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Congratulations to BB and his family. I'm sure everything they've sacrificed over the years has been more then worth it.

I'm excited that the Rangers took a local boy! He should bring a certain amount of ownership and pride to the team having grown up in their back yard.

I know the Collikar family is very proud and happy for BB...and now we get to say, "I remember when he pitched on the Coyotes in Steamboat..."

Now get to work, and help our Rangers! Wink

As for Dtiger and the interview, I didn't hear it, but I'd venture to say BB paid his respect to KM's win against the Tigers when they were facing one another.

Once again, congrats BB!
Well I would just like to say for Blake, Bill & Myself; Thank you "HS BB Web" folks for all the well wishes! WOW, It is 3am in the morning and I have not even gone to bed yet! I just now have had a moment to sit down look and my email and look at HS Web and saw all of your nice comments.

Yes, it was a lot of sacrifice and committment but I would not take away 1 minute of it for today!

Love you guys!

Go Blake, and hurry the Rangers need help NOW!
Congrats to Blake and his family. What a very exciting day for a player when he's drafted. I still remember my day well.

Hopefully negotiations will go smooth and he'll be on the bump in no time.

Although, I'd like to offer a simple lesson.........

Always remember you are in the public eye with the media.

Never say something you might regret later.

And using the word "retarded" ain't a good idea, even if it is refering to that goofy hat. Big Grin
Originally posted by P1tickethead110:
Blake is getting a little ripped right now on BAD Radio on The Ticket about some of his comments. Yesterday and last night.

Wasn't just a little ripped...they scorched him for fifteen minutes. Played his negative comments about the Rangers being bad over and over again. They would pause the sound bites for effect and then laugh about it before moving on to the next sound bite.

It's amazing how the media will let a poor manager slide when his team is the worst in the majors yet they will roast an eighteen year-old kid for some comments he made out of excitement on the biggest day of his life.

There's a lesson in there somewhere......
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
I happened to be up last night and listened to that whole press conf. those reporters sat him up. They asked him as a fan only how hard is it to watch the Rangers struggle. His reply was its tough to watch a team to go through that. His comments we very mild, but as usual they take stuff out of context and put the spin on it to get people fired up. And on his interview with the Hardline they asked him about his nasty slider. He did say he thought he had a good slider but it was from 4 years of hard work. But what would you want him to say? His slider sucks and play down his ability. Personally I would rather have a kid that is confident. There is a very very fine line between confidence and cockiness and I think he is on the confident side of that line.


If anyone is interested you can listen to the game live at 4:00: here is the link
Last edited by P1tickethead110
Originally posted by DBAT GM:

It's amazing how the media will let a poor manager slide when his team is the worst in the majors yet they will roast an eighteen year-old kid for some comments he made out of excitement on the biggest day of his life.

There's a lesson in there somewhere......

The lesson is called humility.

It will be learned very next spring training. Wink
I heard it all day today on my way to the Tiger-Dbat game. Bottom line, Dallas is one of the top media centers in the country. If you are an athlete and you breath, someone is going to know about it. Everything these clowns on the Ticket said about Blake is borderline slander. I don't listen to that station because I know most of them have never worn a jock in their life. They and the DMS have to sell airtime and papers and that's how they do it-by assuming stuff-they are complete idiots. Blake is a great kid. His parents are great people. OK-I vented--that being said--in my humble opinion-he could use some better representation on the professional side--no way this happens if he is properly represented. No--I am not looking for business-I have more than I can handle-I, like other people in my profession, that look at this site know what I am talking about. Oh-one more thing-my comment about the Ticket does not apply to Norm or Jub Jub!
You know, I've never met the kid or his parents -- and I think you all know from reading my opinions that I admire his athletic skill and his baseball abilities......but.....I just wish someone/anyone! would ask him to be quiet -- or to speak with a bit of humility. No one in his family saw this coming? No one in his camp has learned a lesson or two along the way? It's not about confidence.

I will trust those of you that know him. I will give him the benefit of the doubt when it comes to being a good kid. But....does anyone think this will be the last criticism when it comes to his public manner?

I will follow his career with great interest, like the others in this area that are playing professionally. I suppose it's a good thing that he is playing in an American League city. Smile

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