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some of these kids also played for other travel teams duiring their developmental years. would be interested in other travel teams responding and indicating what years these kids played for their clubs. congratualtions to the dads, mothers and the players who put in the work to get to this place in their careers. congrats to the travel teams who scheduled the games for these kids to express their skills. congrats also to the highschool coaches who coached these kids. congrats to the parents who paid for the lessons, travel team fees and other coasts so their kids could become what they became. comngrats to the dad and mothers who played catch and threw countless hours of soft toss. congrats to the kids who worked their a++ off to get to that point. finally congrats to the travel team who post on their website when a kid gets signed or drafted even though that kid may have only played one summer or fall for that team. forgive me if i forgot somebody hoping to take credit for the hard work of any kid who achieves their dream.
Sure these kids played for other travel teams. I know that Jake Thompson and Austin Aune were Dallas Tigers for quite a while. Fact is this is about the kids. Congrats to all of these young men that have represented DFW for so long. Not sure if this post was a congratulations for the kids or the organization, but either way kudos to the boys on a job well done!
Last edited by txbball14
By the way, I did not take this thread as anything other than a congrats to those boys that were drafted from the area. We continue to represent very well and that includes Dbat, Dallas Tigers, Texas Blackhawks, Texas Stix, Fort Worth Cats, etc.

All is going well in the area with regards to select baseball. Just give the boys an opportunity...that is exactly what all of these clubs are trying to do!
Yes I am sure that some of these kids played for other teams growing up, but all but 2 of them played with us 16U and 18U. I am not trying to take credit away from all their HS coaches and other coaches. Just stating a FACT that all these kids are D-BAT kids. Good try though Golden Rule.
Last edited by KCR
Unbelievable, all I am saying is congrats to the kids that have played for D-BAT. I am not taking credit for anything at all. No deference in when I said Congrats to former D-BAT player Clayton Kershaw for winning the Cy Young Award. Or when I said congrats to all the D-BAT kids that made the Area Code games. Clayton played for Tommy when he was 14. I have no issue with Tommy saying Congrats as well. You think this is about me when its not, its about the Kids and Congratulating them. People that know me well would agree. When Clayton won the Cy Young I saw on the Dodgers Double A website "Chattanooga Lookouts" Congratulating former Lookout player for winning. He played of us 10 times more then them. So are they taking credit for him winning? They didn't say thanks to everyone he had played for in the past, just the Lookouts. You are a D-BAT hater so that is where this is all coming from. Why don't you come by my office and sit down with me, you would figure it out in 30 minutes what my motives are. Call me Nuke and Texas Crude if your not the same guy and lets set up a time to meet. My office number is 972-398-1000 Thanks CG
You guys are all way too critical. Cade posts on this board on a regular basis and does so under no anonymity. That makes him and the organization that he represents an active participant to this online community. Therefore, why is his organization being criticized for congratulating the players and their families? I understand that you either love or loathe DBAT (or any other club for that matter), but who is being harmed here? If in fact these young men did play for the Mustangs, where exactly is the egregious violation? Let it go. When and if my son ever goes in the draft I release permission to the Dallas Patriots, Dallas Panthers, Texas Clay, and DBAT Mustangs to all claim him. Why? Because it will cause absolutely no harm to my son or his situation who shows pride for having mentored or coached him along the way. That being said, doesn't every coach/organization play a role in their development?
Originally posted by Catcherz_Dad:
You guys are all way too critical. Cade posts on this board on a regular basis and does so under no anonymity. That makes him and the organization that he represents an active participant to this online community. Therefore, why is his organization being criticized for congratulating the players and their families? I understand that you either love or loathe DBAT (or any other club for that matter), but who is being harmed here? If in fact these young men did play for the Mustangs, where exactly is the egregious violation? Let it go. When and if my son ever goes in the draft I release permission to the Dallas Patriots, Dallas Panthers, Texas Clay, and DBAT Mustangs to all claim him. Why? Because it will cause absolutely no harm to my son or his situation who shows pride for having mentored or coached him along the way. That being said, doesn't every coach/organization play a role in their development?
Ok Texas Crude...if you had no intention of high-jacking this thread... then why post here?
If you want to do some DBAT/Cade bashing either call Cade, sit down face to face with him, or start another thread.

