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I believe one of the reasons Bob decided to get out was because of people bringing up potential legal problems. Who needs that???

There’s no problem with disagreement and debate, but I cringe every time someone brings up lawyers and potential legal problems.

Complaining about something is one thing. Violation of the law is serious stuff!

Is the intent to put an end to this message board?

Because bringing up possible legal problems will get almost anyone to start wondering if it is all worth it.

That would be too bad because I think most people who post here really enjoy this site, which might be the very best and most important site in amateur baseball.
Last edited by PGStaff
Well said, PG.

The old saying, "If you can't say anything nice, shut yer trap" or something like that ought to apply, especially to this web site. Differences of opinions on technique, rules, or what-have-you can be hashed out here. That's pretty much what HSBBW is all about. That can be done effectively in a civil manner. Once a poster injects negativism, they lose credibility and weaken their point. I see no value in the bickering.
Last edited by infidel_08
Originally posted by TPM:
Originally posted by justbaseball:
observer44 -


Count me in on that one too.

Me, too.

Originally posted by PGStaff:
Is the intent to put an end to this message board?

Because bringing up possible legal problems will get almost anyone to start wondering if it is all worth it.

That would be too bad because I think most people who post here really enjoy this site, which might be the very best and most important site in amateur baseball.

Add to this headache/nightmare the COST of this website every month...month after month after year after year...with the cost of operating this site rising like it has due to its popularity----add to that the cost increases of just living everyday--gas and food as two examples and I would certainly wonder if it is worth it, too.

I think we have a tendency to think of this site as just "out there", like magic. Well, it isn't just magic, it takes a lot of money and (wo)man hours---all volunteer hours, by the way, by real people who could certainly be doing something better with their time than what they have been called upon to do--dealing with this c*rap.... They have all been dedicated to keeping this site family-friendly....and a site with a lot of class. The owner doesn't have a stake in the business of baseball at all. She is just a wonderfully warm and friendly woman in Minnesota--with demanding "real" jobs (plural), and two young men and one husband who need her---and they don't need her to be stressed out over all of this nonsense.

I have made some really nice friends from all over the world--some whom I know only through the computer, but I have met a number of them in person. I count them all as true friends. At this point I cannot imagine my life without knowing them, and I sure don't want the friendships to end due to a handful of selfish and unreasonable people.

I really don't understand why we can't all just get along. We don't have to like everyone, but there is certainly no reason that we can't get along. Hold your tongue, sit on your hands, walk away from the computer for awhile. Don't post. Please let this message board be what it is supposed to be about---helping high school baseball players.

Please understand that the college scene is different than it was even 3 years ago. Please understand that not every player is a D1 stud. Please understand that even if a kid was a D1 stud, he may not want that commitment or that level of play. Please understand that not every school or coach is perfect---there ARE politics involved and a kid can be incredibly dedicated and play "lights out" and it doesn't affect playing time at all. Please understand that size does matter---most of the time. Please understand that a family may not have a ton of money to spend on getting their kid seen. Or they may not want to. Please understand that what is good for one family may not be good for another. And what worked for one family with one kid may not work for the same family with a different kid---the baseball scene has changed.

"Different strokes for different folks. And so on and so on and scooby dooby dooby.

Ooh sha sha. We've got to live together".
Last edited by play baseball
Originally posted by observer44:
paranoia [pӕrəˈnoiə] noun

1. a type of condition in which a person has fixed and unreasonable ideas that he is very important, and that other people are being unfair or unfreindly to him

2. baseless or excessive suspicion of the motives of others.


play baseball,
Sorry, this is what I meant was un-freakin beleiveable. Big Grin
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
I was being sarcastic !

Yes, I see that. Some may see that as a direct intention to begin an argument.

Play baseball,
Funny thing here though, after Bob announced he was closing this site, many requests to take it over, after much consideration, he gave it to a MOM. Why?
t the risk of getting dogpiled...I will add my opinion....

There are several ways to debate or disagree with people. I have found that if you debate or disagree with a civil tone and with civil words then you are "heard" and you can carry on a "discussion". When posters become combative in their approach, most of us general everyday posters tend to shy away from that person or thread.

All of us should treat other posters like we would want to be treated. If you have something to say that is "too direct" for the public board then send them a PM.

I believe that cheapseats is absolutely right. I was raised with the "golden rule" and I believe that most of us on this site were too. I understand why many, many people "lurk" this site and don't post questions. I believe the reason is that they read so many questions from other posters who are insulted, demeaned, or otherwise responded to in ways that are much less than helpful. I don't believe that is the point of this site. This site is for the learners and the experienced, its not a competition for the "last word" or to be the ultimate authority on everything.

