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Yes, we're ready to rock. We just played in a warmup tourney in Branford, CT this past weekend (and won, thank you Big Grin)).

We're the RI Wolfpack and will be there Aug. 3-10th. Unfortunately, it looks like we'll be without 2 of our players, as the two teams in our state LL championship both have 2 players from our AAU team. Frown

Let's try to say "hi" that week, maybe watch a little of each other's sons?

I'm coaching so I'll be there all the We almost had the same situation as 2 of our players Ripken All-Star team made it regionals but they lost so we will all be there ready to play. We have a couple of scrimmages this weekend to prepare for next week. We are checking in early on friday. I have a blinking eyed pin for your son so tell him not to trade with anyone from our team. He can trade with my son Mike. As we get closer to heading out and see when our teams are playing etc we can make plans on meeting up to at least say Hi and such. I'm getting excited as we leave in 1 week!!
Redsox et al,
Yes, the time is coming!
Kids are getting excited.
Parents are getting nervous.
So much of our time has been spent geting ready. Now we'll have to see what we can do.
Yes we are flying into Albany on Thursday and will arrive in Cooperstown on Friday. We have a "lodge" that 4 families are sharing. Might be party central.
I expect a lot of late evenings spent on what was, what could have been, and what should be around the communal table.
I hope for good performances from our players and tolerant parents (we have one you can hear from the next county)
and maybe a chance to make new friends all around.
Thanks for the encouragement RedSox. It was a blast! We lost in the sweet sixteen round in 8 innings. We were up 3-2 in the top of the 8th until our pitcher got one up to a 6 foot, 250 lb. kid with two on and two out.

We lost 5-3 on a walk off.

I couldn't be prouder of all of the kids. They played their hearts out, never gave up, and helped keep everyone's head up and in the game.

We had one game where we were down 7-1, then 9-7, then 12-9. We won 15-12 when my son hit a two out, walk off grand slam to end the game.

It doesn't get any better than that!!
Sandman and Rollerman

Do you know what skill competition your son will be competing in? My son is 5' 6" tall and a solid 140lbs so needless to say he will NOT be our roadrunner competitior! He made our teams finals for golen arm but lost out in the last round as a kid hit the terget in the air on his first 3 throws. He also made the homerun hitting finals but came up short in that one too. so he will most likely man 1B or the OF for the around the horn plus competition.
Here's a tip; ALWAYS make sure you score at least one more run than the team you're playing! Evidently that's the ONLY way to win the game, we didn't do that and lost our first tournament game after being seeded 3rd and getting a couple of byes in the championship week last year.

PS Doughnutman, my older son plays on the same team as Max Sapp who holds the Cooperstown record for home runs in a week. Max said he was 6'2" 250 at 12, a lot like the kid you saw. That's WAY too big for those small fields.
Last edited by Innocent Bystander
My son qualified for the "golden arm" competition.
He will not be doing any other skills event because he qualified for that one.(they could use him in left field) Your son would have done pretty well in our "roadrunner" event. We used a callender to time our "runners"

Staying with the kids over the week! I hope you had your valium presciption filled!
Do you have some idea as to when they will release the schedule? I'm looking forward to lining things out with the competition.
My son will likely only be in the "around the horn" comp, not sure where yet. I think we're going to work that out at practice Thurs. night. He's only 4'11-1/2" and 105 lbs, so HR derby wasn't happening when we have several post-pubes. Smile He's also not the fastest (nor slowest).

I am a coach on this AAU team and was asked to stay in the barracks, but my son actually wanted some space for a change (as I've been his coach since T-Ball). My wife and I thought it prudent for HIS development. We've rented a nearby home for my wife, daughter and a friend.

Also, I'll tell my son if he sees anyone from the New Hampshire Diamond Devils trading a blinking eye pin (our team has a blinking eye wolf) to make sure he's trading w/ "Mike". Smile
Last edited by Sandman

so you have the best of both worlds? coaching and not staying in the barracks!!! Lucky guy!

You guys know I'm going to look foolish asking around for "Sandman" and "Rollerman"

Perhaps you could share your real names and son's names even if through a pm to That might be helpful in actually meeting up at some point!
Originally posted by redsox8191:
Hmmm....looking at past years I won't mind playing against the Rhode Island wolfpack as you guys get seeded around where we do but I don't want any part of the Fresno Blue Devils!! you guys are the typical CA team going 7-0 or 6-1 and making the final 8 or better in the tournament..Heck in 2002 & 2003 they came in 2nd I saw!!

For the record, the Wolf Pack only has 3 players from last year. We have 2 very good pitchers (one is 6'1", the other a few inches shorter). They both bring it low 70s with nasty deuces. Every player on our team has hit HRs too. I'm not saying we're going there to beat all the CA, FL, TX, AZ teams, but... we are a bit more legit than last year's team. Big Grin

Also, I don't mind publicly sharing that my name is Mike and I coach the Wolf Pack (Ramblers during AAU season). However, I may not actually be on the fields at this tourney, unless the head coach has enough funds left to spring for another $600 (because you have to pay even if you don't stay in the barracks, which I think is crazy).
Last edited by Sandman
Hey Sandman, I think we had the same conversation on eteamz. I am Danbam over there. If you want to see my son, he got third in the HR derby last week. He is the skinny one with the surfer dude blond hair. We had a lot of coaches come up and say congrats and thanks for competing. My son is 5'9 about 150 lbs. But he looked like he was starving to death against the other two guys in the swing off.

They were huge.

