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Coach Cox,

Perhaps you came here because you thought it would be a cheap way to find players for your program. This is not what the HSBBW is about. 

IMO this is not what this site is about, and IMO cheapens your program.

I suggest that you might contact the site owner, as to what arrangments you can come to regarding solicitation.


I don't know about the business end of things with HSBBW but as far as the content of the post not being appropriate, I would like to respectfully disagree. If Coach is willing to share his school's info, it might lead to an opportunity for a player that might not  already know about the school. There are many kind people on this site who would love to help a kid find a baseball opportunity somewhere and may be able to help make a connection. Just my two cents.

TPM: actually to go against what you said, clearly you don't know anything about recruiting and utilizing every aspect of connections. I believe that we can't see every kid and recruit him all over the world, so we may find a kid on a site as such looking for a place to play and at lease evaluate him or even the parents of an athlete can help further the child's education. You can't recruit who you don't even know exist.

I do not have any problem with a college coach letting our members know that he has roster spots left to fill. Please let us know if it does lead to one of our players finding a good fit with your college!



The only concern I'd have is:


At some point in the past, I recall someone mentioning NCAA restrictions on college coaches contacting students via our site. I don't remember the details... perhaps it was a restriction on time of year? Anyone able to clarify that point?



Taken literally, (or in D1) would seem to prohibit the OP.  In part,. it reads Recruiting Advertisements. The publication of advertising or promotional material, by or on behalf of a member institution, designed to solicit the enrollment of a prospective student-athlete is not permitted..........

So if posting on this site constitutes "publication", and if the OP can be considered "promotional material", it may be against the rules.  My guess is that the NCAA wouldn't see a problem with the OP.

Well, this is highly unusual.  Recruiting via a message board does seem out of the ordinary, to say the least. Obviously most recruiters don't recruit this way.  Be interesting to see how it turns out. If it is legal and a good player happens to find a home, it might bring in a lot of college coaches on here looking for players.  Of course, I kind of doubt things will turn out that way. 

Guess I haven't really caught on to the Twitter thing. Somehow I have a 1,000 followers though.  Do college coaches use twitter to communicate with players they are trying to recruit and others or do they ask for any player or parent to contact them? Guess it seems like an odd way to recruit players.  What do you do if you get a thousand responses? Fill your camp?

PG - I wouldn't necessarily say coaches are "recruiting" by using Twitter/FG.  But trust me when I tell you that you can find out everything you need to know about a kid via both.  On the flip side, schools and coaches are utilizing social media and other forums (such as this one) to put their program in the public eye.  


Every day I see coaches from small schools and Top 25 schools tweet about how excited they are about a big stud visiting campus, for example.  Name a Top 25 school, they all do it.  Perfect Game's own Kendal Rogers is one of the most prolific tweeters.  Over 31,000 tweets and almost 20,000 followers.  Do a quick scan of his tweets and you'll see him make reference to "@TOP25BaseballCoach" in most of his tweets.  A quick look at who follows him and who he follows shows the same thing... tons of coaches.


By coincidence, I saw this article this morning.  While recruiting is still about relationships, there is a need to be creative and up to date with where the kids are looking.


So, while some may not be in agreement with Coach Cox's use of this platform, I'd say he is on the right track.  With as many experts as there are on here, I'd say this is a quite appropriate place to mention his school.  Maybe somebody will send him a kid.  


Every "old timer" on here gets upset when people advertise through the forums.  I actually do pay to advertise and have no problem with others posting about their products/services.  People on here want information.  The site is about baseball.  As long as its baseball related, I'd say the more info/opportunities the better.  While I have no way of knowing, it would be interesting to see which "old timers" have actually donated to this site.  I bet some have.  I bet some have not.  


This thread has gone sideways, but it has turned into an interesting conversation.



isn't there a difference in using social media to market your program and using it to find players.  Aren't there sites for coaches to go to seek players (ie, berecruited).  Does that cost money for them to access that site?