I know that there are those there right now who believe that their responses are "blunt" and to the point and therefore not rude, but really, many of them are demeaning to the original poster or someone else's response. NO, I am not suggesting that we sugar coat our responses, but I am suggesting/requesting that we post in ways that are respectful of others. It is common courtesy.

If you think the question is stupid, unworthy, whatever, well, you don't have to respond at all now do you?
I know that there are those there right now who believe that their responses are "blunt" and to the point and therefore not rude, but really, many of them are demeaning to the original poster or someone else's response. NO, I am not suggesting that we sugar coat our responses, but I am suggesting/requesting that we post in ways that are respectful of others. It is common courtesy.

If you think the question is stupid, unworthy, whatever, well, you don't have to respond at all now do you?

Amen, sister!
Speaking as an attorney -- the kind who sues people for a living -- let me share with you one of Abraham Lincoln's sage sayings about how good lawyers behave. (I may not have this verbatim, but the thrust is correct.)

Eighty percent of being a good lawyer is telling clients that they are ****ed fools and they ought to stop.

And so, dear friends, may I humbly suggest that someone close this thread?
Originally posted by PGStaff:

Because bringing up possible legal problems will get almost anyone to start wondering if it is all worth it.


And if you think I will ever be cordial to some jerk that comes onto this great site and talks attorneys - you are dreaming.

Thats just the way it is.

And if it means I get hammered off this site - so be it - but I wont stand by and let some clown spout that stuff without going down without a fight.

this topic came about NOT because of ... a need to criticize the webmaster & mods or debate blunt vs sugary responses

many mods do the best they can at a pretty thankless unpaid, unappreciated, but necessary job. it does become necessary for them to draw the line at times and of course someone will usually feel that they got the short end of the deal.

face it tho, it's the kind of job that --- "if ya want it ... ya probably shouldn't have it"

a few mods have commented & they seem thoughtful enough to change their methods if they're not appropriate.

troubling is the number anonymous mods with editing privileges whose actions are apparently untrackable by the webmaster. there is no way to address an issue with someone whose actions invisible to both the websters & the owner. they needn't even be identified by name, but when they edit another person's thoughts it should at least stamp "edited by #16" or whatever the case.

to sum up, I agree it is entirely necessary that an editing decision be made in some discussions with a mod comment to tone it down or whatever ....

but - - that is not the same as an anonymous person compiling a blacklist of websters to track and review each post they make, editing the context, and then remaining anonymous after the edit.

ps; it's only paranoia if they're NOT out to get ya Wink
Last edited by Bee>
Originally posted by Bee>:

troubling is the number anonymous mods with editing privileges whose actions are apparently untrackable by the webmaster.

Bee -maybe there is a gifted computer hacker among us or maybe your spouse has your password and is editing you. Wink

I agree with your suggestion, perhaps moderators could send you a PM or include their screen name when removing/editing posts.
Last edited by cheapseats
Originally posted by cheapseats:

I agree with your suggestion, perhaps moderators could send you a PM or include their screen name when removing/editing posts.

I agree Cheapseats. As a moderator of one forum, I have never edited or deleted anything without posting and assuming responsibility for it. I think this should be a given IMO. To do otherwise just contributes to the negative emotions that are typically already associated with the post.
I am going to lock this thread, as one poster suggested. Please don't get too upset until you read to the end of this post.

There have been some helpful and informative thoughts posted above...some of those helpful thoughts expressed in the positive posts, and some expressed in the negative ones! I don't know what the situation is that prompted the original post, and I'll admit I don't enjoy it when someone a little later in the thread says this site is run by a "dictator". Smile Hey, that "dictator" sits in my chair, works for free, and tries very hard to be kind, respectful and fair to all members. Wink

It's hard to decide sometimes when a "debate" like this is beneficial to the site, and when it becomes too full of negative and accusatory statements to be beneficial. There are a lot of good thoughts posted here! But I hate to make visitors and members wade through a bunch of negative and unpleasant statements to get to the helpful ones. By locking, not deleting the thread, I allow members who were aware of the thread and are interested, to know what happened. But at the same time, this prevents it from keeping on popping to the top of the message list, hitting unfamiliar visitors and new members with negativity right up front.

So as I stated above, I am going to lock this thread, but I am going to start a new one, inviting concerned members to express their suggestions in a constructive way. Members who posted helpful thoughts above, I apologize for needing to lock this thread, and I appreciate your input. Please feel free to copy your post from above and paste it in the new thread.

Meanwhile, if any member has an urgent concern about something that has been directed toward you through this site, by way of PM or otherwise, please feel free to PM me or to e-mail me at Thank you for your patience.


P.S. In taking the action above, and in all of my own actions and my interactions with other moderators, I try very hard to follow the guidelines posted on our Board Manners page:

I would ask that other members who are in doubt about what is acceptable and what's not, also read through that page again.
Last edited by MN-Mom
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