I saw Blake pitche twice this season, and I believe that all the hype is justified. On that note, I also listened to what the Ticket said about him, and was greatly amused. Slander-----no way. I like what the guys at Bad Radio said "We wish he could have been a little more awe shucks, like John Danks was." Blake will expierence a little dose of humility when he gets lit up in rookie or A ball, but it is refreshing to see a kid thats not just a little but a lot cocky.
I just hope that the esteemed John Daniels doesn't trade him away like he did with Danks.
Well once again, I appreciate the folks who know Blake and know that he would not just say those things without being naively (sp?) provoked by the "Good Ol Dallas Morning News". Man they can set you up so big!!! well it aint even funny anymore. I told Blake the other day, that he is now like a "Paris Hilton" of the DFW Metroplex and he is going to have to watch every little thing he does................ Because everyone is watching and listening.
Just to get the record straight to the few folds who were not at our house on draft day. We had 2 TV stations there and Channel 11 was one of them and the DMN reporter and website broadcaster was also there at the actual moment of selection.
The news guys said, and I quote, "So Blake, How does it feel to be selected by the Home Town Team, the Texas Rangers, and by the way, they have the worst record in the American League and, Oh, they also have the worst ERA ever recorded in the major leagues? Well you guys know the next statement; Well I can do as bad as those guys! Well, we will just chalk it up to the age 18, caught up in the moment of exitement and the downplay of the media to Blake's pridefull (sp?) home town team that has just been bad this year!
He really does speak well in front of cameras, he just has to be carefull of the snakes that just lay their in the grass waiting for a moment to trip you up. Kind of like that nasty a__ slider that he is proud of. Well, I am sounding like a typical mother protecting her young, so I will get off my box.
I will leave with this comment:
He is the very 1st ever locally selected HS Pitcher to the Texas Rangers and he will have to overcome a lot of stuff like this and a whole more.
Thank GOD, they give you a little bit of "Media" training during your Minor League experiences.
We are all wearing MUZZLES around our house. You just never know how you answer things and how they will come back to haunt you!
God Bless everyone!
Just to get the record straight to the few folds who were not at our house on draft day. We had 2 TV stations there and Channel 11 was one of them and the DMN reporter and website broadcaster was also there at the actual moment of selection.
The news guys said, and I quote, "So Blake, How does it feel to be selected by the Home Town Team, the Texas Rangers, and by the way, they have the worst record in the American League and, Oh, they also have the worst ERA ever recorded in the major leagues? Well you guys know the next statement; Well I can do as bad as those guys! Well, we will just chalk it up to the age 18, caught up in the moment of exitement and the downplay of the media to Blake's pridefull (sp?) home town team that has just been bad this year!
He really does speak well in front of cameras, he just has to be carefull of the snakes that just lay their in the grass waiting for a moment to trip you up. Kind of like that nasty a__ slider that he is proud of. Well, I am sounding like a typical mother protecting her young, so I will get off my box.
I will leave with this comment:
He is the very 1st ever locally selected HS Pitcher to the Texas Rangers and he will have to overcome a lot of stuff like this and a whole more.
Thank GOD, they give you a little bit of "Media" training during your Minor League experiences.
We are all wearing MUZZLES around our house. You just never know how you answer things and how they will come back to haunt you!
God Bless everyone!
Stay strong! There are more supporters then nay-sayers, and we're proud and happy for Blake and hope he gets the opportunity to help the Rangers.
Enjoy the ride, and don't worry about those that are green.
Enjoy the ride, and don't worry about those that are green.
Yes, the media will actually put words into his mouth, or cut a quote to make it play better than the real quote in context.
You might even invest in some private media training before he gets to the minors....to where he doesn't immediately get branded with a stereotype.
Congrats again to Blake!!! We are all hoping for big things from him!!
Yes, the media will actually put words into his mouth, or cut a quote to make it play better than the real quote in context.
You might even invest in some private media training before he gets to the minors....to where he doesn't immediately get branded with a stereotype.
Congrats again to Blake!!! We are all hoping for big things from him!!
If he'll occasionally call in to the Ticket and talk about flatulence or over-cuss the overcusser, he'll be their favorite
Just stay away from "you know" or he'll be the next Roger Pavlik.
Just stay away from "you know" or he'll be the next Roger Pavlik.
quote:I told Blake the other day, that he is now like a "Paris Hilton" of the DFW Metroplex and he is going to have to watch every little thing he does................ Because everyone is watching and listening.
Yeah but he ain't near as cute as Paris. And we can only hope he does not have any secret videos out there that will surface. But may soon be as rich as Paris
Joking aside he will do fine he is a high school kid having fun.
Tell Blake to just keep throwing sliders like he did in the first game against us...I'll let you in and say the one I took to the warning track the second game...I knew it was coming thanks to getting the pitches 
He'll be fine, tell him good luck from Spanky

He'll be fine, tell him good luck from Spanky
You might even invest in some private media training
I thought that's what "advisors" were for?

Good Advice on getting media training, for him and maybe some of the family since there has been more than this snag w/the media i.e. the article in the DMN about the Beavan Newsletter.
Also, you might want to consider having Blake trademark his Finger Flashing "K" sign.........something else he can claim fame to.
Also, you might want to consider having Blake trademark his Finger Flashing "K" sign.........something else he can claim fame to.

As a former IHS grad and classmate of Bill,
I could not be more happy for you and your family.
now on a much less serious note........will you now change your name to Rangerparent?
As a former IHS grad and classmate of Bill,
I could not be more happy for you and your family.
now on a much less serious note........will you now change your name to Rangerparent?

quote:Originally posted by TigerParent:
He really does speak well in front of cameras, he just has to be carefull of the snakes that just lay their in the grass waiting for a moment to trip you up. Kind of like that nasty a__ slider that he is proud of. Well, I am sounding like a typical mother protecting her young, so I will get off my box.
Maybe they'll offer a family discount on the media training.

Now PD...... I expected more from you. 
quote:Originally posted by TigerParent:
He really does speak well in front of cameras, he just has to be carefull of the snakes that just lay their in the grass waiting for a moment to trip you up. Kind of like that nasty a__ slider that he is proud of. Well, I am sounding like a typical mother protecting her young.....
This Clown's typical mother doesn't talk like that!!
Oooooooh my!!

hee-haw! hee-haw!

Jerry I take it that your son plays for the Mustangs since we both wear clown hats. 
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