I say we keep this thread a positive one!

After all we should be congratulating all these yourg men on this wondeful accomplishment!
The bottom line is this .... who cares who they played for, for how long, etc ... the teams drafting them didn't. Why should you and I?

These boys are are realizing a dream and no one can deny that DBAT/Cade along with the many other org's out there, did have some impact along the way.

As a parent of a 2013 myself, I would like to thank all these boys, and all who came before them in years past, as I believe they just might be opening doors for the 2013's and classes beyond out there in years to come.

All we are saying is give peace a chance....
Cade - Thank you for your well wishes. Our son loved playing for D-Bat and is very appreciative of all that you and your organization has done for him. Your organization works hard to teach, support, and promote all of the D-Bat players. Best wishes always.

Thank you to the Dallas Tigers and Dallas Patriots as well.

These are all great organizations in the business of doing everything they can to highlight all of their players.

Congratulations to all of the 2012 draft kids. Good luck and best wishes.
OA5II - what are you, a mind reader. What am i thinking right now? you would be correct if you stated that i am thinking you apparently have a serious character flaw. how do you know what Cade Griffis was thinking when he expressly congratulated the players who played for his organization. Can he be proud for the boys who played for DBAT? Can he be happy that these players played for his organization? I don't understand why you have such an issue with Cade Griffis publicly congratulating these players. and so what if he wants the world to know that his organization was lucky enough to have these highly skilled players play for his organization. It may just be me, but I would rather see posts like the one Cade Griffis posted congratulating a young man for being rewarded for the committment, dedication, and perseverance it takes to get drafted than to come to this site and read negative things about high school kids and their parents during play off games. this world needs more - not less - Cade Griffis', Tommy Hernandez', Randy Talleys' and a very long list of high school and select club coaches who spend their time and talent helping all of our kids reach whatever dreams they have. I would also like to see the players from other organizations who were drafted recognized on this thread, so the players and their parents can see all of the congratulatory comments that other posters would no doubt make for the parents and their son. this should be a fun time for all of us, and not a time when a small minority of parents have an undisclosed ax to grind and in doing so hijack a thread meant to shine the light on these incredibly gifted players and their parents who have dedicated most of their lives to making sure their sons had everything they needed to get to this point. Thanks Cade Griffis. Now, can the Tigers, Partiots, Cats, and other organizations post their players as well. And when you do, be very proud that they played for your organization and CLAIM them as your own.
Take a breath and relax Foul Ball. All he said was it was a Dbat promotion. A sincere congratulations can also be a promotion of your organization. He's entitled to an opinion just like you are. I will say that is the most polished graphical presentation of a congratulation note not intended to be a marketing promotion I have ever seen.
It is amazing to me how someone can take a positive and turn it into a negative. Cade has every right to publish what he published and exactly how he published it. The Dallas Tigers, Patriots, Monarchs, Cats etc...
have the exact same right. As a matter of fact, let me give them kudos for having competition just as strong as D-BAT enabling teams to compete at a high level which in return made all the players better and forwarded them the opportunity to play at the next level.

Those vocal few who feel the need to lodge a complaint directed toward D-BAT and Cade in particular, tells me nothing more than you might have issues that go further than this forum. Maybe you do need to man up and take Cade up on his invitation and give him a call or visit his office.

Now, at the risk of hearing the wrath, let me thank Cade and D-BAT (and I can't omit Kermit) for giving my son both the opportunity and confidence to compete and have some success at the collegiate level and a chance to compete at the next level.

I will now go back into my hibernation as I learned on this site many years ago that when people have opinions and they differ from others, it can get very personal and ugly.

Danny Boydston
Last edited by Danny Boydston
Still no call from OA511, Texas Crude, or Golden rule. I will keep you posted. I am available to meet anytime. I promise the meeting will be professional and to the point. Thanks to all the people that know me and understand me for posting. Once again 972-398-1000 if long distance 1-888-398-3393
Last edited by KCR
Originally posted by Dallas D'backs:
Congrats to all the DBAT kids. We are proud of our two kids that have been drafted the last couple of drafts as well. The kids did the work and, like was said early in the thread, we just try to give them the best opportunity to showcase their talent.

