this is a winning program for a reason and we are going to continue to win a lot of games. We're three deep at every position and it's going to be a war every day to earn a starting spot"

Having come a from a poorly planned poorly executed high school program, it appears that 1Bson has hit the pot of gold.

Things are gonna be just fine......Once I find some brush to clear.....LOL

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