While we know that smaller programs are at a disadvantage, where does a big D1 program actually come to a website looking for prospects?  Can you give me an example?  The owner has no issue with this, but that doesn't mean that everyone has to agree.

I don't think there is any bigger contributor here than PG, all he was doing was expressing his opinion. Whether that right or wrong not sure where you came up with the money factor. 

There are many people here that have given time, and their advice and their money and never asked for anything in return because they care about helping. Then there are others that use this site for their own personal gain, I can tell you they don't give a hoot about you or me or anyone else.

Last edited by TPM
Originally Posted by Blue10:

I don't know about the business end of things with HSBBW but as far as the content of the post not being appropriate, I would like to respectfully disagree. If Coach is willing to share his school's info, it might lead to an opportunity for a player that might not  already know about the school. There are many kind people on this site who would love to help a kid find a baseball opportunity somewhere and may be able to help make a connection. Just my two cents.

Several years ago on the Virginia Forum, a coach posted that a college was looking for a position player.  Within a few minutes, he had several responses. As I remember, no one gave him any flack.  (I tried to search for the link but couldn't find it with the new format!)

Agree with Coach Mills ....


.... Lets not get overly sensitive.  This site is a resource on many different levels to many different people (players, parents, coaches, fans, etc).  I think we can all agree, trying to sell my 1993 Dodge pickup on this site certainly would be beyond the limits of appropriateness, but baseball recruiting certainly is not.


With all the parents and players participating on these forums ... I am surprised it doesn't happen more often.  Until it becomes an issue or is excessively abused in some way ... No worries ...


Maybe some kid will find a place to go to school and play baseball next season that otherwise wouldn't.



I doubt if many organizations follow twitter more than ours.  Our livelihoods depend on knowing as much as possible about young players. The point I was making is that I personally am not much of a tweeter!


Also, I never mentIoned there was anything wrong with what the coach did.  In fact, it would be great if somehow some kid benefited by contacting him.  What I said was that this is highly unusual.  Not sure how many scholarship schools would want to recruit this way.  Most know the players they actually want to recruit.  


I don't know if it would be considered advertising or not.  I could care less about that.  But in some ways it seems similar to placing an ad in the newspaper looking for college players.  I doubt most college coaches would want their program to be perceived in that way. 


Bottom line... I've never been in favor of any advertising on this site.  That goes back to the days Bob was running the ship.  At the same time, I've never complained or asked for anything "ever" to be removed.  I just don't really care how Julie wants to run this site.  Once again, my opinion is that this post was highly unusual.  We just don't see this type of college recruiting very often.  To each his own, but to me it just looks odd and doesn't really seem to reflect well on the program. And it does bother me when people who have a lot to offer others on this site only stop by once or twice to promote or gain something.  But I guess that is another topic.


On the other hand, if it works, I will have learned something about recruiting and that is always a good thing. I still have a lot to learn! Sorry if my opinion bothers anyone. 

PG - 


I should have been more clear.  Only the top half of my last post was directed at you.  The part about Twitter, etc.    The bottom half was not directed at you. 


Likewise, the rest of this message is not directed at PG.  


There are certain posters that make it feel like its their way or the highway.  If they "like" the post (product/service/camp/etc) you are good to go.  If not, then they very vocally complain that this site is not for advertising.  


If the advertisements/announcements about camps/clinics/tournaments/products/services were eliminated from this site then half of the site would be gone.  "Newbies" seem to get the worst of it.  But, I see "old timers" (even moderators) make announcements that get a free pass.  


Parents and players are eager for information.  They come to this site for information.  My suggestion to "old timers" is to ignore posts that you don't like.  Others may find true value in it even if you don't. 


By the way guys, I hear Lemoyne Owen College is looking for a few good players!  I hear Memphis is beautiful!



Let me put this out there....


We have a Unsigned Senior Forum that kids put their info out there to make a connection.  Why can't we have a School Forum?


Especially late in the year.


School X is looking for 3B with power...

School Y has an opening for a RHP - needs 87+


Out of the ordinary - however crucial information for guys still trying to find a home.  MOST of the recurits get done via contacts.  If Julie is okay with it and NCAA is okay with it - whats the harm?

