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OK, coach wants her wide...really, really wide by the looks of the video. Just looks like too much of a good thing. Just a few inches shorter would help. Just watch and make sure she doesn't start moving her weight forward in she tries a narrower stance/stride.

Somebody mentioned it looked like she was late getting the stride foot down...looking at the video again, I agree.

She will struggle making any swing will require hers,yours and the coach's patience for her to get through the relearning phase.

No matter if she makes a change, she can be successful with the swing she has now.
S. Abrams,look at how her feet are turned out,we have straightened them out so that should make her narrower but not quite as much as some would like.

I got a link for the picture that shows her stride foot down and the hips open but the hands and bat are still back.

Click on link,this site is having problems accepting my pics but the other site does not.Even tough I have posted many pics before.�
Last edited by tfox

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