BFS and I go back a few years and as he said, his son was at our facility for some time. Work ethic was not an issue. I look forward to his future as he solidly bet on himself and he developed rather well while at our facility. Touching 93+ MPH on his last day well ahead of TJ recovery schedule is a testament to not only how hard he worked, but how he developed assertiveness from day one to the last day at Driveline - the athletes who speak up and take charge of their training in unison with our machine learning-based software to track and monitor workload get the most out of it, and BFS Jr. was no exception. I am pleased to hear good things about my staff, and as BFS noted himself - and he can probably back it up with some unreturned texts he has sent me! - I'm busy and traveling a lot, as my consulting work with MLB teams and partnerships with organizations like TPI picks up steam.
I miss the period of time where I could be on the floor five days a week, training athletes, connected to it all, but like in any business, growth is a natural process. We have 21 full-time employees and 8 paid interns, and I have to trust that I have developed them as staff and family and let them do their job while I manage our growing R&D team in a separate building.
I know TPM decently, and her son David very well. The "big time" comment was good natured, I am sure of it. Just received poorly on the Internet, as it often can be.
As for me and where I have gone, I read the site here every so often, but most of you know my policies; I generally don't comment on Driveline-specific posts unless there are gross inaccuracies. I took this stance mostly from Jerry Ford's online demeanor, which is one of astute professionalism. I think to intervene in threads is to stifle free speech, and I do my best to not get in the middle of that. People should be free to say things, good and bad, without fear that I'm going to interrupt or correct anyone over small things.
That being said, I figured I'd chime in, just like BFS did, about what we're doing and where I'm usually at. I'll try to make it a priority to post more. BB101 has a month+ of posts that have nothing to do with what I'm interested in, so I'll keep a closer eye here on HSBBW.
Thanks everyone for their support over the years, and now. It means a lot.