No harm to the site or the players.  Don't know what it says about the college recruiters that would use it. Recruiting is based on what the recruiter sees and who he knows and trusts.  They have camps for players to attend so they can see them. Effective recruiting is an art, but it requires long hours and hard work.  Too much time following players that  are not what you want can be a waste of time and effort.  Seems to me, just my opinion, that time and effort could be used more efficiently.  


As I said earlier, this is unusual, if it works I will be all for it.  But then will we see MLB scouts on the site looking for players to draft.  Just don't think that will happen, they can't waste time following every player a stranger recommends. They know what they want and they know how to find what they want.  


I salute Coach Cox for trying this.  You can't score if you don't shoot.  I just don't consider this an effective recruiting method and it just seems to give the appearance of a less than quality program. To each his own, though, I've been wrong many times.

Originally Posted by PGStaff:

 I just don't consider this an effective recruiting method and it just seems to give the appearance of a less than quality program.

I agree, perhaps PG put it in perspective better than I , but the impression I got, without looking at the program, that it gives an appearance of a less than quality program.  Not that a program has to spend lots of money on recruiting, just might be better more effective ways to market your program.


I know that your remarks were aimed at me.  FWIW every person who might think this is a good idea, there are just the same that think it isn't.



Sounds like a good idea but reality is (and I asked someone) that a coach that is in charge of recruiting would not attempt to advertise for players on a website unless they checked with the compliance officer and then got the AD or HC to approve.  It's not really up to us what is and isn't allowed, that's a whole other issue they have to deal with, compliance and how they present their program to the public, no matter how big or how small.

I would imagine that most coaches, even allowed might not want to do this as it would give the impression that was stated above by PG.

Most recruiting does not get done via this type of  contact, most recruits that are a 3B with power or an RHP with 87 have already been found either by scouts that have actually seen them or the coach or a professional scouting service such as Perfect Game per their recommendation.  That's what they do and they do it best, sometimes it's best to leave that to those that know more than we do. Even calling another coach for recommendations on players they are not interested in is what many do, the smaller D1 or D2 programs have relationships with many of those big powerhouses. I know that sons former coach recommends players that do not fit his program to others. This to me is a much greater resource.


And FWIW, I do not want my player to go off and play for a guy who has never seen him play.  Ask those that get recruited without actually being seen, unless highly recommended by a good scout how often that works out. Not often.


It's all how you look at it, this is a huge business and those that know that business well are the ones who do it best.


Last edited by TPM

Bob, your post is the reason for my reply. Over in the ask about college forum there is a running post from a D11 program.

Very enthusiastic and informative. Gives information that peaks my interest that I may want to share with someone.  Presenting facts, information is good.


I guess it's all in the way one goes about their business, and how they present themselves to others.  

I guess that when you are in advertising and marketing you notice these things.


are you reference Saint Michaels discussion?

NCAA Division 2 has need for a new marketing program.


Here at Sonoma State U and in your area U of Tampa have recognized programs.


They have more players than they can "roster", however other schools to be competitive will provide opportunities thru different forms of media.


Each school, each coach and each conference will determine the best Marketing program, sometimes thru "trial and error".


If I created a new Area Code event, I would focus on 2 separate events. Professional and Division 1 and Professional & Division 2-3, NAIA and Junior College.



Originally Posted by 2013leftydad:

Let me put this out there....


We have a Unsigned Senior Forum that kids put their info out there to make a connection.  Why can't we have a School Forum?


Especially late in the year.


School X is looking for 3B with power...

School Y has an opening for a RHP - needs 87+


Out of the ordinary - however crucial information for guys still trying to find a home.  MOST of the recurits get done via contacts.  If Julie is okay with it and NCAA is okay with it - whats the harm?

That is an interesting idea, not unlike mine last year.

What I did was post a thread about a few schools that had been looking for pitchers and were interested in my son. Once we made the decision to go to school X, I figured it could not hurt to mention that some schools were still looking for pitchers that late in the game. I suggested others join me as it seemed like a win-win, but as I recall, no one else did.

