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Can you define what you mean by stalking?

if critical comments (not abusive or vulgar) are deleted within moments of being posted it indicates that someone (with moderating privileges) has pre-targeted the author and is tracking each comment with the intent to harass, lock, delete, or get a date with him ...

this act fits the definition of most cyberstalking laws
Last edited by Bee>
by Krak: I can't tell if this thread is serious or not. For such strong accusations to go hand-in-hand with joking around makes the whole thing confusing.

therein may lie the problem . . .
a) the point has been pretty well made
b) no clapping hands needed
c) mostly us guys can discuss stuff & disagree without having extreme mental anguish - - plus, the time difference could be affecting your interpretation
Last edited by Bee>
Originally posted by Bee>:
Can you define what you mean by stalking?

if critical comments (not abusive or vulgar) are deleted within moments of being posted it indicates that someone (with moderating privileges) has pre-targeted the author and is tracking each comment with the intent to harass, lock, delete, or get a date with him ...

this act fits the definition of most cyberstalking laws

It could also mean the person posting may have have raised red flags.
Again I ask where is the freedom of speech and expression of opinions??

Further what/who gives moderators the power to be all knowing and all powerful in these cases--there is no judge and jury just a dictator---we do not even know who the moderators for each forum are , do we?

If I am going be shot I would like to know who is firing the gun wouldn't you?

You cannot even talk to anyone about the deletion, whatever, because nobody knows who did the deletion
Last edited by TRhit
On Beckett Hobby Baseball Talk, you are not allowed to discuss politics, religion, tobacco (except for the baseball cards) alcohol, s-x, values of baseball cards (yes, the site is about baseball cards). You are also forbidden from criticizing or discussing topics or posts that have been locked or deleted. This is the short list. Count yourself fortunate. They have permanently deleted several members and they have many attorneys on their payroll that say that they can do it.
Last edited by MTS
It could also mean the person posting may have have raised red flags
hmm, so you're saying they likely keep files on each of us

then they target & "flag" certain websters so they can follow & harass them and their ideas
(again not abusive or vulgar posts, just not in "lockstep" with certain moderators)

I am a moderator on some but not all fora (please note the proper usage of the plural for forum) and never make an edit, deletion, or lock a topic without stating that I did it.

I agree with MTS ... it is more likely a matter of some people having been put on notice.

By the way, the concept of freedom of speech in the Constitution applies to restrictions by the government and does not apply to private message boards. But what the heck ...
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
Originally posted by itsinthegame:
Originally posted by MTS:
They have permanently deleted several members and they have many attorneys on their payroll that say that they can do it.

That is a comforting thought - LOL

I think it is unfair, but it is a private site with the message boards offered as a service. They could make it a pay site only or remove the message boards altogether. Perhaps some of those "controversial" posts should be sent via pm or if you feel the pm here is compromised, then via your own email
To be honest this is all getting out of hand---I think that the main problem is that "certain" people want it their way and are not into being told they are not in accord with other and do wnat a good debate---Many of you were not here when myself, Been There and NY Mom used to "go at it"---great debate all the time and we are still friends today

"ITS" is probably my closest friend on this site and we disagree all the time-- but we are still the best of friends

Heck, my wife and I disagree on a million things but we still kiss each other at bedtime and say "I love you" as we go to sleep---

Human Beings are what they are--individuals with individual thoughts and that is great--that is why this country is what it is

What is even worse is that many believe that this virtual cyber world is their real world --- perhaps because they have no connection to the real world that is out there--- and that is sad
IMO - Lets be honest - there are so many veteran posters - who I know are still reading - but not posting as much. And they added so much knowledge,experience and flavor to this site.
It is what made the site so interesting IMO.

Why are they not posting?

Because the site is changing. That is a fact.
Its a fact us oldtimers have to get used to.

We can continue to participate - (and probably get deleted or edited) - or we can leave. That is our issue - not theirs.

That is just the way it is.

But here is my take:

We now have people that have all the answers - on every subject - regardless of whether they have real experience in the subject matter.

If you call them on it - you get edited or deleted.

Maybe - just maybe - they will look in the mirror - be honest with themselves - and accept the fact that they dont know everything.

I am - personally - getting sick of the lectures on every conceivable baseball subject - from people who have never played a single inning - never coached a single inning - and never really understood what it means to spill your guts for one play.

Just being honest - and now - this post can be deleted or edited. LOL

Last edited by itsinthegame
At the risk of getting dogpiled...I will add my opinion....

There are several ways to debate or disagree with people. I have found that if you debate or disagree with a civil tone and with civil words then you are "heard" and you can carry on a "discussion". When posters become combative in their approach, most of us general everyday posters tend to shy away from that person or thread.

All of us should treat other posters like we would want to be treated. If you have something to say that is "too direct" for the public board then send them a PM.
Last edited by cheapseats
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