Kid's dreams are coming true.

That's why I do this. That's why Cade does this.

Paul Ylda

Paul, glad you, Curt Sanders, and the other DBack coaches were part of Caleb Hamrick's development along the way. Yes, he also played for other teams, and he was a guest player for DBAT and played in the MSL as well and we appreciate the opportunities you all gave him, as well the relationships he (we)built there. I also appreciate the nice write up that you posted on the DBacks page, and so did he! That doesn't take away from the other people and coaches that have been a part of his development also, but I do get where Golden Rule is coming from. Lots of people would like to take the credit for the hard work these boys put in and I guess it's all how you look at it and he's just trying to reiterate that is my guess. Someone even told me not long ago to give credit where credit was due and that although others may have been involved, it was me that took him to the practices and games and paid for the training, teams, travel, etc. and that's who, along with the kid, is most responsible. Okay, I'll take that! Smile)) But bottom line is this, congrats to all the 2012 draftees. Proofs in the puddin' that we raise 'em right in the DFW area and as I've said before, it takes a village to raise a child and our village is huge! Thanks again!!!
Cheapseats - DBAT and Mustangs are one in the same.

To everyone else....I can only say those of you who criticize Cade Griffis are very small minded and misinformed people. NO ONE works harder to promote and give kids opportunities (whether they play for DBAT or not) than Cade does. Yes, all of the players on that list earned their way with hard work. But some might not be on that list at all if not for Cade going to bat for them. I know from personal experience how hard Cade works on behalf of our kids - on his own initiative - and how many times he endures the ridiculous slings and arrows of out of control parents.

Congrats to the draftees....and thank you to Cade Griffis for being a tireless advocate for our sons.
Come on OA511 respond to Cade please so we can keep this thread going? You too Texas Crud and Golden Rant. I've known Cade for several years and have always found him to be very professional and respectful. I don't believe for a minute that Cade used that post as a marketing piece. However what does it matter if he did, ever heard of running a business and marketing to stay ahead of the competition? If those kids at anytime played for him he has the right to congratulate them for their success and post it. We never played for dbat but know plenty that have. We just always had a great experience in dealing with Cade.
TX Husker - i am a long time reader of this site and don't contribute much to the conversations for a variety of reasons. but i do visit this site several times a week because I know a lot of the HS players and their families, and i really enjoy keeping up with the local HS players ( i have one myself) and teams. I know from reading your comments in the past that your contributions are usually very positive and insightful and you are a "baseball" guy. My prior posting results out of my frustration with the recent extremely negative posts about high school players and parents. my point, which was apparently not made very well by me, is that instead of focusing on the accomplishments of the players who were drafted, the comments went very quickly to trying to tear down Cade Griffis, and in doing so speculating or mind reading what Cade Griffis was thinking when he posted his "congratulations" ( " this thread was not started with the thought of congratulating... but as a promotional piece for DBAT"). I don't know what Cade was thinking when he made the post and i am not about to tell anyone i do. But i do know that he ( as well as the Tigers, frozen Ropes, Cats, patriots, etc) should be proud of the players who played in his organization ( even if just for one season),and posting a "congratulations" post on DBAT letter head ( or on a Tigers, FR, Patriots, etc letter head) should not result in negative comments about some speculative motive ( unless the poster has an undisclosed ax to grind and even then i wish we could bury that ax). I actually expect the organizations to send out a congratulations posting on their players on the club's letterhead. I just don't get why the comments even went down that road to begin with. I may be in the minority here, but i sure would like to get back to the time ( not so long ago) where this site was not a place to vent and tear down HS players, teams, coaches, parents, organizations etc but instead a place to come to where we can "celebrate" the success of all DFW clubs, HS teams, and most importantly share in the great successes of the young men ( and their parents and coaches) who are so dedicated to trying to be the best they can be. Hope I clarified my comment enough so you at least understand where i was coming from. we don't have to agree, but I do hope you understand my position better. I am off to the Mickey Mantle Qualifier tonight and this weekend to watch some very good players and teams compete. the best way to spend a friday - sunday in my book!
So I am to meet with Cade behind the gym like in 3rd grade? I didn't realize one is not allowed to call a spade a spade. My bad..How dare I question the God known as Cade...