Regardless if a thread or section were dedicated to helping to let parents/kids know school X is still looking for a certain type of player, I am not sure what the harm would be.

At best it might be argued it is a waste of time, but it is not for us to decide whether someone wants to invest the time or not. Heck if even one more kid gets a shot because someone informed him of an otherwise unknown opportunity, it seems like a positive.



since the site is for parents and kids, coaches etc i would think anyone can post what they want within reason. Whats that old saying :"take what you want and leave the rest"


Hell i wish more coaches would reach out and then you can decide to respond or not. I bet if UNC head coach posted that or USC no one would be flaming about it but go pick on the little guy?


I read it and moved harm no foul

Originally Posted by whits23:


  I bet if UNC head coach posted that or USC no one would be flaming about it but go pick on the little guy?



If they did, I would seriously think that there was something definetly wrong with their programs.

We had a couple of D1 coaches who used to drop by for discussions (they didn't need this site to find players), since rules prohibit certain type of contact at different times of year, they don't come here anymore.

It's ironic, one of them was from Memphis.

Coach Cox...  Thank you for adding some life to the site and pulling it in an innovative direction.  Without people like you, this site would be full of stale old hatchings by the same stale old participants.  The internet is an amazing thing that can only grow and get better by people pushing and blurring the lines.  You have done it.  Assuming you have made sure that your content is within guidelines, you may have found a good way to find a player who fits your program.  If you get nothing, you have not wasted much.  In my opinion, if one more player finds a happy place for them to play baseball while meeting NCAA guidelines, anything goes.

Originally Posted by mifdaddy:

Coach Cox...  Thank you for adding some life to the site and pulling it in an innovative direction.  Without people like you, this site would be full of stale old hatchings by the same stale old participants. .

To me, this comment is a joke.  Pulling the site in an innovative direction?  Since Bob Howdeshell  brought life to this site followed by Julie's assumption of the leadership, it has done more for more players and families than can be imagined. To suggest one post by some college coach "adds some life" and adds some innovation is, in my view, ridiculous.  This coach trying to take advantage of the massive following on this site just as many others come on this site to promote some service or product. It is the innovative nature of this site which allows a coach to post and attempt to take advantage of the site. Nothing more and nothing less. Perhaps, just perhaps, mifdaddy it is because there are so many" takers" and fewer and fewer "givers" such as the "same stale old participants" that this site is gradually heading a direction which seems less useful for those who love baseball, love to talk baseball and  what is happening in the game, and for those looking for critically important input, guidance and some criticisms on the process of matriculating through the various opportunities, and challenges, baseball presents for our sons.

As one example, when both the D2 and D3 regionals were being played in previous years, this site used to be alive with information on the teams, competition, players, etc. This year: nothing of the like.

Now, this site is being used by one coach who makes one post and is getting lauded for being "innovative."  What a joke.

Don't come round here using words like that.  Baseball prides itself on nostalgia, tradition, and old school rituals!  Not innovation! And do not try any forward thinking ideas.  You will be ridiculed.  Especially here on the inter-web.  Internet, email, and cell phones are all a fad!  And keep an eye out for the new (or shall I say old) trend back to wool uniforms!


Rich (look for horse drawn buggy tours soon!) (my carrier pigeon is super quick!) 


I have watched this site enough to know that there is a pious group of old-school baseball people who fear thoughts that don't match their heavily-opinionated ideas.  You have just proven my point, infielddad.  Instead of trying to find out how to make this site even better than it already is and help MORE people, you are driving away a contributor who may have some knowledge of the game and add innovation to how this site is used.  You pass it off as "takers".  We all take from this site.  Some of us take data that is useful in our baseball quest, and some use it to bolster their ego.  In the end, we are all "takers" to some degree.  If I were managing this site (I know, scary), I would want to see it grow and branch out in many directions.  Not only would it be more fun to manage, but it would also become more than it was the day I started managing it. 

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