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Isn't the new Calgary Dawgs (?) playing in the Northwoods league next year? Maybe you guys should contact them and explain the situation to their GM. If another team wants your son, maybe they could pick him up instead. That keeps him in the league and in Canada. My son played in Red Deer last year in the WMBL and had a great time, but being American, he couldn;t work either.
Originally posted by infielddad:
The competition is great, and the players are treated like royalty.

spinedoc, you might not be aware of this but the Northwoods League actually sued a player about 2-3 summers back. He signed a contract in the Fall. Changed schools at the end of that Spring and decided not to play where his former school arranged. Returned home and got a call from the Cape to play. Went there and the Northwoods league actually had him served with a restraining order as he was warming up in the bullpen. Last I read, they were demanding the player come up with the payment of the legal fees...about $15,000.
Some of the newer leagues, including the Northwoods and Texas, are for profit ventures and they do mean "business."

That's NOT the story. But then and may it be paraphrased:

Big Deal, So What, Who Cares?
Last edited by Bear

cadKID#2 (Naval Academy) is playing for the Rockville Express in the Cal Ripken League this summer. He will live on campus for approximately 3 weeks to take summer school (lightens the load of 21 credits per semester during baseball) and then I think 4 of the Mids will get an apartment together in Annapolis and try to live like normal college kids for a month. Then he is off on a training mission on vessel from Norfolk to Boston (maybe San Diego to SanFran) to learn navigation, swabbing decks, et al.

cadKID#1 (Air Force Academy) played his frosh summer (3 yrs ago) for Norcal and did the 18U Wood Bat thing that included the Long Beach Firecracker, plus East Cobb (which they took 2nd in that year)... then he did four weeks at RAF Lakenheath (NATO Strike Base in Cambridge, England) where he got several rides in F16's over the Pennines and the Alps. Weekends in London, Paris, Amsterdam. Don't mention Amsterdam to cadMOM.

I'm coming back in a future life as one of my kids.


My Western NC Mountain Kid is going to Hawaii to play.

He will be spending 50 nights in Hawaii. He and we are very excited.

I have read the good and the not so good about this league and wasn't sure I would post. I think it will be a wonderful life experience for him. This will be his last summer of baseball and I am really happy he is going somewhere fun.
Originally posted by 2007baseballdad:
If this question has been asked and I missed the answer I apologize. Are the summer college baseball leagues open to JUCO players or are they for D1 - D3 only? If so, do the coach set the player up with a team or is it up to the player? Thank You in advance for any info.

Different leagues have kids from different levels. Each individual college coach sets his own tradition with placement in summer leagues. Some do a bang up job with this and others place no efforts in this department. Varies from program to program.
Originally posted by msdoc:
Is it too late to get aboard a decent college summer team? What about the Georgia Summer Colliegiate League? does anyone know about it?
My son is a freshmen playing JUCO ball-would this league help him getting into Georgia as a Sophmore?

Howie McCann's Windward Baseball is hosting a team in the summer georgia college league. For more information if you haven't found a team
The Windward Colleg Summer Team will play Teams within the Georgia Summer College League(league commissioner Macon Music's Coach Parker), Alabama League, South Carolina League, Florida and South Florida leagues etc. There is a little travel involved.

Mr. McCann and his staff are looking forward to offering this program each summer in the college league. If you know of some independent teams or college players in the Atlanta area looking for games contact the team by visiting
Bumping this up as the summer season starts Friday.

If anyone has a son playing in the Valley League, look me up if you're playing New Market. Home games I'll be in the "Grandstand Manager" section, or feeding the electronic scorebook in the press box. Just ask for "Parker's dad", which has been my name lately....

My son will be playing for Staunton this summer. He is really looking forward to it after playing for the Peninsula Pilots last summer in the Coastal Plains League which he truly enjoyed. He'll be late reporting however, as his college team - VCU - is off to the NCAA regionals in Myrtle Beach this weekend. I will look you up when I get a chance to make it to some of the games this summer. Coming from the Beach it will pretty much be weekends.
Dropped off my son (or, rather, husband dropped) in Springfield, Ohio to play for the Ohio Warhawks..not exactly college summer league..but quite a few incoming freshman on the team. So far, the team has been doing well in their first few games against some local college teams. Like ILVBB, this will be a great experience for a Northern California boy!!
Don't know where your son is playing, but there generally IS no practice when you play 5-6 games a week. The players are expected to come with skills they learned in college.
Throwing and light bullpens were a daily requirement on sons summer team, mostly done on their own.
Last edited by TPM
What I find strange is that he has worked hard all his BB life and now he is laying around and out of BB shape. His ERA is double digit and that is a 1st. He doesn't seem focused. He says his arm feels great but he has lost some velocity and sharpness. He is having trouble getting through a couple innings.
He has also lost weight and appears to be complacent with his lack luster performance. Kinda like he is taking a break. His performanc has actually dropped since exam break going from a 3.09 era to a 4.74. He also went from 3 extra base hit to 6. He seems as I said taking a break.
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
Maybe he needs a break.

It is still important to stay in BB shape over the summer, not necessary to play.

Summer league caoches are much different than college coaches. Many have laid back approaches, do not place much pressure on players. Workouts and keeping in shape are up to the individual players to maintain.

You are too hungup on his ERA, JMO.
Pitchers go through slumps like batters and people in general. It's hard to fake it on the mound. College pitchers have a long year starting with fall workouts, scrimmages, conditioning, followed by a 60 game season starting in February. 80-120 innings for a starter on top of 30-35 credit hours of school a year. Little if any bullpen time during the summer. It's amazing anyone is sharp in summer ball.
Last edited by Dad04
Yes when his era gets double digit or any where hear it I am hung up on it. Also all the other stats. I don't care as long as the numbers are in a certain range.

I agree I think he needs a break. Yes the coaches are laid back and very nice. Unfortunately it doesn't take much to be off your game especially if you arer not a real hard thrower.
He seems to start well and run out of gas real quick. Last outting he had 2 ks and a one pitch ground out and them gave up 3 runs. Started with a ground out, a walk and a pick off that was called a balk. Umpire said the batter didn't react so it was a balk. Son said it was a clean PO. Then 2 hits and he was gone.
He dosen't seem to be bothered but then nothing ever did..

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