He used it as a marketing tool for his company not for congratulating kids. To believe otherwise is to either be naive at best or intellectually dishonest at worst.

If he chooses to market that way, that is his business. He gets to live with the benefits and the consequences. Good luck with the rest of the summer.
Most club teams can't spell marketing and promotions, let alone do it. That's why what Dbat does stands out (that's a compliment, Cade). There's nothing wrong with mixing club promotion with player/parent congratulations. But when you try to deny you are doing it, you open yourself up. I don't know anything about the player vs club who did what for who comments that were made in the post that was deleted. That seems to be where the real hard feelings got brought into this.

I do have a problem with these clubs that are making money and try to make it out like it's not for profit business. Club baseball is a business. There are profits being made from it and it is coming from the fees paid by parents. It's great if people can make a reasonable profit from doing something they enjoy doing (like helping kids with their baseball dreams). But, please, quit trying to make it out like these guys are saints. They are business people. I have yet to see Mother Theresa coaching 3rd base..........
Originally posted by OA5II:
So I am to meet with Cade behind the gym like in 3rd grade? I didn't realize one is not allowed to call a spade a spade. My bad..How dare I question the God known as Cade...

He used it as a marketing tool for his company not for congratulating kids. To believe otherwise is to either be naive at best or intellectually dishonest at worst.

If he chooses to market that way, that is his business. He gets to live with the benefits and the consequences. Good luck with the rest of the summer.

Are you out of your mind OA5II! You have no idea about Cade or how D-Bat works, a simple congratulations to the signings of pro contracts and you go off on him and D-Bat. You have no idea. D-Bat is hands down the best, well run organization in this city. Three years ago we played for the Tigers, worst two years of my families life. Look at the "P" club, 12-14 "12u" teams, really, thats about quality club baseball or money. Those two clubs...not even close to D-Bat. D-Bat actually cares about each of their kids. When your kid gets to 15u, its not even close. D-Bat is "the" quality organization. You are crazy to think otherwise.
Originally posted by SultanofSwat:
Originally posted by lsball:
I don't believe for a minute that Cade used that post as a marketing piece.

I don't know any of you folks, but that's ridiculous.

I guess you missed the DBAT logo and the thread title?

BTW, I think it's fine that he does.

I saw a DBat bat logo but no DBat Mustang logo. A little different.
Okay OA511, we get it. Your a DBAT hater.

You must have a personal problem with Cade or the DBAT organization. The man did not call you out to meet behind the gym.

He has asked for you to come and sit down and talk to him like a man, but instead you want to make your little "meet behind the gym" retort.

Honestly, what difference does it make if he posts congrats on this website to DBAT players using the DBAT Logo. How does it affect you? People can make their own assumptions on the reasons behind his post. He is not the first one to have ever done this on this site, just the first one this year. Now I'm sure you wont see any other organizations posting because they will get slammed for it.

He's posting on a board that already knows about his organization, along with all the other organzitions. Dont see how it is much of a plug for him. How he is going to get that many more players by putting it on this particular board. I dont think that everyone reading this is now going to quit their respective teams and say they now want to play for the Mustangs. I believe he knows how knowledgeable people (well, most of them) are on this board, and the people here know most of these kids and who they play for already.

There's nothing wrong with being proud that these kids played for your organization.

I have heard a couple of coaches (both high school and select) say the worse thing about baseball is the parents. I, as a parent, say I have to agree.

Also, I would like to congratulate all the players that have been drafted. Regardless of the organization you play for, its a huge accomplishment, and you, your parents, and all your mentors should be very proud.

Now, can this board get back to discussing the good things that happen with baseball?
Wow the Dbat staff is out in full force aren't they. I never said that what Cade did was wrong or bad. All I did was ask that it not be spinned like there was no marketing involved in the post. Didn't realize that one was required to talk to Cade like he was a God or his employees would come out in force.
What makes you think I am a Dbat hater? Is it my membership to a Dbat facility? Is it my kid playing for a Dbat team? Just curious?
Last edited by OA5II

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