Commonwealth District Honors via
this morning's FLS:
First team:
P Daniel King (St), P Travis Thomas (Rb), C Patrick Kuhns (NS), C Matt Bohmke (St), 1b Tyler Molinaro (A), 2b Ben Esser (NS), 3b Dustin Hunt (St), SS Casey Johns (NS), OF Vince Coles (A), OF Ryan Brown (St), OF Nick Lacik (A), U Travis Thomas (RB), DH Kyle Haynes (MV).
Second team:
P Josh Mellett (St), P Tyler Molinaro (A), P Kyle Haynes (MV), C Adam Utz (A), 1b Taylor Guinn (CF), 2b David Dilegge (BP), 3b Jacob Gernhard (MV), SS Scott Forsgren (Ma), OF Gerardo Torres (NS), OF Kyle Boster (CF), OF Nick Kime (MV), U Kyle Haynes (MV), DH Sean Kennedy (NS).
Honorable mention:
P Jacob Gerhhard (MV), P Robert Gallett (NS), P Sean Kennedy (NS), C Cody Norman (CF), C Zach Harding (Rb), C Snooter Merryman (Ma), 1b Patrick Marshall (St), 2b Derek Gallelo (Rb), 3b Cameron Tubbs (Ma), SS Anthony Periera (Rb), SS Josh Sites (A), SS Travis Ferrick (CF), OF Diven Pernia (St), OF Brian Hudson (BP), OF Ethan Ferrick (CF), OF Rashad Talley (A), U Sean Kennedy, U David Dilegge (BP), U Matt Edwards (CF).