It was a great time!
Mike and Steve (lol)

Well as I think I had mentioned earlier I am Mark and my son is Mike. He is "Big mike" on our team as he is 5' 6" and 140lbs and the other mike is like 5' 1" and on a good day might be He is the bigger of our two left handers. I will be on the field coaching so I'll be easier to pick out as I am a big guy and will be in coaching apparel.

My son thinks it is too funny that I have been talking to two guys who are coming to cooperstown with their sons on the same week, and that I met you guys on this website...especially since he is my only son and is only 12 and is only going into the 7th grade...lmao!! So I am a bit early to be purusing this website in his mind. crazy
Last edited by redsox8191
Well, I've been on this site for 4 years (so my profile says, but didn't they reorganize a few years ago and require starting over?). Anyway, this is a great site and it never hurts to learn from those who've walked the path we seek. Wink

You'd be surprised how easy it is to form some nice friendships out on these boards. When TRhit was in RI a few years ago for one of his tournaments, I took my son to meet him. Just a quick hello and short conversation. From eteamz, I got friendly w/ a fellow Epstein student (at the time) and we actually coordinated taking one of Epstein's nearby weekend classes (in NH). We stayed at the same hotel and had a few cold ones while watching a game and talking baseball. Another eteamz poster (from MA) and his son joined my son and me at a PawSox game a few years ago. They drove down to our house first (20 mins. or so from the stadium) so that they could hit in our cage w/ us before we went.

Speaking of this,... I miss Donny (Swingbuster) and Doug (DMac). Frown These were 2 guys w/ whom I shared numerous emails, PMs and phone conversations over the years. Sucks gettin' old. Frown

Baseball forums rule! Big Grin
Last edited by Sandman
Sandman & Rollerman

I am bummed!! We play at the same time that you guys are playing each other! We are on field 10 which might be nearby so maybe we will finish first and I can go and watch the end of your game.

Rollerman - So what can you tell me about the Star Maker Stallions?

Sandman - The Roger Allen team from NH is a Cal Ripken league which is headed to Cooperstown for the first time ever. It is made up of primarily their 12U All-Star team. They shouldn't be too tough of an opponent in my opinion. I like our schedule better then yours looks pretty tough, at least when going by where they are
I see that we (NH diamond devils) will be on the game cam twice as will the Fresno Blue devils. Little RI only gets one shot on the Unfortunately 1 of our games on the cam will be against the Star Makers from might not be a great game to watch for our fans at

I am so ready to go home, have our last practice pack up and then head up to cooperstown tomorrow!!!

Sandman, Redsox,
What a great time eh?
Congrats on sweet sixteen and final four placings. You guys had great runs.
I find that the "Man-child" teams really dominate the competition. Kids at that age are all over the board on the maturation schedule.
That kid from Washington, 6'2" and close to 200lbs pitched 4 complete games for his team. Talk about pitcher abuse!
Now after all that, my son wants to go have some batting practice.
It was great meeting you guys out there. I hope that someday we can reconvine the HSBBWEB rivalry.

That was awesome!! All 3 of our teams made the sweet 16!! Heck the wolfpack made it to the final 4! And had that Elite team from California not been there the wolfpack would have won it all! The whole village was pulling for the Wolfpack to upset the sliders and they almost pulled it off!! That was a great game..that colton kid is quite the player!

I am so glad I lived in the village with the made it even more special I think! Never in our wildest dreams did we think a little team from NH that had played a whole 3 games before going could end up 6-0 and rated 7th!! and that was with beating a team from Nevada and California too! I saw that if we and the sun Devils had advanced to the Elite 8 we could have played each other..too bad we both lost...we chocked an 11-7 lead in the 4th too! The lack of fielding practice really started to show at the end for us..too many unearned runs did us in!

It was great to meet you guys out there too..wish I had more time to chat but I was stuck with the team...

Yeah, it was great to come from 65th seed to the sweet 16. We ran out of pitching and I think our tank was a little empty come Thursday morning. Still the kids put their hearts into it and, take away the first inning, would have beat the Roadrunners 6-3. After the Wednesday night game the team was in tears. I've never seen anything like it.
The Sliders manager recruited my son a few years back. He's definitly a "Cherry Picker". Glad we didn't go that way.
Did you happen to pass on the message I gave to one of your entourage about the sliders?
Glad you made it back OK. It's a little recognized miricle that so many can trek so far and find their way back.

It was great meeting both of you too. I even got to take in one of Roller's games w/ him and one of his friends (while I was scouting Wink).

We really didn't want the Wed. night games to get rained out, as we thought that winning the 7th game might've pushed us up to the 2 or 3 seed, and allowing us to wait til the championship to face the Cal Sliders. They were good, but we gave 'em a 3-2 game. And yes, Colton is "special" indeed. He threw a perfect game Wed. morning, then came back in relief Thurs. afternoon vs. the Sliders.

But Roller's right too... lots of post-pube dominance at this tourney. Even our team has 5 or 6 kids who are 5'8 and 150+. My son's 4'11 1/2" and 105 lbs. Smile But he managed to hit the fence once that week (no dingers). On that team, he only plays about 50% of the innings, and many of them as the EH.

It was a nice experience, but coming from a parent of a part-time player, not the same "best baseball experience EVER" that you hear about from so many people (who I presume play nearly full-time?). It really is a whole different perspective.

Again, nice meeting up w/ you guys and I'm proud too for all of our teams and how far we made it - sweet 16 out of 96 teams is very good.

Take care; see ya out here as our boys make their way onto the big field.


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