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I am sitting here grooving on a terrific CWS game between UVA and LSU. This is what it is all about.

Great kids making great plays, see-saw battle, tons of heart on display. So very cool.

And I'll also admit, watching the Virginia freshman starting pitcher, realizing: My son is likely going to face this guy next season.

That does add an element as to how I watch these games.
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My son attended 2 CWS in HS before he became a participate.

I think this was a driving force to do as well as he could both on the field and in the classroom.

It's a great experience, I recommend it to anyone who is looking for the ultimate baseball experience.

I myself have been to a pro WS game and CWS, the latter being the best of the two.

The commentary is excellent, I like how OH breaks down pitching.
Just finished watching the Arizona vs.N.Carolina.Was a good game.I felt really bad for the rt. fielder to have dropped that ball, that was the beginning of the change in the momentum for Arizona.I have no personal atachments to either of those teams,but I feel bad for the kid when he makes an error, or was that ruled a error?. Could tell the sun was bothersome out there.For all of us who have kids that play , they all make mistakes. Just tough when its on national TV.
Small clarification fanofgame, 'Arizona' refers to the University of Arizona. ASU or Arizona State is the normal reference to Arizona State University.

I'm not one to go postal about such things, but others would treat it like referring to the University of Texas as 'A&M' or Kansas State as the University of Kansas, or calling Oregon State, the University of Oregon, or better yet, calling USC, UCLA or Michigan, Michigan State. You get the idea.

Despite being proud of all Arizona teams and their accomplishments in national events, both teams consider the other their arch rival. When teams from these two institutions play each other, especially football, it is UGLY. The over under for personal fouls in the annual football game is ~6. No big deal, just a point of clarification.

When my 2012 LHP ultimately picks one of them, I'll probably become more hard core...

TRhit, wouldn't it be nice if ALL college baseball games were played with wood bats? With advancement in composites, when does the 'we can't afford it' excuse become mute and they make the hitters really hit?

Our HS team played a wood bat tournament this weekend and all the parents were complaining about how the ball doesn't travel and how JR was robbed because of the wood bat. After one guy wouldn't let up about how his kid would be 5-8 with metal instead of 0-8 with wood, I finally turned around and explained that all the placement tournaments, pro scout leagues, Connie Mack summer games and classics are played with wood bats and he should have JR use wood in BP to improve his hitting skills. He told me I was nuts, because JR hits better with his turbo charged metal bat and he'd only let JR play metal bat tournaments so he doesn't look bad in front of all the scouts.

I just turned back around. Next year is only our sophomore year...
JMoff - there is only one State, and it's here. So thanks for the clarification. We have ABC fans - Anybody But Carolina. I used to be like that, but now I'm much more mellow. In fact, I pull for the Tarheels in many situations. It's a lot easier being ABD.

A friend called to give me the update and she said it was a heartbreaking fielding attempt.
Originally posted by Infield08:
Am I the only one who's sad that USM lost to UT last night? I sure am pulling for Corky to win at least one at the CWS before he retires....

I was pulling for USM too. Very exciting 8th. Kinda let down to see it lost on BB in the 9th.

On a bright note. In a house of basketball fans, everyone kept saying to leave the TV on the CWS, the NBA Championship was a bore...
Originally posted by Infield08:
Am I the only one who's sad that USM lost to UT last night? I sure am pulling for Corky to win at least one at the CWS before he retires....

What a crazy last couple of innings. Both teams tried to give it away.

I'm pulling for Corky to win tomorrow and send UNC packing.
Originally posted by Bulldog 19:
Worst thing was hearing the "ting" of the bat on the other side of the house! Just awful!

The college game having measurable differences from pro baseball is one of the charms of the game. I can't stand to watch pro basketball, but love the college game.

To me, that "ping" of the bat, is the sound of college baseball...I love it and love the differences. I actually miss that sound when teams use composite bats.

At this point, it would just be redundant to point out that, I'm weird. Wink
Last edited by CPLZ
Originally posted by Brian Shanberg:
Originally posted by Infield08:
Am I the only one who's sad that USM lost to UT last night? I sure am pulling for Corky to win at least one at the CWS before he retires....

I was pulling for USM too. Very exciting 8th. Kinda let down to see it lost on BB in the 9th.

On a bright note. In a house of basketball fans, everyone kept saying to leave the TV on the CWS, the NBA Championship was a bore...

Am I the only one that thought the home plate ump was squeezing the USM side-armers? A lot of those pitches looked they caught the knees and then dropped off into the mitt?

Admittedly, you've got to adjust to the ump's zone, but I thought he was inconsistent on both sides.
Originally posted by JMoff:
Small clarification fanofgame, 'Arizona' refers to the University of Arizona. ASU or Arizona State is the normal reference to Arizona State University.

I'm not one to go postal about such things, but others would treat it like referring to the University of Texas as 'A&M' or Kansas State as the University of Kansas, or calling Oregon State, the University of Oregon, or better yet, calling USC, UCLA or Michigan, Michigan State. You get the idea.

Despite being proud of all Arizona teams and their accomplishments in national events, both teams consider the other their arch rival. When teams from these two institutions play each other, especially football, it is UGLY. The over under for personal fouls in the annual football game is ~6. No big deal, just a point of clarification.

When my 2012 LHP ultimately picks one of them, I'll probably become more hard core...

