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There you go again. Using words like "behind the gym" or "My employees are out in full force" and "Cade the God". All I asked is to call me. I will say this Texas Crude did contact me and we are meeting. I already know what his beef is and it is not personal with me. He showed big balls where are yours. My number is 972-398-1000
So because you say to call I am to call? Why? I have nothing to talk to you about and have no beef with you and your organization. Why does it bother you if someone says something you disagree with? I never attacked you, but I was attacked. Show your big balls and call out those that attacked me. Can you do that? But no, instead you demand I call you like I owe you something.
I have said you have the right to do what you are doing. I have said there is nothing wrong with your OP was about. So what is your beef? Why do you feel so insecure you demand that I call you?
Well then give me your number and I will call you. The reason is grown men should not hide behind a screen names, they should either meet face to face or at least call each other when you have issues. All I wanted to tell you is where I am coming from. If you don't want to talk to me its because you are not use to dealing with people like me.

By the way if I caught one of my employees on this site it would not be good. I am glad non of them know about it.
Last edited by KCR
Originally posted by KCR:
Well then give me your number and I will call you. The reason is grown men should not hide behind a screen names, they should either meet face to face or at least call each other when you have issues.

I don't know you or your organization, and I don't know any other way to say this, but this is bordering on creepy. You posted this thread info in a 'public' forum where people 'hide behind screen names' like 'KCR', so I am puzzled at your response. Most people are able to express themselves in forums like these. Maybe you should ask the admins to delete the thread since you weren't prepared for public responses.
Last edited by SultanofSwat
Swat look below my name is at the bottom of every post. Also I have no problem with this thread all I am asking is don't guess what I am thinking I will tell you what I am thinking. Just call me. Also I had no idea the purpose of this message board was to be able and hide behind a screen name and just say things that are not true. This message board use to be an awesome place for parents to get information. Also a place for organizations to post updates on players and scores. That has changed and if this site is moving in the direction of being able to bash organizations, people, and kids and continue to hide your real identity then your right I should not be on this board posting.
You guys criticizing Cade simply don't know him or what he is about. Nothing makes him happier than when kids sign on to play in college or the professional ranks. He doesn't care if it is a D-BAT Mustang kid or a Dallas Tiger kid or a Dallas D-Back kid or any other organization. If you ask him to help, he will try and find a fit for your player, whether he plays for D-BAT or not. He has helped my son twice...the second one long after he left the D-BAT program. His congratulations to those players listed are sincere...who cares if the D-BAT logo is on there or not.

If that truly bothers you, you should probably count your blessings that you don't have worse things going on in your life.
Originally posted by KCR:
Unbelievable, all I am saying is congrats to the kids that have played for D-BAT. I am not taking credit for anything at all. No deference in when I said Congrats to former D-BAT player Clayton Kershaw for winning the Cy Young Award. Or when I said congrats to all the D-BAT kids that made the Area Code games. Clayton played for Tommy when he was 14. I have no issue with Tommy saying Congrats as well. You think this is about me when its not, its about the Kids and Congratulating them. People that know me well would agree. When Clayton won the Cy Young I saw on the
Dodgers Double A website "Chattanooga Lookouts" Congratulating former Lookout player for winning. He played of us 10 times more then them. So are they taking credit for him winning? They didn't say thanks to everyone he had played for in the past, just the Lookouts. You are a D-BAT hater so that is where this is all coming from. Why don't you come by my office and sit down with me, you would figure it out in 30 minutes what my motives are. Call me Nuke and Texas Crude if your not the same guy and lets set up a time to meet. My office number is 972-398-1000 Thanks CG

Sometimes it's best to post and forget. Some people just have to agitate to make themselves feel good. I think you were just trying to congradulate kids you have seen grow up and play with the organization or with others. I do not know you nor do I have a kid in the dBat organization I understood that you were congratulating local kids on a tremendous accomplishment. Most people get it and the rest are typically knuckleheads not worth the agrivation.

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