Just a friendly heads up, I am not sure even a small clarification was necessary as we all knew who she was referring to and she meant no disrespect. Maybe she did not feel like typing out the word State after Arizona which is her perogative. That said, after the small clarification in the first sentence, a whole pargraph was provided to re-clarify the small clarification. I am pretty sure even the church mice understand the distinction by now.

Back on topic, the ACC has not won a CWS since the 50's. I think ob44 is on to something.
Originally posted by gitnby:
Am I the only one that thought the home plate ump was squeezing the USM side-armers? A lot of those pitches looked they caught the knees and then dropped off into the mitt?

You're not alone. Thought they both were underappreciated. Thought the pitches were not in the zone very long, but certainly long enough to be strikes. Fascinating to watch the zone change so dramatically between the conventional and unconventional arms. It wasn't team related, as the MSU convetional arms got the calls as well. Might the coach have adjusted by not throwing the second side arm guy knowing that the zone was not sidearm friendly?

Cool 44
Last edited by observer44
Originally posted by theEH:
What are these announcers talking about.
There's not that much wind blowing out at all in the CSF, UVA game.
Tried showing the flags blowing out and they were just hanging with very little wind.


Yeah, but wasn't that an interesting conversation
about which MLB ball parks smelled the best?

Last night, Ravech and Hershiser made the brilliant observation that "kids today spend too much time in the batting cages, and not enough time playing actual games".

Not sure about anyone else's kid, but between High School, Summer and Fall Ball, my boy played well over 100 games last year! I'm sure that's more than twice as many as I played in a year when I was his age.
I'm also pulling Southern Miss. Always like to see the underdog do well, expecially with the coach retiring. Interesting side note, my son's summer team was actually supposed to play a tournament for prospects at the Univesity of Southern Mississippi this past weekend. When they found out they made it to Omaha, tournament cancelled! So instead of playing in front of their coaches, we watched them play on TV.
Last night, Ravech and Hershiser made the brilliant observation that "kids today spend too much time in the batting cages, and not enough time playing actual games".

Not sure about anyone else's kid, but between High School, Summer and Fall Ball, my boy played well over 100 games last year! I'm sure that's more than twice as many as I played in a year when I was his age.

But it's all structured baseball. When I was growing up (I'm 20 so not long) all we did in the neighborhood was play. It didn't matter how many we had; if we had two people we played a game. We'd use ghost runners whatever. We got out and played. And played catch all day long too!
Bulldog, I agree with you in large part, but I also remember breaking my jaw when a ball hit second base, a small pile of rocks, and took a bad bounce. I also recall we used to use a ball till the cover wore off, then put tape on it, and when it was finally just useless we'd grab our bikes, scour ditches all over town for pop bottles, for which you could get 2 cents apiece, and when we got a dollar's worth, we cashed them in, went to Western Auto, bought a $1 ball, and started all over again. We were also masters at putting screws in broken bats, then taping the heck out of them. The resulting product wasn't great, but it worked and we didn't care.

A new bat and a new ball were just cherished. We would have croaked if we had half of what's in my garage now-two large buckets of balls, too many bats to count, and loads of old gloves, batting gloves, catcher's gear, etc.

College ball is just great. Even when crowds are small in the regular season, and they often are, the player enthusiasm and effort are always top notch. I even find myself rooting for the hated Wahoos of UVA as I can only imagine what a wonderful experience it is for the players at the CWS.
I also recall we used to use a ball till the cover wore off, then put tape on it, and when it was finally just useless we'd grab our bikes, scour ditches all over town for pop bottles, for which you could get 2 cents apiece, and when we got a dollar's worth, we cashed them in, went to Western Auto, bought a $1 ball, and started all over again. We were also masters at putting screws in broken bats, then taping the heck out of them. The resulting product wasn't great, but it worked and we didn't care.

those were the day's. i think our kids mised out on some great times.
Originally posted by 20dad:
I also recall we used to use a ball till the cover wore off, then put tape on it, and when it was finally just useless we'd grab our bikes, scour ditches all over town for pop bottles, for which you could get 2 cents apiece, and when we got a dollar's worth, we cashed them in, went to Western Auto, bought a $1 ball, and started all over again. We were also masters at putting screws in broken bats, then taping the heck out of them. The resulting product wasn't great, but it worked and we didn't care.

those were the day's. i think our kids mised out on some great times.

Isn't that what your Dad said about you? Wink
That was a great game last night. Thoroughly enjoyed it and couldn't figure out who to root for. But that Arkansas pitcher sure did gut it out. WOW! What a competitive kid.

Last night, Ravech and Hershiser made the brilliant observation that "kids today spend too much time in the batting cages, and not enough time playing actual games".

Actually I know a scout or two who agrees with Ravech and Hershiser on this. They feel kids today are too mechanical compared to the Latin players and think the "over-organization" of baseball has caused a lot of that. They also think our kids don't have as good of a "feel for the game" as the Latin players as our kids just don't play enough sandlot ball anymore. Everything is managed and scripted.

I'm certainly not smart enough to know whether thats right or not...but the two announcers are not alone in that thought.
Last edited by justbaseball
I heard that! I was pulling for both teams several times throughout the game.

I originally wanted Arkansas to win since they knocked out my team, FSU. But, I started pulling for Virgina after seeing them playing their hearts out. (Especially the 140 pound 5'-9" 2nd baseman lay down that bunt w/ 2 stikes on him.)

Paying the price today for staying up late, but it was well worth it.

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